Omirbekova Aliya,

Asem Mukhanbet

 Associate Professors

 Department of Religious and Cultural Studies

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University




National identity in the context of globalization



XXI century can be called the century of the explosion of identities. National identity as self-definition of individuals and groups in the coordinates of the national community, contrary to the logic of globalization of the world with models of citizenship and transnational identity, played and produced in a globalized world that is projected onto the sphere of international, within social, interpersonal relationships, affecting thus social mega, meso, micro levels. National identity is not only a consequence of archaism, localization, but also a way, integration tool of peoples in the modern world. These circumstances make it necessary for the analysis and evaluation of national identity, comparison and identification of explanatory, analytical and predictive capabilities, formed the theoretical and methodological approaches to national identity in the context of globalization processes.

The formation of national identity in the context of globalization is characterized, on the one hand, the isolation, distancing itself from other national and ethnic groups, search for collective national "I" on the other - the inclusion of resource identity as a "prize" in the competition for positions in the globalized world. The modern national identity is influenced by "transnationalization", which makes it difficult to preserve its integrity, but it is essentially a form of self-determination, which often drives a paradoxical, but associated with a variety of opportunities in the definition of a national strategy for the characters. Thus, national identity in the context of globalization is a process of differentiation, fragmentarization, complementarity system and subjective factors. Complexity of the process of national identity is multi-dimensional criteria of identity, updating the political, social, cultural and symbolic capital.

E.Giddens puts and interprets the fundamental issues of the nation, nationalism and the nation state. From his point of view, national identity and sense of belonging to a nation can not be a constructive force, because nationalism and nationalist aspirations, usually militant, become a cause of violent conflict [1].

Indeed, national acts as the most important social constant in the world of social change. At the same time the growth of national consciousness can be represented as a natural reaction to the standardization of social life. Multiculturalism and national identity are now threatened mankind seek to impose any one model as the only true, neutralize all its diversity under one stencil. Hence the natural reaction of people - protect yourself, your uniqueness. The growing anti-globalization trends related to the fact that people want to be representatives of a common faceless world, and carriers of a particular ethno-cultural and national community.

E. Troeltsch notes that, knowing in each case their own social being, "in fact, we only know ourselves". This knowledge is both a practical necessity and a prerequisite activities forming culture. To understand the essence of society, so it becomes necessary to understanding its ethno-cultural aspect of the integrity and independence, through the recognition and acceptance of its historical destiny. "If you travel around the world and have the shortest way to ourselves, we are on the way, comparing and learning, and always come back to ourselves" [2, 340 c].

All this suggests a methodological unity in the study of general history and national consciousness and identity through the awareness of the social and historical continuity in terms of a common understanding of the processes of social formation and development. The theoretical basis of the formation of the main components of the empirical research was the comparative analysis of the various theories of identity that exist in the social sciences and claiming to explain the process of its formation.

Development of original ideas about the nature and structure of identity held in theoretical writings of B. Anderson, P. Berger, I. Valerstayn, E.Giddens, T.Luckman, J. Neumann, J. Habermas, S.Huntington, E. Erikson and others. To solve the problems are also important works, subject to the consideration of which is the phenomenon of political identity.

An important feature of modern society is the rapid change and global, as the global community and on individual social structures when it is safe to say that the social changes immediately cover all generations and social strata. In the consciousness of the people are reflected and understanding of social and cultural contradictions of globalization trends and local conservatism, language and aspects of mutual conceptual Western and Russian thoughts. All this is accompanied by cognitive ambiguity, existential contradictions, can be manifested in the loss of life goals and modification of the existing system of values. A similar situation obtained in the scientific literature as the "crisis of social identity", which occurs primarily at the level of individual consciousness. The situation suggests the possibility of an identity crisis in the early 70s Levi-Strauss, who claimed that it will become the new century disaster and predicted changes in the status of the problem from socio-philosophical and psychological in  interdisciplinary[3].

