Karpinsky B.A.

Zalutska N.S.

Lviv State Academy of Finance


The main priorities of the tax control system reforming in Ukraine

Arrangement of the problem. The tax control is an integral part of financial control, one of the most important functions of management, which consists of three organic elements: prognostication (planning), regulation and control. The effective tax control – it’s the necessary condition of the successful functioning just the whole tax system as far as it envelops the whole taxation system, and is made in except tax section, tax groups, categories of tax payers and territories. But not only is the reforming of the tax control system important question nowadays and also the effective application of its methodology.

As far the problematic of tax control and system reforming in Ukraine is rather actually, that’s why it found the representation in works of many native scientists and practices-analytics, such as: V. Vyshnevsky, T. Efimenko, P. Melnyk, S. Lekar, I. Lunina, D. Lvova, V. Onishchenka, A. Sokolovska, O. Cherniavsky and others. Moreover, its worth to admit that with the aim to improve the tax checking system the scientists offer to make the next steps: to bring in the clear criteria for determining the checking’s periodicity, to make easier the checking’s process and to shorten its term for the small subjects of enterprises.

Undecided part of the problem. The analysis shows that in spite of the elaboration of series scientific approaches according to the tax control problematic, especially in conditions of tax service reformation, it has some unexplored places, on which the attention is not paid, especially, it’s forming such kind of relations with tax payers, which improve the level of free-will tax payment, and permit to reduce the level of expenditures on leading the control-checking work. As used here more attention is needed at the stage beforehand control according to the methodology of making modern approaches to changing tax payers for leading the control-checking work. In this context more attention is needed at the stage of beforehand control according to the methodology of making modern approaches to changing tax payers for leading verifications, another way using mathematic methods and criteria of decisions’ adopting on the base of the risking theory. The next aspect of general problem, which needs the significant approaches, going from the opinion of practical workers of tax bodies, – it’s the term of leading except kinds of verifications. These problematic regulations become the precondition for leading such research.

The main part of research. The activity of tax control depends on effective planning of tax checking’s of entrepreneur subjects. The improving of the tax legislative is the important, but not enough condition of reforming and formation the effective tax control in the state. Also the opportunity of improving tax control results – the main fiscal function of state tax service bodies had appeared [1 – 14].

Tax control leading by state tax service bodies is one of the fiscal tasks in their activity, the main form of which is the tax verification. Founding of the tax service, which effectively, truthfully, clearly and honestly administrate the tax legislation.

The main principle of the everyday work has become partnership forming between the state and owners, increasing the confidence and common understanding between tax workers and tax payers. In the figure 1 the main principles of work of tax bodies with tax payers are represented.














Figure 1. Scheme of the main principles of work of tax bodies with tax payers

The tax control reforming has to become the base of modernization of the whole tax service, and also cutting-off on entrepreneur development, lessening the quantity of verifications for law-abiding tax payers. Modernization of state tax service depends on due improving of work with tax payers, control-checking work, gathering tax debt and also the automating of the whole work of the personnel of state tax service bodies. The modernization of tax service of Ukraine is secured by the financial support of the World Bank, and so it is the necessity of forming the special committee from questions of the tax work modernization, which must report about the effectiveness of using the financial resources [2].

The modernization of tax service is directed on decision of such questions:

§        effective ruling of human resources in tax bodies;

§        improving of control-checking process;

§        new forms of work with tax payers;

§        modernization of existence order of registration, calculation, finding, reorganization and liquidation of tax payers;

§        automatic process of reception and processing of the tax declaration and reports;

§        improving of the methodology of control system according to the tax debt payment.

During all stages of modernization the questionnaire of tax payers, citizens and workers of tax service of Ukraine has to be done according to the existent problems in tax control system and intercommunications of tax bodies’ workers and tax payers.

The most new approach could be used in case of determining two main sphere of tax bodies’ activity – state supervision and state control. In occasion, the state supervision could be done only by the observing of the entrepreneur subject, and the aim will be value of its activity on accordance of legislative norms and giving the support in case of necessity. The verification is determined as the basic form of tax control leading, where the aim is enacting the factitious stage of making up obligatory demands and stopping of legislative infringements by entrepreneur subjects. In result, the verifications could be only no planned.

It is necessary to give the direction on verification and decision of the court to those whose activity is checked against the receipt. If those who is checked refuse to put the sign, according to the rules the tax workers have no right to begin the checking. Mostly, in such case they will assemble the act of refuse from the sign. It is needed to underline: if checking is leaded on legislative conditions and tax workers held all formalities, on the assets of tax payer the administrative arrest could be put, and also may be the administrative fine according to the Law of Ukraine About state tax service in Ukraine” from 04.12.90 y. 509 – XII.

