Педагогические науки/5.Современные методы преподавания.


Аспирант кафедры педагогики и методики начального образования

Обсков А. В.

Томский Государственный Педагогический Университет, Россия

Internet as learning environment

in teaching foreign language students


Internet access from the physical collection of linked computers has long been turned into a cultural phenomenon and, in particular in the educational environment. One of the priorities of modern information society is the informatization of education - the process of improving the educational process on the basis of information and communication technologies . [1]

According to P.V Sysoev, the Internet creates a unique environment to familiarize students with culturally diverse communities of the target language that cannot always give the traditional textbook in a foreign language. At the same language is used as the primary means of education and self. [7]

The most widely used in the scientific literature is the term Internet-based technologies. Below him in the methodology of teaching foreign languages should be defined as the combination of forms, methods, techniques, methods of instruction FL using the Internet. In other words, Internet technology - the use of Internet in teaching foreign languages. [8]

In the didactic plan the Internet includes two main components: the form of telecommunications (email, chat rooms, forums, web conferencing, etc.) and information resources (text, audio and visual material on various topics in different languages). However, to ensure that students are not awash with an abundance of information of different content and different quality and most productive use of it to meet the educational and professional interests and needs, there is a need to develop special educational online materials aimed at teaching students to work with the resources of the Internet. [5, 8]

Twitter ( from the English. Twit - «Twitter", "chat") - This web-site, which is a micro blogging system that lets users send short text notes (up to 140 characters), using a web interface, SMS, instant messaging services or third-party programs clients. [14] Members of Twitter sometimes called twitters also sometimes used treatment Twix. Thanks to the Twitter site on the Internet, a new way to communicate "twitting" (from the English. Twitting). Site Twitter can be used in language education to help students focus on the ability to write intelligently and concisely. Students can read what others write, and participate in twitter-discussions. Details on the use of micro blogging in particular site Twitter, the study of German as a foreign language to write a blog Ralph Klettske (http://landeskunde.wordpress.com/ubersicht/). [6]
Vicky (English wiki) - Web site structure and content, which users can change together with the tools provided by the site. For the first time the term "wiki" to describe the Web site was used in 1995 by Ward Cunningham, developer of the first wiki WikiWikiWeb, which borrowed the word of the Hawaiian language, meaning "quick." Later the word was invented by an English transcript What I Know Is ... [14]

wiki technology can be used as a tool for collaboration on collective projects (the collective creation of artistic works: stories, poems, essays) as a kind of electronic bulletin board on which could write a whole group, as a database - storage of collective experience, for the provision, expansion of educational materials. [4] The most famous wiki site - Wikipedia.

Web Quest (English Web Quest web quest) in pedagogy - a problematic task c role-playing elements, which are used to carry Internet resources. [2]

In general, Quest, translated from English - is a long targeted searches, which may be associated with adventure or a game, also serves to indicate one of the varieties of computer games. The developers of the Web Quest as a training assignment is Bernie Dodge and Tom March. Subject Web Quests can be very diverse, problematic tasks can vary the degree of complexity. [9, 10, 11]

The results of the web quest, depending on the study material can be presented as oral presentations, computer presentations, essays, web pages, etc. [12]

Using web-quests and other tasks on the basis of the internet in language learning requires students to the appropriate level of proficiency to work with authentic resources. In this regard, the effective integration of web-quests in the process of learning foreign languages is possible in cases where a Web Quest is a creative task, the final study of a topic and is accompanied by training lexical and grammatical exercises. [14].

Podcasting (born podcasting, from the iPod and English. Broadcasting - ubiquitous, wide-format broadcast) - the process of creating and distributing podcasts, audio or video broadcasting, the World Wide Web. Typically, podcasts are certain subjects and the frequency of publication.

New system of podcasting is that data needs to be downloaded from the site individually and continuously monitor, did something new on the site of your interest. Instead, you can subscribe free of charge and from that point to automatically receive new information on your computer or MP3-Player. To do this, download the appropriate software, for example, iTunes or Juice, which will regularly check the site and download new audio - or video files on your computer MP3-Player. [12]

Skype and MSN (the program used to establish communication between Skype users, or MSN, located anywhere in the world (chat, voice, video) to transfer files of any size as fast as possible, to arrange conference calls with several people). [14]

YouTube (service that provides placement services for video). Google Docs (free online office that includes a text, spreadsheet and service to create presentations, and online file storage service with file-sharing functions, developed by Google),

Existing software for learning a foreign language - are diverse. Below we would like to give a brief analysis of the major existing computer technology for learning foreign languages. Each of these technologies is an inseparable symbiosis between hardware and software, so the analysis software must be preceded by a brief description of appropriate technical devices. [14]

