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Doctor of Philological Sciences Gaisha Imambayeva (1),

Master of Law Erik Akhmetov (2),

Candidate of Philological Sciences Toizhan Dzharasova(3),

Master of Arts Aigul Akhmetova (4)

1 Innovative Eurasian University, Pavlodar, Kazakhstan.

2 Pavlodar State University named after S. Toraygirov, Pavlodar, Kazakhstan.

3al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Almaty, Kazakhstan.

4Pavlodar Pedagogical State Institute, Pavlodar, Kazakhstan.

Paradigmatic and syntagmatic connections of word in the process of learning Kazakh and English languages

Abstract: The article deals with the syntagmatic and paradigmatic connections of words in the structure of language competence. The authors analyse the developing of syntagmatic and paradigmatic connections of words in language competence of the person in the process of learning Kazakh and English languages. 

Keywords: Paradigmatic and syntagmatic connections, language competence, component

1. Introduction

Currently in linguistic science has increased interest in the study of the paradigmatic and syntagmatic connections of words in the structure of the language competence of students of Kazakh, Russian and English languages.

A comparative study of linguistic units associated with the paradigmatic and syntagmatic relations of words in different languages ​​is increasing every year and is becoming increasingly important.

Development of general theoretical problems paradigmatic and syntagmatic connections of words associated with basic research Kazakh, Russian and foreign scientists, as A. Baytursynov, K. Zhubanov, S.A Amanzholov, R.M. Frumkina, I.A. Zimnyaya, A.A. Zalevskaya, A.A.Ufimtseva, Z.K.Temirgazina, K.S.Taymetov, T.B. Dzharasova, A.P. Vasilevich, L.V. Ekshembeeva, G.E Utebalieva.

Development of science and technology has caused a great need for information exchange. Increased volume of international trade, diplomacy, expanded cultural ties between the countries. All these changes have caused unprecedented still need knowledge of several languages ​​(Kazakh, Russian, English), translations and translators, prompting the need to study the Kazakh, Russian and English languages, which requires a detailed and comprehensive study of the paradigmatic and syntagmatic connections of words.

The relevance of the study determined the importance of the comparative study of languages ​​of various types, such as Kazakh, Russian and English languages, the need for systematic description of the paradigmatic and syntagmatic connections of words in the effective assimilation of language - the Kazakh, Russian and English.

The relevance of the study is due to the long overdue and need to mindfulness universal assimilation of Kazakh, Russian and English languages ​​in the Republic of Kazakhstan, which will facilitate the accession of Kazakhstan to the highly developed countries of the world community.

The purpose of research - is a comprehensive analysis of the paradigmatic and syntagmatic connections of words in the structure of the language competence of the students learning Kazakh, Russian and English languages.

In accordance with the purpose of the following tasks:

1.     The definition of "paradigmatic and syntagmatic connections of words in the structure of language competence."

2.     Writing a detailed interpretation of the concept of "linguistic competence."

3.     To carry out systematic study of the process of functioning of syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations of words in learning Kazakh, Russian and English with the help of free association experiment.

4.     Determine the specificity and the role of syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations of words when learning Kazakh, Russian and English languages.

Objects of study are paradigmatic and syntagmatic connections of words in the structure of language competence learning Kazakh, Russian and English languages.

The subject of this study is to linguistic competence and features of the formation of the paradigmatic and syntagmatic connections of words in the structure of the language competence of students of Kazakh, Russian and English languages ​​in the experimental analysis.

At the heart of the structural organization of the language are syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations of its elements. These relations are interpreted as a combination of laws and the laws of alternation, the efforts of linguists clearly demonstrated on the phonological material. It is known that "not only sounds - all units of language are subject to two types of laws: they alternate regularly and naturally blended. These laws are basically the same type for the whole language, only in morphology and syntax, word formation and vocabulary they are often more complex than in phonetics "[1, p.3]. The hardest thing these laws are presented in the lexicon, which explains the practical infinity of lexical weight, as well as the fact that the word is extremely difficult to overlap two systems: lexical and semantic, resulting in lexical relations do not show through as clear as phonological.

