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Bukovinian State Medical University, Ukraine





Participation of teachers and students in the grant programs of our university, the enlargement of duty possibilities in leading European universities, requires learning and mastering of foreign languages for professional purposes.

Among the numerous methods offered today classical classes are supposed to be the most interactive, where the teacher involved in real time conditions can correct their students and evaluate their skills. Students can work with a teacher, individually or in groups. To achieve any progress classes must be regular and limited in time. The most productive time for memorizing is during the first 25 minutes and then 5% per day is lost subsequently. It is better to have half an hour lasting classes every day per week. Obviously, such scheme is not compatible with the nowadays  realities so two hours classes per week are more frequently used in practice as along-term perspective method and quick results should not be expected. Generally, you need from 50 to 100 hours of intensive study to feel the progress and moral satisfaction from your work.

We presume that E-Learning Method in foreign languages study based on experience is effective only for improving certain skills. Today there is a variety of learning possibilities including computer Internet courses, audio courses and satellite TV used as an additional source to consolidate the material studied in a standard manner. We do not deny the fact that companies oriented at distance learning courses can achieve good results. A number of experts point out that many students who start intensive distance study often become despondent. It is clear that they are alone in front of a computer screen and can rely solely on themselves. That is why more providers offer tutors, who can consult you at any convenient time by telephone or   e-mail, and who are coordinating the educational process.

Having analyzed a number of publications dedicated to mixed (hybrid) form of education, namely full time and distance form integration, we consider it the most effective model of foreign languages study. This form is perfectly acceptable for our department, especially for medical students who study foreign languages for professional purposes and use distance study to profound their knowledge previously acquired at school. These courses can also be used for consultation, possibilities to receive additional information and even for self-evaluation of knowledge. Such an opportunity is given by a local telecommunicate network. It also gives the ability to establish at our university the teaching resources system Moodle - modular objectively oriented dynamic learning medium. While preparing and conducting classes in the Moodle teacher uses a set of materials including didactic material, grammar, additional audio-video, self-assessment and others.

Teacher’s task is to create the corresponding educational forms for the aims and objectives of the lesson combining various course elements and organizing study of the given material.

For those who want to learn quickly, but have little free time to attend classes, phone is a possible alternative because the teacher can contact you at your work place at a convenient time for you. Modules are short (15 to 30 minutes), twice or three times a week, in some cases, training can take place early in the morning or late at night. Phone is a good addition to the E-Learning courses.

Foreign language lessons by e-mail are popular nowadays in Europe. E-mail letter containing text, audio documents, questions on understanding, active vocabulary and grammar exercises per day, offers ten-minute sessions. The results will be available in five minutes.

Involvement into target language medium is very popular and optimal for both students and teachers to improve foreign language study. It is a radical way to experience the language and learn about the culture and national traditions. Our students have such a possibility during the summer internship in Austria, Germany, France, and because of an educational program Erasmus Mundus, which promotes the mobility of students, teachers and scholars of European universities and higher education institutions in the third world countries all over the continents.

So one of the important tasks of modern education is to train highly qualified professionals containing information and communicative technology, foreign languages knowledge and can independently acquire it. Therefore, considering Bologna process, the ratio of independent work of all subjects in a curriculum is increasing.