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Doctor of Science O.V Bondarenko, Associate Professor A.I. Martinenko

Irkutsk State Agricultural Academy, Russia




Most countries have national legislation that governs post-graduate education. Although elements covered by these legislations vary from country to country, many cover elements including duration of study period, admission requirements, terms of supervision, conditions for approval of dissertation, conditions of accreditation of institutions for awarding academic degrees, rights and obligations of students (especially in countries where candidates post-graduate student are employed), and in some cases curriculum and syllabus. The number and kind of elements covered by national legislation seems, in turn, to reflect the difference in degree of autonomy given to institutions that award academic degrees. In the context of the Bologna Process in West Europe the post-graduate education are the third cycle of higher education and the first stage of a young researcher’s career.

The west-european medieval universities are ancestors of training and attestation systems of research and educational staff. For the first time academic degree of Doctor of Philosophy (analog of the first academic degree in Russia) started to confer in Bologna university (Italia) from 1130 year. Up to beginning of XIX century in west-european universities was carried training to academic degrees of natives from Russia.

In Russia decree of Emperor Alexander I from 24 January 1803 «About organization of (specialized) schools» was the start of systematical preparation and attestation of scientific staff. Historical specific of attestation system: west-european – conferring of academic degrees is based on university regulations and own university traditions, Russian – uniform and obligatory procedure order of conferring academic degrees for all universities («Thesis about academic degrees» 1819, 1837, 1844, 1864): actual student – candidate - master's degree – doctor. In 1884 academic degree «candidate» has been abolishment [1].

In Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic (RSFSR) at 1 October 1918 academic degrees and academic statuses were abolishment. In 1921 the Institute of Red professorship was opened. 1925 – beginning of post-graduate students training. Requirements: qualification work – dissertation, study of foreign language, social minimum, mastering methodology and methods of research, theoretical basics of selected course of science. From 13 January 1934 by Resolution of Soviet of People's Commissar (SPC) of Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) «About academic degrees and statuses» were set: academic degrees of candidate and doctor of science.

In Russian Federation post-graduate study and doctor-study are main forms of training of research and educational staff in system of post-graduate professional education. The Act «About order of conferring of academic degrees» determines legal basics of assessment qualification scientific and research and educational workers and criteria of theses – science-qualification work for academic degree competition.

The Law «About education in the Russian Federation» stipulates that the preparation of post-graduate students will be the third level of higher education [2]. Recall that the entry of Russia in the Bologna Process means the recognition of learning outcomes in the form of a set of competencies.

Competence – fundament of new approach to quality of education in European dimension. Competence approach – a method of modeling study results and their presentation as quality norm of post-graduate study. Purpose of creating the qualification model of post-graduate student is to increase quality of post-graduate students training and making of common conception of qualification content in terms of competence and post-graduate study results.

Priority directions of work in post-graduate are definition of basic (universal) and special competence of post-graduate students and harmonization of educational program of training post-graduate students (structures, contents, and methods of study). Competence of post-graduate student – is an integral quality, which combines: Professional competence and skills and Personal abilities of human, necessary for successful work in science. Methodology of approach «From common model of competence – to profiles of competence of concrete scientific specialty».

Post-graduate student should have basic (invariant) competence – wide spectrum of transversal (endurable) skills and special (professional) competence. Basic competence are deep personal qualities of human, basis for acquirement special knowledge, harder to correct. Main Basic competence includes instrumental (pantoscientific) competence, interpersonal (socially- personal) competence, system competence.

1. Instrumental (pantoscientific) competence which includes: knowledge area of methodology scientific cognition, history of evolution of science; skills for making researches (analysis and interpretation of data); basic computer and linguistic skills; skill of obtaining and analyzing information from different sources; skill of presenting information in the form of thesis, articles, presentations, etc.; skill of teaching; ability to understand and use new ideas.

2. Interpersonal (socially-personal), which includes: tolerance; ability for criticism and self-criticism; establishing deal contacts and ability to work in team; common culture of communication; adherence  to common to all mankind ethical; observance of science ethnos.

3. System (including organizational-administrative), which includes: ability to use acquired knowledge in scientific-research practice; ability to adaptation to new situations in science and labour-market; knowledge of organizational-legal basics of scientific activity; creative thought (making of strategy, use and control of resources, appreciation); control of research; control of self-growth; ability to organize and plan scientific work and etc.

The less post-graduate student has required basic competence, the harder it is to correspond with variable requirements of modern professional science world and lifelong learning.

Special competences include: Pantoprofessional knowledge (high theoretical level) in selected sphere of scientific work; skills of methodological analysis of carrying out theoretical researches and (or) substantiation of methods of making experimental researches in selected science speciality; professionally profiled (specialized) knowledge in appropriate field.

Standardized set of competence – ideal of post-graduate student. The main problem – exact definition of abilities and skills, qualifications, fund of knowledge and behavioral characteristics of student. elaboration of «individual project» of student evolution.

Methods of implantation of competence model of post-graduate student includes definition and concretization of qualification characteristics standards of student; conditions appraisal (social, technical, etc); competence message to all post-graduate students of institute; discussion and agreement; attestation, appraisal of student.

Toolkit of appraisal and development of competence: plan of assessment development; trainings; sessions, seminars, conferences; generalization, creating of program of students individual competence’s development.

The structure model of individual competencies and type loads of courses and modules of graduate student should depend on his training program development level and load the types of courses and, for example:

Module I. Main (deepen and widen special competence) - preparation for candidate examination course (obligatory); introduction in scientific discourse (individual); professional ethics (individual); actual problems of science (by speciality) interdisciplinary course (obligatory).

Module II. Supporting (pantoscientific and methodological competence development) - history and philosophy of science (obligatory), organizational-law basics of scientific activity (individual), informational technologies (individual).

Module III. Organizational and communication (organizational-administrative and socially-personal competence development) - foreign language (obligatory) and self-instruction skills (analysis of literature on research theme); presentations, participation in conferences, independent organization and realization of seminar (conference) by student, preparation of publications (theses, articles, etc.) (obligatory).

Module IV. Specialized (deepen and widen special competence) - methodology and methodics of experimental researches by speciality (individual).

Module V. Endurable (development of system competence) - project (participation in grant), economic-contract theme (individual), probation period, realization of experimental researches, result processing (individual), scientific qualification work (obligatory).

And additional educational program (the Higher school lecturer) (option).

On our mind, competence approach to post-graduate student qualification model: increases role and meaning of scientific adviser, increases requirements to quality of realization of educational program of student training (courses types and formats, modules, etc.); provides choice of individual educational trajectories.

Competence approach creates base for increasing academical mobility of students and labour-market mobility, making of new comprehension (taking into account of Bologna’s process cources) of contents of qualifications in competence term and results of education and taking into account of national features of science staff attestation and lifelong learning.



1. Jakushev A.N. Zakonodatel'stvo v oblasti podgotovki nauchnyh kadrov i prisuzhdenija uchjonyh stepenej v Rossii (1747-1918): istorija i opyt realizacii. - SPb.: SPb akademija MVD Rossii, 1999.

2. Proekt Federal'nogo zakona Rossijskoj Federacii «Ob obrazovanii v Rossijskoj Federacii» (versija 3.0.3) // www.rg.ru/2012/01/17/obrazovanie-site-dok.html.