The fact that the words are connected syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations, was marked by Ferdinand de Saussure, the founder of the doctrine of the paradigmatic and syntagmatics. He wrote: "On the one hand, the words in question, connecting with each other, come to one another in a relationship based on the linear nature of language, which excludes the possibility of pronouncing two elements at the same time ... These elements are built one after another in the flow of speech. These combinations having a length may be called syntagmas ... [2].

On the other hand, is the process of speech for a word having interconnected anything to be associated in memory so that they form groups which are found in very varied ratio. So, the word enseignement "training" involuntarily conjures a host of other words (e.g., enseigner "train", renseigner "again to teach" and others. Or armament "arms", changement "change" and others. Or education "education", appentissage "teaching" and others) that one or another feature similar to one another.

It is easy to see that these relations have a completely different character ... They are not based on the length, localized in the brain and belong to the stored in the memory of each individual's treasure, which is the language. These relationships will be called associative relations "[2, ð.155-156]. Later, freed from the psychology of Ferdinand de Saussure, linguists have replaced the term associative relationship to the term paradigmatic relations. More important for the system description language is to identify two basic relations between linguistic units:

- Paradigmatic,

- Syntagmatic relations.

There are several types of competencies: communicative competence, speech competence, language competence. Let's consider each separately. Communicative competence is regarded as a satisfactory degree of mastery of certain norms of communication, behavior, as a result of learning. Communicative competence - is the assimilation of ethnic and socio - psychological standards, the standards of behavior that mastery of "technique" of communication. In so-called communicative approach provides in addition to mastering the knowledge of the language of practical mastery of technique of communication, the rules of politeness, and norms of behavior.

Speech competence - is the linguistic system in action, the use of a limited number of linguistic resources, patterns of their operation to construct sentences from the simplest expression of feelings to transmit the nuances of intelligent information [3, ð.144].

Language competence is understood as the capacity of linguistic (linguistic) human knowledge, a set of rules of analysis and synthesis units of language, allowing building and analyzing proposals to use the system language for communication purposes. The content of language competence - is mastering the language of categories and units and their functions, understanding laws and rules of functioning of the language.

I.A. Zimnyaya understands the language as a means and speech as a way of forming and formulating thoughts through language in the course of activity [4, ð.102].

 Language competence, we consider as a result of learning, achievement, of course assuming that the same level of achievement can be involved different sets of abilities. High productivity in a foreign language-speech activity can show people with different types of abilities.

 The founder of modern linguistics was Ferdinand de Saussure. We quote his remarks about language and linguistics: "Linguistics - the science semiological. The language must be studied in himself and for himself. Linguistics - the science is not natural and historical. Linguistics - a section of social psychology. Foreign Linguistics: the ratio of dialects and non-dialects boundaries of languages, the history of the development of society through the language, etc. Sounds matter - same here”[4, p.4].

Syntagmatic or/and (syntagmatic) relations in lexicon (Greek. Sintagma - something connected) are implemented in the possibility of compatibility, or valence of the word. Words are come into the relation (connection) with each other based on semantic and syntactic properties, based on the rules of their compatibility with each other (valence), in the context of use. Valency - one of the main features of word-is the potential (ability) combined words (connected) to each other.

Compatibility of the word - it is a specific compatibility of certain words in grammatical forms and syntactic structures and certain words (lexical-semantic variants). Words come in combination with each other based on their semantic and grammatical properties, so compatibility (valence) and is divided into lexical and grammatical (syntactic). Terms of word based on their semantic properties are called lexical combinability (valence). Terms of word based on their grammatical properties, called grammatical combinability (valence). In relationship lexical compatibility enter words, if between the realities of what they call, there is a logical adjacency relationships (subject-logical and associative links) “Mektep-oku (mektepte oku)” house - build (build a house) chair - sit (sit on the couch), a knife - to cut (cut with a knife), wind - blow (wind) school- to study [9].

