Ryabtsovsky George Vladimirovich

The Bryansk Branch of the Oryol Regional Academy of State Service

Филиал ГОУ ВПО «Орловская региональная академия государственной службы» в г. Брянске

Geopolitical Dimension of the Union State Information Space of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus: Political and Legal Aspects

In article actualized political and legal problems of creating a unified information space of the Union State Russian Federation and Republic of Belarus in the context of the geopolitical interests of the participants of the integration process. The directions of cooperation in this field to ensure the interoperability of subjects of information integration.

From experience while Russia and Belarus are forming the Union State being independent party to international law, while the political-legal, socio-economic and information-cultural processes of the Union State are developing in different directions, while as opposed to the integration timeserving goals are being set, it were at least illusory to forecast the lines of the Union development. There is no doubt that the avowal of strategic partnership meet the interests of both brotherly nations and this fact has been asserted repeatedly at various levels, however, the geopolitical situation of Belarus in Europe and the CIS has a lot to do with the practice of the Union State forming.

Moreover, the geopolitical reflection of Belarus is manifested not so much in the nature of the transit country, as in the geopolitical potential of Belarus within the framework of EU Eastern Partnership "[3, p. 7] and in its geopolitical part endwise the Baltic Sea-Black Sea–the Danube buffer zone [25, p. 9 ]. Though the complicated geopolitical choice and difference of political opinions, Minsk official powers declare more often for the necessity of “the responsible neighborhood” to the EU [18] thanks to the programs for integrating Belarus into the European institutions [4, p. 10]. All these factors are urgent for the research goals connected with the motive analysis, which is significant for members of the Union to formalize of the integration processes and to refocus the international cooperation vectors. In addition, the problem of geo-ideology influence [24] of the Union on the forming integration spaces and “the communication maps” [19] is of interest and between which United Nations International Telecommunications Union (ITU) is the most progressive, dimensioned and innovative environment for integration. The question is the ITU is not only the original environment where supranational political and legal institutions are adapted but also the space where qualitatively new forms of integration (bottom-up integration) are formed thanks to onrush of the information and communication technology (ICT). The bottom–up integration tries to urge authority to expand the dominant lines and to form sustained geopolitical chronotop (from the Greek chronos – time and topos – place) of the Union State [14, 12].

On the other hand, the territory doesn’t lose urgency even in the globalization period so the antagonisms of integrating the classical geopolitical concepts into a theory of information society have arisen at the stage of forecasting the forms of geopolitical organization. It is obvious that the territory, population and public authority will be the geopolitical potential for ensuring the country viability [16] also in the information age. These factors are not only the identifiers of geopolitical power of the country, but also they form a visual image of the country in the information field. This image, in turn, forms a specific attitude to the traditional geographic area [2]. There is another method in which the superposition of options for information notion about identity on the historical territory is used.

However, this method focusing the attention on virtually misrepresented information about the historic space synthesizes practically virtual geopolitical goals, which cannot agree with the international statehood. An assumption about the previous national-territorial form of government, which is able to hold a political monopoly in the geographical area in the future, can be considered as false. Nowadays territorial integrity is determined not so much with totality of physical border, as with prompt perspective of actual information and authoritative resolutions on transnational parties, which change significantly the intervention geopolitical interests.

In global world information nation-states borders differ markedly from the clear administrative state lines which either are moved outside their limits to create group coalitions or cede to information intervention or manifest themselves in network areas of virtual economy [7, p.86].

Thus, by the designing a concept of the geo-political time-space of the Union State should be understand that the information space penetrates into all structures of the legal, social, political and economic life of the country. The only example, a number of other factors affecting the geopolitical potential of the information space are revealed by comparative analysis of political and legal basis for the forming the Union State ITU. They include historical and cultural tradition, spirituality and education, moral values which don’t belong to the linear characteristics of legal and political dimensions of modern society [5]. Therefore, it is possible to include these factors in the methodology only through the classification of their time changeability and stability of integration and communication capabilities. In contrast to traditional geographical vision of space they overlay numerous information and images layers being transformed specifically within human mind [12].

We should not forget the fact that any intergovernmental dialogue undergoes the information expansion of global mass communication media sharing opinion of foreign affairs parties which having nothing to do with the dialogue. Frequently the dialogue happens to be formed under conditions of its surrounding destructive information space (information totalitarianism) which tries to impose its geopolitical dynamics of legal interpretation of events that are current for the state [26, p. 9].

On the other hand, the interactive procedure can arise under condition of information vacuum because of rupture of communication and information relations between the dialogue participants both vertically and horizontally. For example, after the dissolution of the Soviet Union the new independent states underwent the information vacuum and led to considerable information shortage. Under those conditions, the CIS-countries had to form their geopolitical vectors to renew information confidence. Following democratic principle, they supported not only society consolidation, political pluralism, liberty of speech and human rights but also respect for their national, historical and cultural values. In other words, under conditions of independent development the basis for the forming ITU of CIS-countries was created. The latter is particularly important because without ITU informative dialogue or the right to communication and therefore to the dialogue of cultures that holds good in international law is not possible. It should note that modern means of communication change so rapidly the common comprehension of space and time thereby are enlarging the diversity and activity of social and political contacts that virtual entities [15], which replace successfully the real ones, are often spoken about. A society that is able to change neither legal nor institutional and political together with the informational processes can be found outside of world progress in its technological, economic and cultural development.

It is clear that technological equipment of the population with the means of access to the information space affects substantially such presentation of political interests [10]. However, there is a problem of access to the global information space for different groups of the population even in the countries with a high information level (in the USA, Finland, Sweden and Japan). The most serious problem for these countries is overcoming the digital divide [21]. The interconnection of these factors indicates that a modern society needs a legal organization of the information space which provides a legal opportunity to access, receive, disseminate and use information according to a demand of the citizens to be optimal and timely informed [20]. Moreover, the information through a feedback effect on the activities of all social actors.

Let us summarize: 1) the forming of the Union State ITU should be considered in the light of the intergovernmental dialogue in the information sphere; 2) the multidimensionality and complication of political information behavior in the Union State ITU demonstrate the importance of synthesis of chrono- and geopolitical dimensions to smooth the stereotypes of geopolitical thinking; 3) it is necessary to research the geopolitical potential of information space more detailed and comprehensive to determine the specific legal and political resolutions that are directed to remove obstacles for convergence of information societies of Russia and Belarus [6]; 4) general adoption of ICT as an innovative tool for modernization plays a key role to maintain integration connections and to assist in communities self-organization on the grounds of social solidarity [1].


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