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Tansulu Mukhitdinova, MA (Psychology)

Alla Kim, Dr.of Sciences (Psychology)

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Performance on the Money Road Map Test of Directional Sense: Effects of Age, Gender and Relevant

Spatial Experience


The Standardized Money Road Map Test of Directional Sense (Money, Alexander & Walker, 1965) is a paper and pencil assessment of left-right discrimination, that requires an egocentric mental rotation in space. The stimulus for this test is a schematic city map, with dotted route on it, which the subject is asked to trace, making the discrimination of right and left turns. The subject is not allowed to turn the map or make movements to give the correct answer.         

Studies report significant gender differences in performance on this test assessed in adult samples. A number of investigations, analyzing Money Road Map Test performance, were conducted in clinical groups with patients suffering from Alzheimer disease and brain-damaged people. Guy Vangerhoets with colleagues (Guy Vangerhoets et al, 1996) point out that two different cognitive functions, the left-right discrimination per se, and the ability to perform an egocentric mental rotation in space, underlies the performance on Money Road Map Test. Studies give evidence that performance on tasks which require egocentric mental rotation (Money Road Map Test, Zimmerman’s Spatial Orientation Test and other egocentric perspective-taking tests) usually shows high positive correlation with allocentric mental rotation tasks (Vandenberg and Kuse’s MRT, Shepard and Metzler’s MRT), so that factor analytic studies often fail to find any significant difference between them. However recent behavioral investigations give evidence that these are closely related but different abilities (Mary Hegarty et al, 2004).

Gender differences in spatial cognition have been well established and documented as a reliable finding in the cognitive literature. Although the magnitude and effect of reported gender differences varies across authors, males typically outperform women in mental rotation and navigational tasks, regardless of the experimental paradigm used by investigators (human or animal paradigm, real or virtual reality settings). There are different theories, explaining these differences from evolutionary, biological or socio-cultural standpoints, however, the exact nature of these differences is not yet well understood. One of the most influential current theories, a hunter-gatherer hypothesis (Silverman and Eals, 1992) forms the conception of dimorphic sex-specific spatial cognition, with navigational excellence of males, caused by competition for resources, hunting and warfare, and female advantage in object location and relational object location memory, evolved for food location and indicating the location of offspring (Sarah Levine et al, 2005).

The current study was addressing the following questions:

-         does male advantage on this task emerge in adolescence or earlier?

-         does relevant spatial experience influence performance on this task?

-         can motor activation of the right, “spatial”, hemisphere, influence performance on this task in right-handed subjects?


Experiment 1


Based on the evolutionary hunter-gatherer theory and evidence that performance on mental rotation tasks is sensitive to the level of sex hormones in blood (Markus Hausmann et al, 2000ausmann), we predicted that male advantage on Money Road Map Test will appear after age of 12, when puberty forms the basis for sex-specific differences in spatial cognition. It was also hypothesized that realism (using as a stimulus a real map) will enhance the difference, because studies show that females are worse than males at real map interpretation.




126 healthy children (64 girls and 62 boys), grouped by age 8, 10, 12 and 14, participated in the experiment conducted as a part of annual psychological school assessment procedure. Subjects were seated in front of the experimenter and tested individually. The entire duration of the experiment, including Money Map Test (Real and Schematic Maps), Mental Rotation Test and Short-Term Visuo-Spatial Memory Test, was approximately 20 min. In this paper we report the data obtained with Money Map Test.


Materials and procedure


Money Map Test

A modified version of Money Road Map Test – “Money Map Test,” consisting of 2 separate maps, one real and one schematic, was created for the experiment. A small part of a real colored map of Almaty with an up-down route, containing 12 left and 12 right turns, marked on it, was used as Money Real Map Test. The same route was replicated on a stylized schematic black-and-white map for Money Schematic Map Test. Subjects were asked to follow the marked route both on the real map and on the scheme and say at each turn whether they are “going” right or left. They were told to fulfill the task as quickly as they could, but also as accurate as possible. During the pilot study with 15 children (8-14 years of age) it became evident that the children tended to omit small turns, so that the experimenter could not discriminate and fix accurately their right and wrong answers. Therefore minor changes were made to the standard testing procedure – all turns were marked with numbers, and subjects were asked to name the corresponding number and say “Right”, if they decided that they “were taking” the right turn, or “Left”, if they decided that they “were going” left. Additionally, 8 and 10-year-old subjects were given a small toy car “to drive” along the route in order to make the task completely understandable for them. Older subjects were asked to follow the route with their finger.