The subject of the research is the structure, function, general laws of transformation of Kazakh identity. Considering Kazakhstan identity it must  be taken into account its complex structure and especially the union within the phenomenon of ethnic and civic consciousness. In the scientific literature as the basic components of the study of ethnic identity are allocated, for example, the following main components: a) cognitive (self-identification, selection grounds of ethnic identity, the content of auto- and hetero-stereotypes, notions of "distance" between his group and its relevant ethnic groups); b) affective (feeling of belonging to an ethnic community) [4].

Kazakh identity as a phenomenon of social consciousness as the very public consciousness exists as a group of private, personal self-identity of citizens of Kazakhstan, but in this study come into view, first of all, the components of consciousness formation of which depends not only on the individual, how much is produced structures of society.

From the standpoint of the development of the concept of psychoanalysis identity must take into account its structural and dynamic characteristics. Based on this theoretical position may be noted that the study of identity, especially in scale sample sociological surveys should be paid to its procedural and substantive to the side, so that the past, present and future are experienced man (and therefore society) as a whole. In this sense, it is necessary to consider that identity always remains "unfinished", it is formed continuously. It is from this position in the study was introduced a series of successive questions aimed at identifying the most popular in terms of public opinion trends in the development of Kazakh culture, education and ideology.

From the standpoint of the directions in the sociology and social psychology as symbolic interactionism important component analysis of identity processes are symbolic aspects of social interaction, based on the idea of ​​social origin "I".

The most important, if not the sole basis of identity formation is a historical heritage of the people. It is in the process of historical development formed the unique specificity of social life of the people, their culture, spirituality, mentality. The assertion that history can be called a process of acquisition of individual traits, will be equally valid for individual subjects and for global social systems. Only the uniqueness of individual stories creates a unique combination of specific properties that distinguish them from each of the other systems with a similar structure, and that the history tell us historical identity systems, allowing them to identify. Because, cultural and social systems, as well as an individual, identify themselves with the help of its historical identity, insofar historical personality can be described as "identity".

Instrumental in defining a sense of identity to determine it as a collection of ideas, myths, discourses, narratives, able to create and retain the integrity of government. Calls for the protection of national identity contribute to the conclusion that something is described on the same level of abstraction inherent in all that lies above the party and religious differences. In other words deeply rooted national identity can be described only through its unique historical essence. These identities are formed symbolic forms such as flags, architecture, art and appreciate the history and preserves. Public schools, universities, churches and broadcasting organizations are also repositories of national identities. We can assume that these symbols and ideas behind them are located not only beyond the short-term political expediency, but even beyond the historical stages and political regimes.

It is easy to imagine the world in which there is separation of state and nation, but XX century was a confirmation of the view that the national ideals should have access to the organization of state and government. Memory or story becomes as important overseas as river, mountain, or artificially drawn line. Symbols must be unique, be included in the training materials and to protect themselves from oblivion. National identity must be protected from attacks, especially if this identity is the rationale of the state.

It becomes apparent that if the social actors take on their unique identity among the like through history, respectively, access to the required identity revealed through history [5, 18].

Ultimately, the identity of the social and historical subjects can be displayed only with the help of their stories, since this identity as it is today, always contains more than what can be understood by analyzing the conditions of the present time. In some ways, the notion of historical identity is not the result of the action, and the result of self-preservation and development of the subject. That is why in relation to history, giving it the identity, it is not its acting subject, but merely referential.

Possible to talk about a certain symbolic loading of historical events, although they are important and can be understood in different ways. During the study, respondents were asked about what they think historical images can be worthy symbol of the emerging Kazakhstan patriotism at the present stage of development.

