Sydorenko I.

National Technical University of Ukraine

“Kyiv Politechnic Institute”, Ukraine

The notion of the author’s idiostyle as an object of linguo-stylistc analysis


The issue of language of the personality and its unique stylistic features always has been one of the fundamental in the linguistic analysis. Consequently, the notion of the author’s individual style became the object of investigation of many great scientists such as N. Bolotnova, V. Vinogradov, G. Vinokur, N. Golovchenko, V. Kucharenko, B. Larin, I. Tarasova. Almost all researches agree with V. Vinogradov who determined individual style as complicated but structurally connected and internally bonded system of specific stylistic means inherent in textual activity of the certain author.

 Grammatical approach to the study of the language of the literary writing that predominated at the beginning of the XX century didn’t reveal the whole essence of such complex phenomenon as stylistics of literary speech. The general strategy of modern linguistics of the text is the analysis of it as the communicative system determined by such inalienable component as the author’s personality in the totality of his psychological, sociocultural and cognitive peculiarities. While it is true to say that in modern scientific environment common approaches to the interpretation of the categories “idiostyle” and “individual speech of the writer” in the context of linguo-stylistic analysis of the literary text don’t exist.

         According to the previous analysis of linguistic approaches to the scientific research of idiostyle we can separate six main approaches which, to our way of thinking, give the fullest understanding and characteristics of individual style as a part of stylistic system of the literary text. They are: systematically structural, esthetically marked, imagery compositional, communicative, addressee directed, functionally dominant.

         Systematically structural is characterized by structural study of the style of the literary text where the central place belongs to the author’s image (M. Brandes, V. Vinogradov, V. Grigoryev, V. Kucharenko, L. Novikov and others). One of the basic tasks of clarifying the inner unity of stylistic means of literary text, by V. Vinogradov, is the problem of author’s image speech structure. Scientist indicates that the inner connection of all elements of the author’s idiostyle creates some specific literary unity caused by the tendencies of the development of the literary genres [4, p.107].

Contrary to the previous approaches to the study of individual style, esthetically marked one is connected with the esthetic modification of specific expressive author’s means as a precondition of the formation of his individual method (M. Bahtin, B. Larin, O. Stavitskaya).

Individual style and individual creative consciousness , according to M. Bahtin, aren’t defined only by the linguistic means. Style is not a language in its narrow understanding but esthetic writer’s perception and feeling of his writing as a tool of creating new literary reality [2, p. 177].

Representatives of imagery compositional approach focus their attention on the originality of individual style from the point of view of unique individual dynamics of speech forms, imagery transformation of text creation and compositional methods of prosaic strophe forming (V. Vinogradov, G. Vinokur, A. Domashnev, B. Larin,

G. Solganic, І. Shishkina). Style as personification studies G. Solganic who thinks that to define the peculiarities of individual style means to determine and describe them on the background of the common, widespread. Scientist sees individual style in the prosaic strophe forming and indentation division of compositional and syntactical structure of the text [7, p. 231].

Communicative approach is considered by such researches as N. Bolotnova, N. Golovanova, О. Selivanova, B. Chernyavskaya. N. Bolotnova links attention to the idiostyle with the communicative approach to the text stydy. Individual style, which becomes apparent in textual activity in the process of communication, reflects language culture, type of thinking, thesaurus [3, pp. 15-21].

Addressee directed approach is connected with the problem of effectiveness of author’s textual activity concerning addressee taking into consideration specificity of their speech personality (I. Arnold, А. Bondarenko, V. Samohina (Dmitriyenko)). Text as a message is examined in the works by I. Arnold. The researcher believes that stylistic analysis must be carried out basing on the reader’s own perception of the author’s text [1, p.28].

Functionally dominant approach based on the stylistic analysis of the text and revealing special idiostylistic concepts-dominants and different language ways of it representation is used in the works by L. Vigotskij, N. Golovchenko, A. Tarasova. The aim of idiostyle description is in its correlation with the notion “concept”. We must interpret individual style as the unity of mental and linguistic, concepts and cognitive structures of its language embodiment [8 pp. 9-10].



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