Lavrinenko O.V., Candidate of Jurisprudence, Senior Lecturer, Donetsk Legal Institute of Lugansk State University of Internal Affairs of E.A. Didorenko


Branch Principle of Restriction of Sphere of Legal Regulation by Relations of Wage Labour and Feature of its Realisation in Sphere of Labour Activity of Workers of the State Law Enforcement Bodies of Ukraine


Results spent by the author of the given publication of researches [1-5] became the basis for following conclusions and generalisations. The relations developing in labour collective of law-enforcement body (IAB), is a sphere of action of norms of the labour law, the others are complex institute and are regulated by norms labour, administrative and other branches of the law. Hence, as a whole it is wrongful to name labour relations of employees of bodies IAB of Ukraine only «labour», it is necessary to reflect and an administrative, imperious element which objectively is present at passage of public service by the last. Here the term «service-labour relations» as worker IAB is the representative of the government and consequently, and the subject of imperious relations, developing in the course of realisation of its labour function therefore is more comprehensible. It is necessary to note, what exactly the similar terminological approach is used by many authors in scientific works, there is it and in process of working out and acceptance of norms of the law (in particular, the item 22 Positions about service by persons of ordinary and commanding structure of law-enforcement bodies of Ukraine). Application in a science in the given context of such special terms as «raboche-office activity», «state-office relations», «service-labour relations», «office relations, activity», «office relations», also, undoubtedly, specifies in specificity of such relations, but does not display to the full available difficult legal nature, specificity of structure and features of the maintenance of labour relations of workers (employees) IAB Ukraine, and in some cases contains also tautology signs. Considering stated, it is impossible completely will agree with a position of researchers which categorically deny the thesis about an accessory of persons of ordinary and commanding structure IAB to a category of hired workers. It is thought, that such conclusion demands the additional argument and specification (for example, taking into account character and a contract essence as basis of occurrence of such relations), taking into consideration the developed tendency of «expansion» of the labour law, circle expansions subject structure legal relations which are regulated by its norms, process of harmonisation interbranch conceptual device, and also the ripened reform of sights of researchers on questions on the concept and sphere of action of the labour legislation.

The basic direction of the further development of the special norms regulating service-labour relations of workers IAB, consists in elimination of contradictions in legal regulation of conditions of their work, an establishment of additional legal guarantees and privileges, mainly, on the basis of the labour legislation of the Ukraine adapted taking into account specificity of service to real working conditions of the specified category of workers. Special norms which regulate service-labour relations of workers IAB, it is possible to subdivide on two basic groups. The first group are the legal instructions completely reproducing the general norms of the labour legislation (about duration of the working day, an order of granting of weekly days of rest and holidays, principles of payment and methods of strengthening of discipline of work, guarantee and compensatory payments, privileges for women, etc.). The second group is made by the norms following from the general norms of the labour legislation, but having certain specific features with reference to character and working conditions of workers IAB. These norms can be subdivided into following three versions: norms-withdrawals, norms-additions and norms-adaptations. To norms-withdrawals, for example, it is possible to carry legal statuses about longer trial period and special requirements to the candidate at receipt on service. Norms-additions are as though norms-companions of the general legal instructions fixed in the labour legislation, in particular, it is possible to carry the norms establishing additional social privileges for workers IAB to this group. At last, norms-adaptations are legal instructions which adapt the general norm, the maintenance of the general rule of behaviour to certain conditions, and grow out of such process (an example of such norm – the legal instructions regulating an operating mode). At the same time, the resulted system of special norms could look is more simplified. After all elements of the first group represent the legal instructions actually completely reproducing general provisions of the labour legislation though, as a matter of fact, they obviously do not concern special norms as to the rules of behaviour containing more detailed instructions in comparison with the general norms, more full considering features of the public relations, displaying an originality of conditions and the maintenance of work of workers IAB, individualising the general norms. It is thought, that in the given cases the edition of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine of a various sort of departmental certificates unduly and conducts to their artificial increase. Moreover, such «substitution» leads to formation at workers IAB of legal nihilism and is false focuses them that a legal basis of activity of services and divisions, regulations of service-labour relations of workers IAB are only departmental orders, instructions, manuals, instructions, instead of laws and certificates accepted on their basis of the supreme bodies of the power and management. Considering an abundance of special statutory acts, a number of authors unreasonably transfer a standard regulation of work of employees from «labour» sphere in «administrative», «office». The mechanical statement in departmental certificates of the general legal statuses of the current legislation about work which contain in the Code of laws on work of Ukraine and other laws is represented inexpedient. A number of scientists fairly notice, that the basic form of action of sources of the labour law – their general action. In order to avoid collisions in the labour code it is expedient to fix the general rule about inadmissibility of inclusion of the norms regulating labour relations, in other laws, except cases when it is directly provided in the most labour code.


1.    Лавріненко О.В. Феномен єдності і диференціації в системі правового регулювання соціально–трудових відносин: філософсько–правові та теоретико–методологічні аспекти // Південноукраїнський правничий часопис. – 2009. – №1. – С. 104–113.

2.    Лавріненко О.В. Принцип єдності й диференціації правового регулювання соціально–трудових відносин у системі галузевих принципів трудового права України: монографія. – Донецьк: Донецький юридичний інститут ЛДУВС ім. Е.О. Дідоренка, 2010. – 358 с.

3.    Лавриненко О.В. Понятие и виды дифференциации правового регулирования социально–трудовых отношений (вопросы теории) // Известия Гомельского государственного университета имени Франциска Скорины. – 2010. – №1. – С. 70–75.

4.    Лавріненко О.В. Спеціальні норми як засоби реалізації принципу єдності й диференціації правового регулювання трудових відносин (дискусійні питання теорії) // Вісник Луганського державного університету внутрішніх справ ім. Е.О. Дідоренка. – 2010. – Вип. 2. – С. 189–198.

5.   Лавриненко О.В. Проблемы терминизации средств, уровни и сферы реализации принципа единства и дифференциации правового регулирования трудовых отношений [Електронний ресурс] // Форум права. – 2010. – №4. – С. 559–565. – Режим доступу:–journals/FP/2010–4/10lovrto.pdf.