O.A. Neprelyuk


Department of Orthopedic Stomatology (Head - prof. Zhadko SI)


Crimean State Medical University named after S.I. Georgievsky, Simferopol.




         In recent decades, orthopedic treatment of patients with dental implants has been widely recognized and established itself as an effective method for reconstructing defects of dentition. Analysis of the literature showed that, despite the large number of theoretical and experimental-clinical nature, remain insufficiently studied issues related to the development of early inflammatory complications periimplantatnyh soft tissues and their effect on the starting date of prosthetics, especially in patients with background somatic pathology. According to several authors, among lesions of the internal organs is pathology of the gastrointestinal tract causes the greatest changes in the oral cavity, and not only because these diseases are often diagnosed among the population, but also because of the close anatomical and functional relationship with their mouth. Based on the foregoing, the aim of our study was to conduct performance monitoring total antioxidant activity of mixed saliva in orthopedic patients after installation of intraosseous implants in the background of gastric ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer.

Material of our study were mixed saliva of patients who underwent dental implantation. To conduct the study were examined 87 patients (37 women and 50 men) aged 21 - 64 years. Selecting patients, we consider the overall condition of the body, transferred and comorbidities, anatomical and physiological condition of the oral cavity. Patients were divided into 3 groups: Group 1 included orthopedic patients without somatic diseases - 20 patients, in group 2 - orthopedic patients with somatic pathology (peptic ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer) - 27 patients and 3 group consisted of 25 patients requiring orthopedic treatment and with background somatic pathology, which for the first 30 days after implantation in a day / m administered immunomodulator Erbisol "1 ml. In addition, examined 15 healthy individuals (normal), not suffering from dental pathology - the control group. Orthopaedic treatment was performed on a two-stage implantation technique endosseous screw implants "Wimple". In conducting the study, we used the drug "Erbisol - immunomodulator reparants, adaptogen. Antioxidant activity was determined by the ability of biological material is slow redox reaction in the system Fe (2 +) - 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol (DCPIP). . Results are expressed as mM DCPIP, recovery is hindered in the process of incubation with 1 liter of saliva. The calculation was performed according to the formula:

(ΔDk - ΔD0) x103 / (2,12 x103x0, 5) = (ΔDk-ΔD0) x0, 943 mmol / L, where ΔDk, ΔD0-difference optical density of the experimental and control samples;

103-conversion rate in liters;

2.12 x 103 - mM extinction coefficient of DCPIP,

0,5 - the amount of saliva, taken for analysis.

After installing the implant by 1 month of observation was a statistically significant (p <0.05) increase in total antioxidant activity (AOA) of mixed saliva in all groups. In the next 3 months observed for the growth of total antioxidant activity of mixed saliva in all groups of observations, but is most manifest in group 2 (orthopedic patients with gastric ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer), where the enzymatic activity of mixed saliva was increased by 32.3% (p <0,01) and was 0,045 ± 0,005 mg / dL. During the subsequent periods of observation, after the installation of implants (6 months) in patients of group 1 (without concomitant somatic pathology) and group 2 (with background diseases and the use of immunomodulator "Erbisol) total antioxidant activity of mixed saliva was reduced and amounted to 0,038 ± 0,002 mg / dL and 0,037 ± 0,004 mmol / l, respectively, acquiring at the same relative to the control of uncertain character. In this case, this time of observation in patients group 2 enzyme activity of saliva, despite the slight decline, remained at a high level and sostavlyalya 0,042 ± 0,003 mmol / l, which was at 23.5% above control (p <0,05).

In the late periods of observation, to 12 months, indicators of total antioxidant activity of mixed saliva in virtually all groups approached the benchmarks.

Thus, the study of the enzymatic activity of mixed saliva allowed to come to the conclusion that the presence of gastric ulcer and 12 duodenal ulcer in patients after orthopedic implants extend repair processes, as evidenced by enzymatic imbalance in such patients, which lasted up to 6 months after implantation. In this case, the appointment of immunomodulator "Erbisol" this category of patients accelerates repair processes and eliminates the negative effects of somatic pathology.