Most of entrepreneurs consider that verification procedures are very intricate or intricate for their understanding. Today’s verification system is consisted in such way that verifications are leaded very often and continues too long. Many entrepreneurs consider the demands, that are raised during the verifications as not understandable, that why they are disagreed with financial sanctions, fines that are put on them. Very often, with the aim to avoid the misunderstandings and negative consequences of verification the entrepreneurs have to pay unofficial payments.

It is needed to introduce the constant exchange of information between the tax service bodies and tax payers, with the help of introducing the civil control of the controlling bodies’ activity, to consolidate legislatively obligation of publication in Internet of the information about the order of leading the verifications, rules and liabilities of the sides and the results of verifications, giving to tax payers free consultations according to the verifications’ leading, making the single base about the verifications. The state tax service bodies have to lead the effective mass-explaining work with tax payers, the aim trend of which is the improving the intercommunications with controlling bodies and tax payers, that also will make better the tax control reforming. The positive side in the work of tax bodies is that the sums of additional payments and fines are not planned, and also the quantity of opening the criminal affairs, affairs that are delivered into the court, and also the information according to the entrepreneurs’ arrests is not popularized (figure 2).

For example, the project of Tax Codex is intensively worked at, working groups are held on the each of the project parts, which consists the best specialists of STA, and also to the constitution of sub-groups 18 civil organizations are joined. Separate positions of the project are put into the discussion with the Association of tax payers.

Овал: Organizational forms of work with tax payers




























Figure 2. The forms of work organization with tax payers and citizens

Very important component of reforming have to become the introduction of the system of risk management, where the controlling bodies don’t check every enterprise, but those enterprises have to be chosen for verification which carry the most menace from the side of appearing the accidents. It so called the system of risk-management, according to which it must put the different periodicity of verifications only for different groups of the risk. Only on this base the most of legislative acts in different countries are formed. As the result it will be possible to shorten the amount of verifications, secure their clearness, and diminish the expenditures from the side of the state and owners, to increase the budget incomes [3 – 9, 14].

For solving of the problem of unclearness of legislative norms it is needed to form clear list of liabilities of controlling bodies and full list of control questions to the entrepreneur subjects. To bar from the corruption from the side of controlling bodies, the presumption of innocence must act, but not beforehand guilt of those whose activity is checked, another way the controller mustn’t behave unequally with tax payer. The one’s more positive step will be formation of personal responsibility of tax bodies’ workers for mistakes in work with intention or without intention, but not on states or controlling body’s account. When there is no personal responsibility, this reduces to the infringements of legislation.

Existing problem sometimes is formal attitude of tax workers to their work, where those controllers don’t pay attention on the aims, for which they are leading the verifications, and owners don’t pay attention on that, why these demands exist.

In many countries of the world the displacement to the verification system reforming become their excessive value, which also is the heaviness for economy. The attention is paid in simplification and ordering the control procedures. Very important question is leading the studies of controlling bodies’ personnel, timely informing of owners about the changes in tax legislation, introduction of strategic planning in inspections.

The trends, directed on improving the work of controlling bodies firstly are connected with reconsideration of legislation, organization of trainings on studying the procedures and instructions of behaving with clients, establishment of cooperation between the controlling bodies, government and representatives of private sector. One of the basic principles in the area of controlling bodies’ activity reforming will become the transfer from the system of putting punishments for made infringements to the system of securing holding established by the legislation demands and norms of safety measures.

The reforming of the tax control is an important question, which needs improving. Except, state tax inspections are giving the propositions according to the possible reforming of the tax control in result of exchange broadening of informational resources between State custom service of Ukraine and State tax administration, such as: in case of making export-import operations through the custom border of Ukraine, custom bodies have to demand from subjects, which are occupying the external economic activity, the reference of accordant bodies of non-residents about the registration of such firms in tax bodies of accordant countries.