The term "language competence" has been introduced by N. Chomsky about the middle of the XX century and semantically opposed to the term "use of language." Difference of the values ​​of these terms is revealed as a difference between knowing "speaker-listener" on language and the use of language in the practice of communication and human activities. In an effort to remain within the strictly linguistic research, N. Chomsky tried to ignore the real speech acts and repeatedly emphasized that he had in mind the "ideal speaker-listener", i.e. abstractly conceivable native speaker. Real as a native speaker, with all its peculiarities of speech he described the object is not a linguistic and psychological, sociological, didactic studies [6, ð.107].

By the end of 60s or/and early 70-ies. N. Chomsky followers begin to understand by these terms "language ability," i.e., potential knowledge of the language and the language of its real media, and the "linguistic activity", i.e. the real question in the real world. The contents of these concepts clearly formulated D. Slobyn, pointing to the difference "between what a person is theoretically capable of speaking and understanding, and the fact that he actually speaks and understands in concrete situations" [7, p.23].

Thus, for a short time during the development of the idea was a "shift" in the direction of so-called human factor. This exacerbated the problem of the origin and development of language competence. By N. Chomsky, it is based on innate knowledge of basic linguistic categories (universals) and the child's ability to "design for a grammar" - the rules describe proposals perceived in the language environment. This knowledge is empirical in nature and function as a linguistic intuition ("internal representations" of the language) and the language of introspection speakers. As for language ability, it is recognized education, having a double - natural and social - conditioning [8].

Changing the content of the concept is leading to the expansion of empirical studies on the genesis of an early pre-speech and speech of behavior of children. In foreign science such research is carried out for a long time [13].

Deny the importance of the ideas of N. Chomsky for the development not only of linguistic science, but also psychologically impossible, so many overseas studies rely on them. However, his concept of flow caused methodological criticism, which leads to the conclusion that the concept of linguistic competence and deployed based on this model for this phenomenon, having a number of advantages, it is hardly adequate psycholinguistic, psycho-pedagogical, lingvo-methodical studies [6, p.11].

2. Materials and methods

Development of the association experiment associated with the name of the Swiss psychologist - Carl Gustav Jung, who in 1906-1913 worked with Sigmund Freud and created his own analytical psychology. As a result of a long-term clinical studies have come to the conclusion that in the human psyche plays an important role, not only individually, but also the collective unconscious, the content of which is represented by the archetypes, inherited from ancestors. Central place is the archetype of the self. Proposed to the typology of characters on a basis of two criteria such as installation orientation (extraversion - introversion) and dominant function (thinking, feeling, sensation or intuition) causes and develops the method of associative experiment. Think that word in the lexicon of the person, being the result of human interaction with the outside world, expresses much more than can be found in the study of abstract lexical-semantic system of the language, i.e. without departing from the scope of linguistics [6, p. 52].

The word - expresses the human experience in its interaction with the objective world, as a human cognitive process. On the basis of this statement, we consider it necessary to examine the organization of units of the lexicon, namely syntagmatic and paradigmatic word association in the structure of language competence in terms of the psychological processes of memory and thinking. It is known that in human memory stores information about the structure of our knowledge and its organization [6, p. 93].

Memory is not only remembers and stores information, but also converts the received information. The study of vocabulary in terms of thought processes is the subject of the study of psycholinguistics, which "can be regarded as a linguistic discipline, as she learns the language, and the discipline of psychology, as it learns the language as a phenomenon of the mind" [7, p.6]. Prominent scientist L.V. Sakharov identifies three basic principles underlying the science of psycholinguistics, chief among which is the human factor [7, p.88].