I would like to start with the most popular for today's purposes and multimedia language laboratories RINEL-LINGO main possibility of multimedia language laboratory class RINEL-LINGO (hereinafter CLASS) is the voice and video communications teacher with all students or a group of students (up to eight groups),as well as voice and video students, grouped together. Under the video connection is the possibility of viewing the screen on the monitor student teacher, watching the screen the teacher to students (a group of students), watching the screen the student to other students (a group of students). Viewing the display may be both passive and active. Passive viewing screen - is to get a picture of the computer screen of another job. Active Image screen - is a view of the computer screen of another job with the ability to control its keyboard and mouse. Voice communication does not affect the speed and quality of any software, since its implementation does not use the software and hardware resources. New features of class in conjunction with the multimedia capabilities of computers themselves can use a variety of teaching methods that were not previously available for personal use of computers. CLASS is most effective for teaching foreign languages. The class also can be used to develop a variety of skills, group work and requires the active voice interaction between group members and the teacher realized through software RINEL-LINGO, in the classes. In the classes also include software RINEL-SOUNDBOOK, designed for learning a foreign language. The set of class includes the following main elements: A set of multimedia computers RINEL JUNIOR; multimedia language laboratory set RINEL-LINGO; Software RINEL-LINGO, RINEL-SOUNDBOOK; set of specialized tables, booths, equipment for power wiring, network equipment Ethernet. [14]

Features of the network training complex Hi Class Company "Multimedia Systems" offers a comprehensive solution in the form of a multimedia network training complex Hi Class. Hi Class - a unique multimedia solution for the end user, not a computer specialist. Hi Class - a completely new solution to this problem, an original approach in the field of foreign language teaching. Network training complex Hi Class creates a dynamic educational environment. Combining advanced technology, power and ease of management, Hi Class teacher provides a really effective tool for teaching computer-based, and students - friendly interface that focuses on the subject. The situation in the office of teaching, equipped with the Hi Class, transformed. No more having to crowd around the monitor student teachers to learn the material. Lecture material, shown on teaching computer in real time and with the actual speed is displayed on the monitors’ students. [17]

The multimedia network combines the study and discussion, interactive communication student and teacher, which significantly increases the efficiency of learning. The control panel offers teachers a set of powerful tools such as: Broadcast and Quick Broadcast for presenting audio and video materials on the PC students in real time; Observe and Quick Observe for monitoring the learning process without interference; Control for operational monitoring and assistance in learning. This mode provides remote control of student computers with mouse and keyboard teacher; Reboot - Remote Reboot the workstation; Group Dialog - formation of groups within the class for discussion, or learning languages. To connect a multimedia network Hi Class in all workplaces transmitters installed video and audio, connected by special cables. At each student station provides a block to call the teacher, which allows rapid exchange of information with the teacher through headsets - microphones with headphones. Configuration Hi Class determined by the specific educational institution, as well as the wishes of the teacher. [15]

In conclusion, we consider the most advanced know-how - to use in teaching foreign language learning software, which allows a fully" dip "in the learning process. It is called ICLE - Interactive Collaborative Learning Environment Manufacturer: Cyber mind UK LTD ICLE - the world's first software product that enables the study of foreign languages in a joint three-dimensional environment in real time. ICLE integrates the latest technology headset with a three-dimensional environment designed specifically for teaching foreign languages at different levels. ICLE Multimedia uses computers connected to the LAN or ISDN. [16]

Structuring learning a foreign language using computer technology are entirely dependent on the teacher and the opportunity to use such technologies in educational process. To date, these current trends can be fashionable and experimental because every time the teacher needs more than new forms of learning.

Defining goals, objectives and possibilities of using computer technology in the classroom, the teacher can, above all, keep in mind the following basic items:

a) The preservation of mental and physical health of students;

b) Formation of trainees' basic user skills;

c) Help the trainees to assimilate the learning material based on special and well-established for that purpose computer applications for the study of foreign languages.

All of these tasks, if the teacher is going to follow such, exclude sitting at computers. Looking for a variety of forms of educational activity: it's front work to update knowledge, and group or pair work students on learning specific academic skills and educational games, and the work of consulting services, it is interesting and oral and written assignments. Everything should be made so that the PC does not become an end in itself, but only an effective complement to the entire educational process.

Developments in this area are still very small in understandable reasons: the teacher gets a computer class, over the allotted time, he tries to use its maximum, ignore with all the medical requirements on time with a personal computer.

Intensification of academic work and stress are not components of success. Unfortunately, many software applications contain the same methodological error: less likely they orient teachers to use them as an effective means of teaching: they have a lot of hard counting errors, and little real help to the student who found themselves in a quandary. [10]

Moreover, the teacher should consider forms of assistance to such students. Teacher should hardly expect that the use of computer technology will greatly facilitate its own work. Individualization of learning, certainly concomitant use of information technology in the classroom, the teacher requires additional time and effort.






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