Conclusions. By the authors of such research are offered the next recommendations according to the decision of problematic questions, which are related to the control-checking process, such as:

§        in case, when on the beginning of the period, that is needed to check, the subject of entrepreneur activity had the lack of some kinds of payments, in what way this fact must be reflected in the act (for example, the lack, that appeared before the period which is checked, but the part of payment is leaded in the checked period and so on). When the control for timely putting into the individual cards of the payer paid sums of taxes, duties, and other special payments, so it will be better to put the fines for not timely paid the declared sums of the taxes by this department;

§        in case, when in period, that has to be checked by the value added tax, non planned departure checks from the question of right calculation of budget reimbursement of value added tax were done, in what way the description of such checks has to be done with the aim of escaping misunderstandings and reiterations;

§        during the checking of the subject of entrepreneur activity in sphere of external economic activity, in the describing part of the act (part 3) describe only the execution of such contracts, on which the infringements are found, but in general part of the act (reference) to point the list of all contracts of external economic activity, for which the activity was leaded in the checked period.

One of the problem questions is leading the non planned verification according to the question of the reimbursement of value added tax in the sum less then 100 thousands of hryvnyas. Except, in subparagraph 7.7.5. of paragraph 7.5. of the article 7 of Law of Ukraine About the value-added tax” from 03.04.97 168/97 VC, with changes and additions, is pointed that during 30 days the next before taking the tax declaration, the tax body leads non departure (camera) verification of this information. When there are many facts to consider that the account of the sum of budget reimbursement was done with infringements of tax legislation, tax body has the right to lead the non planned (documental) departure verification of payer for determining of preciseness of accounting such budget reimbursement. But we know, that for leading non planned verifications according to the article 111 of Law of Ukraine About paying off the liabilities by the tax payers before the budgets and state aim funds” 2181-III with changes and additions the decision of the court is needed.

In case of changes in the legislative some problems appeared which prevent to the difficulties in the work of control-checking department, so that it is needed:

§                    the term of verifications of enterprises with the turnover more than 50 millions of hryvnyas continue to 30 working days, but in case of appearing of disputable questions to end the checking after getting the answers on requires from external sources or decisions of state tax service the higher level, that in future has positively influence on reducing the amount of complaining acts of verifications by the tax payers;

§                    if the tax payer don’t give the explains and their documental confirmation on this compulsory written  require of state tax service body during 10 working days from the day of getting the require to lead non planned departure checks in case of appearing the needs in checking the registers from the person which had the legal relations with tax payer without the beforehand direction of the require to tax payer about the giving the explanations and their documental confirmation about their relations with other tax payer;

§  exclude from the point 5 of 1 part of 11 article of Law of Ukraine from 4.12.1990 509-XII About the tax service in Ukraine” the words to get from the commercial banks the reference about the amount and turnover of the cash on the accounts (and also about the non coming of the current cash from subjects of entrepreneur activity in time) in case of the decision of the court” and give the right to state tax service bodies to get such references with the help of written requires.

Except, by the authors of such research are offered the next trends of improving the documental verifications’ leading:

§  increasing the amount of checks, leaded commonly with the tax police;

§  leading of cross verifications;

§  using of non right methods for the  calculation of the base of taxation in case of rightly determined legislative norms.

As the result of the tax transformation have to be made such tax service, which will stimulate the economic development in Ukraine, that means making conditions for enticing the investment into the economy of Ukraine, the development of the enterprise; reducing of the tax pressure for leading the tax legislation by tax payers and increasing incomes on the base of voluntariness, securing of stable incomes to budgets of all levels.



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відомості про автора


Прізвище:                      Карпінський


Ім’я:                                  Борис


По-батькові:                  Андрійович


Посада:                            завідувач кафедри економіки та підприємництва

manager of department of economy and enterprise

Наукова ступінь і         кандидат економічних наук

вчене звання:                 доцент, ст. науковий співробітник, академік МКА

PhD Economics, senior research worker, academician of ISA

Організація:                   Львівська державна фінансова  академія (ЛДФА)

Lviv State Academy of Finance (LSAF)

Службова адреса:          вул. Коперника, 3, м. Львів, 79000

Телефон:                         (0322) 251-23-94

Е-mail:                             Karpinsky 01@ mail.ru

Домашня адреса:           вул. П. Панча, 11 кв. 70, Львів, 79020

Телефон:                         (0322) 52-20-82;  8-097-58-08-222


відомості про автора


Прізвище:                      Залуцька


Ім’я:                                  Неля


По-батькові:                  Станіславівна


Посада:                            асистент кафедри економіки та підприємництва

assistant of department of economy and enterprise

Організація:                   Львівська державна фінансова  академія (ЛДФА)

Lviv State Academy of Finance (LSAF)

Службова адреса:          вул. Коперника, 3, м. Львів, 79000

Телефон:                         (0322) 251-23-83

Е-mail:                              Nelya 1984@ mail. ru

Домашня адреса:           вул. Олесницького 41/1, Львів, 79025