It is known that the factor of a particular person with a real memory, age feature, personal experiences, goals, etc., determines the nature of not only speech, but also the language [24]. Factor of the speaker or hearer human entails the emergence of a specific situation in which the communication takes place [7]. The third important factor, after human factor and the factor of the situation, determining the specifics of psycholinguistic approach to structuring vocabulary is - factor experiment [7]. Psycholinguistics - experimental science, while traditional linguistics is based on the "method of observation" exploring "ready" text [7]. For Psycholinguistics main language is not a distraction from the man, and the man and his speech activity [7].

 Scientist de Saussure believed that associative links can occur only within the ranks of words related paradigmatically [4, p.78]. Later it turned out that "semantics of the word is determined by the totality of its paradigmatic and syntagmatic relations" [8, p. 43].Paradigmatic relations exist in the language, while syntagmatic relations are realized in speech [7, p.47].

Syntagmatic relations are syntactic patterns of speech activity. Word - a stimulus enters into syntactic relations with the word - a reaction to form a phrase or grammatical basis of the proposal [7, p. 33]. Syntagmatic associations can be divided into categories of parts of speech: noun-adjective; noun-verb, for example, a friend - to meet; a friend - true [22, p.93]. Associative fields are types of fields studied in the framework of psycholinguistics and psychology, which "is characterized by the union around the word - the stimulus of certain groups of words - associates" [7, p. 381]. In the fields of associative words of similar meaning are grouped together [7, p. 34]. Associative field of each person and the names on their composition and strength are tied up among themselves. [7, p. 93].

It is our belief parameter level of knowledge and language learning can be introduced for the study of semantic and grammatical level of language ability of the individual to identify the features of syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations of words.

As part of our research in a free A.E 510 subjects participated: students 1, 2, 3 and 4 courses of philological faculties studying Kazakh language - 186 people, students of first, second, third and fourth years of philological faculties studying Russian - English 162 and languages ​​- 160 people. In the task subjects were asked to write the first who came to their minds the words on the word-stimuli: in Kazakh "kitap, oku, akyldy”, in Russian “teacher, foreign language, to read", in English “a student, to study, clever”.

As explained above for a more detailed study of the nature and properties of syntagmatic and paradigmatic relations of word associations obtained by the experimenter from the subjects during the experiment, we had done a free A E on word-stimulus: kitap, oku, akyldy, teacher, foreign language, reading, a student, to study, clever.

These incentives comprehensive study of the association experiment were chosen for several reasons:

-Words-incentives - must relate to different parts of speech

-Words-incentives - belong to different types of languages ​​- Kazakh, Russian and English. There are parallels in other Indo-European languages, which makes it possible to conduct comparative studies.

-data words refer to the area of ​​the neutral common lexicon that allows us to study its lexical-semantic relations in all areas and styles of the national language, i.e. nationwide words, incentives should be evaluative element in its meaning (akyldy, znayushy, clever).

Words - incentives have been selected on the basis of the stimulus material used for the study of associations’ informants learning Kazakh, Russian and English languages.

This choice was due to the comparative nature of the study.

The response time was limited to 3 minutes; the number of responses was not limited. The result obtained was 1438 response reactions, vol. i.e. averaging about 9 per test reactions. Various reactions, including different forms of the word, were given 515 average coefficients of diversity (Cr) responses reactions AE - 0.39. The basic data on the results of the experiment are shown in the table number 1.

 Given the state of the theoretical problems of dichotomy in the speech behavior of individuals, language learners and data from a number of empirical studies put forward the following hypothesis:

    - The level of linguistic identity, industrial use types understanding the native language determines the readiness of the language person in a foreign language.

     - Secondary language personality a person who owns a foreign language, is formed under the influence of the primary language of the person, formed their own language rights.

Based on the above successful and approved by the outstanding scientist K. Toyma: "The Association is a language in its “pre-speech readiness”, revealing the hidden, hidden from direct observation method of “the content of the language” in the memory of the vehicle, opening the mysterious veil over how to construct the human language faculty” [8, p.15].