Subjects were first given a practice trial during which they had to discriminate 5 turns (3 right and 2 left) on a separate short route. In the main testing condition overall time taken to discriminate all 24 turns and the number or errors made were recorded for 6 trials (3 for the real map condition and 3 for the schematic map condition, separated by mental rotation task). The order of trials was counterbalanced between subjects – one half of them were first tested in the real map condition, the other – in the schematic map condition.

The study was carried out following 2x2x4 experimental plan with 3 dependent variables – performance on Money Real Map, Money Schematic Map and the mean score for both of them (Money Mean), and 3 independent variables – Sex (2 levels), Group (2 levels) and Age (4 levels). The scores for Money Real and Schematic Map variables are means of performance time of 3 sequential trials, with 2seconds added for each error (one wrongly discriminated turn).



Results and Discussion


          We do not present here descriptive statistics for Money Test because of the limitations of space. Since the error variance of the dependent variables was significantly unequal across the groups of children (F(7,118)=14.090 p=. .000 for the Real Map, F(7,118)=28.129, p=. 000 for the Schematic Map,  F(7,118)=16.881, p= .000 for Money Mean), non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis one-way analysis of variance was executed for 8 groups (8, 10, 12 and 14-year-old female and male samples). Kruskal-Wallis H was significant for all three dependent variables, Money Real Map – 63.961, p= .000, Money Schematic Map – 56.326, p=. 000, Money Mean – 64.886, p= .000 (df=7), hence significant differences between the groups, implying effects of age and gender, were assumed.

Individual one-way ANOVAs were carried out in order to analyze whether the Group variable (the order of presentation of the 2 maps – the schematic map preceded by the real map (RS) and vice versa (SR)) had influenced the mean scores for the two maps (Money Mean variable) and/or their individual scores. The order of presentation did not have any significant effect (Money Real Map, F(1,124)= .691, p= .408, Money Schematic Map, F(1,124)=2.496, p= .117, Money Mean, F(1,124)= .234, p= .629), so data were collapsed over this variable. 

          The analyses compared males and females performances showed significant main effect of sex. Female and male performance at age 8 (Schematic Map, Money Mean) and 10 (Real Map) was analyzed using Mann-Whitney U because of significant Levene’s statistic for these variables.

Effect of gender was found in all age groups, but the pattern of interaction between gender and performance on Money Map Test, that was revealed in this study, proved to be much more complex than it had been predicted. At the age of 8 the difference between boys and girls, approaching significancy, U=76, p= .051 (one-tailed), was found only for performance on the Money Schematic Map. 8-year-old girls tended to perform better than boys, their mean rank for this type of map was 13,25 vs boys’ 19,75. This tendency became significant for 10-year-old subjects, with girls outperforming boys both on the real (13.19 vs 19.81, p= .047, one-tailed) and the schematic maps (mean difference 16.333, p= .027). However, in the sample of 12-year-old subjects the relationship between gender and Money test performance changed to the reverse, with boys significantly outperforming girls on the Schematic Map (t=-15.629) and on the Real Map (t=–12.606, approaching significancy). 14-year-old boys still performed better than girls, but the mean difference between two sexes both for the real and schematic map scores was smaller than in the previous age group.

Mann-Whitney Test showed no significant difference in performance of 8 and 10-year old females, 8 and 10 year-old males, 12 and 14-year old females and 12 and 14-year old males, so the data were consolidated in 4 sets accordingly, and analysed  by individual one-way ANOVAs carried out for each dependent variable, with Dunnett‘s T3 and Games-Howell Test used for the post hoc between-age analysis.

Between-age analysis gives evidence that 4 aggregated groups differ significantly on their performance on Money Map Test. At the age 8-10 girls outperform boys, but after that age the situation changes to the reverse. However, male advantage in 12-14 samples is not absolute: it only approaches significancy for Money Real Map (t=-9.8978, p= .068) and is evident for Money Schematic Map (t=-12.8934, p= .016) and Money Mean (t=-11.3961, p= .021). Our hypothesis that realism will enhance gender differences was not confirmed, moreover, the main difference in female and male performance on Money Test after age of 12 was revealed only in schematic map condition. It should be noted that the original Money Road Map Test is used only in schematic map form, hence the study highlights the fact that ecological validity of stimuli used for spatial tests has cosiderable methodological importance.   