At the present stage of development of Kazakhstan's idea of ​​national identity is directly dependent on many factors, rooted in history - this is the cultural, political and economic ties, and the tradition of multiculturalism and peaceful coexistence of different ethnic groups, and trends related to Eurasianism as a geopolitical and cultural phenomenon. In the context of globalization on identity processes are affected and intensive dialogue with the world, including European culture as the bearer of a special kind of identity is required at this stage of the Kazakh culture kind of self that can make our country recognizable in a variety of world history. This phenomenon speaks to the fact that the more intensive the dialogue, the national identity appears strikingly Kazakh culture. Conversely, a weakening of the dialogue, the erection of ideological barriers may adversely impact on the national culture. It is also important that its development should not live replaced by artificial ideologies, not only prevents forward movement, but also make it difficult to communicate with their own traditions. In sociological and psychological literature allocate different functions of social identity, summarizing the existing presentation may allocate its following main functions:

- orientation (finding one's place in the world);

- structural (save the definition, the ratio of determinism and uncertainty);

- target (device, the construction of models of behavior);

- existential (forecasting, their own spiritual potential).

These functions are formed in full immediately, so it is possible to talk about the stages of the formation of social identity in general and about the stages of formation of ethnic identity in particular.

Perhaps exemplified characteristic stages of the formation of ethnic identity developed by French psychologist Jean Piaget [6, 34-56]. Piaget described three stages:

- 6 - 7 years - a child acquires the first fragmentary and unsystematic knowledge of their ethnicity. At this age, the most important for him is the family and the immediate social environment, and not the country and ethnic group;

- 8 -9 years - a child has clearly identify themselves with their ethnic group on the basis of criteria such as the parents' nationality, place of residence, mother tongue, awakening national feelings;

- 10 - 11 years old – a child already has ethnic identity in its entirety, can describe the characteristics of different peoples, understands the unique history, the specificity of traditional consumer culture.

L.Gumilev  wrote that the  cultural originality of each ethnic group creates a kind of mosaic of humanity, giving it flexibility. "Ethnic diversity, according to Gumilev, it is an optimal form of human existence". The structure of identity in a multicultural environment is very complex. In a multicultural environment, especially in non-conflict situations of inter-ethnic relations, in addition to the need for differentiation manifested a tendency to intergroup integration, which erases the boundaries of identity of certain ethnic and cultural groups. At the same time blurred identity can coexist with a profound sense of their ethnicity, use in the construction of identity more elements.

 The researchers note that it is bietnichal identity is most favorable for life in a multiethnic society, because it allows you to seamlessly combine different perspectives of perceiving the world, to acquire riches of another culture without compromising the value of the property.

In the scientific revolution of modern ethno ethnomethodology and developed a narrow and a broad understanding of ethnic identity: in the narrow sense of ethnic identity is interpreted as an awareness of belonging to an ethnic community, broadly - it also means people's ideas about culture, language, historical past of his people, including of state, territory. As part of the study as a methodological base was used by the so-called "broad" definition, which makes it necessary to separate the consideration of this aspect as cultural identity in the context of the system analysis of processes of identification.

 Considering the identification process through the study of social interaction, which include processes and inter-ethnic communication, it is necessary to take into account that each person acts not as an isolated entity, but as a representative of a particular social group - the nation, ethnic group, subculture, profession, generation, carrier other than one other values, stereotypes or behavioral forms. It is obvious that for age, sex, religion, etc. pay more attention in any culture. Features of behavior are determined by membership in these groups, and hence the behavior of partners in intercultural communication, as the exchange of different cultural attitudes, stereotypes, social myths and cultural achievements, in other words a kind of "fusion of horizons" may be interpreted by the predominance of one type or another reaction to the situation of the meeting with the "another" cultural environment.









1. E. Giddens. Stratification and class structure // Sociological studies. 1992. ¹ 11. P. 107-120.

2. E.Troeltsch. Historicism and its problems. M., 1994

3. C.Levi-Strauss. Structural Anthropology. - M., 1985.

4.T. Stefanenko. Ethnopsychology. M., 1999.

5. L.Akhmetova., L.Veryovkin., A.Lifanova.The main parameters of the Kazakh identity. - Almaty, 2009.

6. J.Piaget. Selected psychological works. M.,1969.