  1-The procedure for the association experiment

Selected group of subjects read aloud a specific word, and the task was to write down the first word which comes after you hear the word spoken, brought against you. As a result we are recorded the reaction time as well. Each informant brought against only one word from the list to exclude the influence of the semantics of words and other "clean", so the result, that is, each informant was obtained single reaction.

2- Analysis and processing of the results of the experiment consists of several stages:

The first stage of treatment included a selection of responses to each stimulus protocol of experiments on the frequency, on the one hand, and on the distribution of responses by type of the target language - Kazakh, Russian and English languages ​​by level of education (syntagmatic and paradigmatic word association).

Next short-changing reactions were conducted to a certain frequency and functional criteria. For each stimulus word was formed by two arrays (entries), ranked as follows:

  - Decreasing frequency (from the words with the highest frequency of occurrence to the words with a single occurrence);

  - Reaction, forming a group of words or a sentence.

According to L.V. Saharnyi, the problem of classification of associations is one of the most problematic in association studies [8]. Such classifications as psychological, linguistic, logical are widely used and known in psychology.

However, the problem of the distribution of associations for some a consistent base is closely related to the problem of determining the nature of the associative connection.

Traditionally the most common classification of psycho-linguistics associations of “paradigmatic” (if the stimulus and response are in paradigmatic relations, such as "chair-stool") and “syntagmatic” (if they are in syntagmatic relations - "chair-stands, a chair-green") are investigated.

Stimulus and response in the paradigmatic associations may be related to the coordination (if they are on the same level of abstraction "chair-stool"), the chain of command (from the "kind" to the "mind": fruit - apple) or (from the "form" to the "old ": chair-friend) and antonyms (friend-enemy).

Syntagmatic relations can be divided into categories: (noun - verb, noun - adjective).

3. Results

Classification of paradigmatic and syntagmatic accessories based on stimulus and response to one or different parts of speech and gives a lot to solve the problem of the nature of the associative connection.

There are words - incentives that are sufficiently ordered associative field, consistently causing some stereotypical responses, there are fields "generated by" other incentives with heterogeneous and chaotic structure.

Based on the foregoing, we had taken the next step of the study. All reactions were ordered by the absolute frequency of occurrence, and then distributed to the individual reactions (paradigmatic relation of words) and word combinations and sentences (syntagmatic connections of words).

For the analysis of the actual associative field used slightly modified, taking into account the task before us, Luria technique, which is presented as follows:

-         failures in different forms (silent response);

-         reaction not related semantically with the stimulus (extra-signal reaction Luria);

-         reaction with the paradigmatic relationship of words;

-         reaction with syntagmatic connections of words [9, p.65].

The most interesting for our study of the reaction in which there is a close connection between stimulus and response. The classification of this type of reaction differs from that of A.R. Luria. We have identified the reaction, followed by the words to a single structure. We called them “reactions deployment”, for example: “manerlep soyleu”, “speak concisely” represented first-year students studying Kazakh as a second language.

After examining the two approaches to the organization of vocabulary (traditional and psycholinguistic), we can draw the following conclusions:

      - We agree with the N. Chomsky that in the structure of language competence are innate knowledge of basic linguistic categories (universals) and an individual's ability to “construct for themselves grammar” - the rules describe proposals perceived in the language environment. This knowledge is empirical in nature and function as a linguistic intuition (“internal representations” of the language) and the language of introspection speakers.

     - Secondary linguistic identity from a man who owns a foreign language, is formed under the influence of the primary language of the person, formed their own language rights.

    - Secondary linguistic identity is a set of abilities to the foreign language communication intercultural level and assuming adequate interaction with other cultures.

     - Secondary language personality consists of mastery of verbal and semantic code language being studied, i.e., “the language picture of the world” native speakers and “global” (conceptual) view of the world, allowing a person to understand the new social reality for him. - Development of the student's secondary features of the language of the person, making him able to be an effective participant in cross-cultural communication, and there is actually a strategic goal of foreign language teaching.


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