Experiment 2


          It was supposed that relevant spatial experience influences performance on spatial tests. An fMRI study of London taxi drivers has shown that their professional experience had led to substantional changes in neurophysiological substrate of corresponding cognitive functions (Maguire, E.A. et al, 2000). On the other hand some investigations give evidence that professional experience is not always beneficial, for example, Corrine Jola (Corinne Jola et al, 2005) has shown that allocentric mental rotation ability is impaired in professional dancers. The main aim of Experiment 2 was to make clear whether gender differences in the MRMT performance might be less prominent than usually in some subjects due to their  professional experience.





16 classic dancers (8 females, mean age 21.3±2.5, 8 males, mean age 23.5±2.8) and 20 undergraduate students (10 females, mean age 18.6±1.1, 10 males, mean age 19.6±1.0) took participation in the experiment as members of the experimental and control groups. Subjects were seated in front of the experimenter and tested individually. The entire duration of the experiment, including the original  Money Road Map Test, a mental rotation test and a task for spatial orientation on imaginary matrices, was approximately 30 min. Only the Money Road Map Test data is discussed here.


Materials and procedure


The original schematic map of the Money Road Map Test was used. Subjects were given usual practice trial and then asked to discriminate and mark left and right turns of the dotted pathway on the map with “L” or “R” letters accordingly. They were instructed to do the task as fast as they could, and also as accurate as possible.

Time that it took each subject to fulfill the task was recorded. Each wrongly discriminated turn added 2 seconds to the overall time. Performance on Money Road Map Test was considered as dependent variable, sex (male vs female) and group (dancers vs non-dancers) as independent variables.   


Results and Discussion


Significant effect of gender: F=9.16, p= .005 and not significant effect of group (dancers vs non-dancers): F=1.30, p= .262 were revealed. However, when gender and group were combined into one united variable, its effect remained still quite significant (F=3.489, p= .027). Further post hoc analysis using Bonferroni and Scheffe tests showed that statistically significant difference was found only in performance of male dancers and female non-dancers (t=-73.45, p= .036). LSD test gives statistically significant difference in performance of both male and female dancers (t=-58.3750, p= .033) and male and female students (t=-48.3000, p= .048). Nevertheless, it shows that male students performed no significantly better than female dancers, t=-33.22, p=.192.

Although the dancers advantage on Money Road Map Test does not approach significance (p= .262), the female dancers data show that professional experience might result in better performance on this task.  



Experiment 3


                Driver’s job is considered as one of the most “spatial” professions, since it poses considerable requirements to spatial abilities and loads greatly on visuo-spatial cognitive functions. Therefore it was assumed that even non-professional drivers will show better peformance on the Money Road Map Test, compared with non-drivers, who do not have do decide more or less regularly and more or less quickly which direction, left or right, to take. Obviously, pedestrians do choose what direction to take, but they are not required to do it as fast as drivers, who move with much more high speed. We were also interested whether the performance on the MRMT is sensible to the hand, used for tracing the dotted pathway of the test. It was hypothesized that right-handers may be more effective (performance times will be shorter and/or errors fewer), when using their left hand, which is controlled by the right, “spatial”, hemisphere.






13 male non-drivers and 14 male non-professional drivers participated in the experiment. Driving experience of members of drivers group varied from 1 to 4 years. Subjects were seated in front of the experimenter and tested individually. The entire duration of the experiment, including the original Money Road Map Test, a mental rotation test and a direction pointing task, was approximately 25 min. Only the Money Road Map Test data is discussed here. Right-handedness of all subjects approached 75 per cent and higher as assessed by the Edinburgh Handedness Questionnaire.


Materials and procedure


The original Money Road Map Test (MRMT) stimulus with minor changes added was used.

