Филологические науки 1.Методика  преподавания языка и литературы


Фёдорова Марина Леонидовна

ст.преподаватель , КГУ им.А.Байтурсынова, Костанай,Казахстан


Effectiveness of individual and differentiated approaches in teaching foreign languages

Practice shows that the currently used two basic organizational forms of differentiation are:

1. External differentiation the main indicators of which is the separation of students by age, interests, achievement, etc. Forms of external differentiation are special schools and classes with a certain bias, electives  for high school students, language courses for students.

2. Internal differentiation: within each group there is a division of students into smaller sub-groups according to various criteria, such as the degree of advancement in training or a combination of similar individual psychological qualities.

In the training process individualization of learning and differentiated forms of work with students are the bases of the principle of individual approach.

Thus, the similarity of these phenomena is that the learning process is aimed at the personality of the student,   his individual cognitive, psychological characteristics.

         The grammar of a foreign language is one of the most difficult aspects, because the grammar of the native language is different from the grammar of a foreign language, that’s why many students often slip into the Russian language, so it makes sense to differentiate domestic and independent (control) exercise to verify the assimilation of grammatical material.

While improving the skills of speech, including  the retelling of the text, students of lower language level can prepare a plan to resolve the answer, use the keyword, extracts of their text. These students begin the retelling, higher level students  complement and extend the story. A dialogic speech activity is carried out in the best way, when high and low level (or average) students are paired to cooperate. Such pairs can not be constant. For example, at first dialogue is prepared by higher and lower level students, then by higher and average level students to stimulate higher level students. In addition, students enjoy the practice of public speaking, presentations, it is better if these reports will be prepared by higher-level students. Besides, the practice of making a report  is a non-special exercise to develop listening skills.  A more gifted student, who prepares a report, can also prepare after-listening exercises for the whole class, such as: «Find the correct answers», «Agree or disagree», «Find the appropriate picture». For higher level students it is a good exercise to develop speaking skills, speech in public. In addition, such tasks make the lesson more interesting for the rest of the students.

Most often, all the work in the classroom is  conducted at the same time with the whole group, but sometimes such organization of work can be applied when the teacher with some students works frontally, while others work independently. This work is also justified when, for example, lower level students are working on the implementation of tasks aimed at controlling the assimilation of material at this moment the teacher has time to work with higher level students, answering their questions, and vice versa.

It has been already mentioned, that it is necessary not only to differentiate tasks but to control processes. Of course, in the differentiation of tasks it is very difficult to organize frontal test,  but it is possible to apply the following method: high (or low level) students are checking their homework in groups, and the teacher at this time is working with low (or high) level students, depending on the characteristics of the material.

         Working on individualization and differentiation is a huge time-consuming.  It is always very difficult to consider the mood, opportunities, interests, level of knowledge of each student, as practice shows. But if the teacher wants to make the training process effective he must try to implement these approaches at the lessons.

Based on the experimental application of differentiated and individual approaches the following conclusions can be  made:

1. Differentiation and individualization are an integral part of the process of learning foreign language students.

2. The learning process is carried out successfully if the teacher uses these forms of organization in practice training activities.

3.  The differentiation and individualization are labor-intensive organizational forms, which require that certain theoretical knowledge, pedagogical skills, experience, patience and desire.


1.Бутузов, И. Д. Дифференцированный подход к обучению учащихся на современном уроке [Текст] / И. Д. Бутузов. - Новгород

2. Индивидуальный подход к школьникам в процессе обучения. - Горький

4. Кирсанов, А. А. Индивидуализация учебной деятельности как педагогическая проблема [Текст] / А. А. Кирсанов. - Казань

5. Кирсанов, А. А. Психологические основы индивидуализации учебной деятельности школьников [Текст] / А. А. Кирсанов. - Казань