All subject were randomly distributed into 4 experimental groups: RL non-drivers (mean age 22.7±1.8), RL drivers (mean age 21.6±1.9), LR non-drivers (mean age 23.1±1.8) and LR drivers (23.7±2.3). In RL groups subjects were asked to trace the dotted pathway on the map with a finger of their right hand first (3 successive trials). They were then given a mental rotation task, followed by 3 trials on the MRMT, using a finger of their left hand. This order was inverse for LR groups. In order to record correctly all answers, all turns on the map were numbered, and subjects were asked to name the corresponding number first, and to give then their answer.

Scores for “MRMT-left” and “MRMT-right” dependent variables were mean times for corresponding 3 trials, with 2 seconds added per each error. The  first hand used for performance (right vs left), and driving experience (drivers vs non-drivers) were considered as independent variables. 


Results and Discussion


Significant effects of both the order of trials (RL vs LR): F=11.42, p= .003 and driving experience: F= 8.48, p= .008 on mean score for all 6 trials were revealed. The interaction of these factors was not significant. LR drivers were found to have the most advantage in mean scores on the MRMT, performing better than both RL drivers (t=-19.58, p= .017) and RL non-drivers (t=-25.40, p= .000), whereas no significant difference in performance of drivers and non-drivers was found in LR group, irrelevant of the hand used. This result testifies that the advantage of LR drivers over RL drivers cannot be ascribed only to the individual differences in their driving experience, which could occasionally be more extensive in this group. 

Non-drivers of LR group performed the task significantly better than RL non-drivers after they had “left-handed” trials, t=-18.4671, p= .048, and slightly but not significantly better than RL drivers, t=-9.7143, p=.448. Performance of LR non-drivers on the first 3 trials did not differ significantly from the results of the first 3 trials of RL non-drivers, that is the advantage of the former cannot be explained by occasionally better developed egocentric mental rotation ability.

In conclusion it should be noted that although the effect of driving experience per se is quite significant (F=6.720, p= . 016 for the MRMT performed with the right hand, F=6.762, p= .016 for the “left-handed” MRMT  and F=8.484, p= .008 for the mean scores of the two), effect of the order of trials is much more stronger (F=27.025, p= .000 for the MRMT-right hand, F=11.142, p=.003 for the mean of the MRMT-right and MRMT-left), whereas the interaction of the factors is small and unsignificant (F=.060, p=.809, F=4.205, p=.052, F=2.193, p=.152). Hence the test is likely to be sensible to motor activation of the right hemisphere of the brain.





The main findings of this research, in line with a number of studies of gender differences in visuo-spatial ability, highlight complex and dynamic nature of individual differences in spatial cognition.  Male superiority in egocentric perspective taking, coupled with imaginary bodily rotation, as assessed by a modified version of the Money Road Map Test, is likely to become evident after age of 12. Surprisingly, female advantage on this task is revealed in younger children. Relevant spatial experience has been shown to enhance both male and female performance on the original MRMT. The question remains whether females can be trained so that the level of their performance will achieve that of males. More research is needed to clarify these findings and answer to many other questions still remaining unanswered. 





1. Vingerhoets, G.,  Lannoo, E.,  and Bauwensm S. (1996). Analysis of the Money Road-Map Test Performance in Normal and Brain-Damaged Subjects. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology. Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. l-9.


2. Hegarty, M., and Waller, D. (2004).  A dissociation between mental rotation and perspective-taking spatial abilities.  Intelligence, No 32, pp. 175–191.

3. Levin, S.,  Mohamed, F.B., and Platek, S.M. (2005). Common ground for spatial cognition? A behavioral and fMRI study of sex differences in mental rotation and spatial working memory. Evolutionary Psychology. No 3, pp. 227-254.


4. Hausmann, M., Slabbekoorn D., Van Goozen, S., Cohen-Kettenis, P., and Güntürkün, O. (2000). Sex Hormones Affect Spatial Abilities During the Menstrual Cycle. Behavioral Neuroscience, Vol. 114, No. 6, pp. 1245-1250.


5. Maguire, E.A., Gadian, D.G., Johnsrude, I.S., Good, C.D., Ashburner, J., Frackowiak, R.S., and Frith, C.D. (2000). Navigation-related structural change in the hippocampi of taxi drivers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 97, pp. 4398-4403.


6. Jola, C., and Mast, F.W. (2005). Mental Object Rotation and Egocentric Body Transformation: Two Dissociable Processes? Spatial Cognition and Computation, Vol.5, Issue 2&3, pp. 217-237.