Yakovlev P.O., Scientific supervisor: Lavlinskyy R.A.

Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade

named after Mikhailo Tugan-Baranovsky

Ukraine’s social policy and its peculiarities

In the current conditions in Ukraine, the most important in the context of social policy is what policy changes significantly in comparison to that practiced in the USSR. Changes due to: the cardinal political restructuring of society (the transition from totalitarianism to democracy); intensive social stratified (distribution, development of new social groups (executions) in society); change of social support mechanisms of various segments of the population, especially children, youth and families.

However, any transformation and the processes that take place today in the Ukrainian society, an integral component and an important mechanism for the restructuring of Ukraine as a social state, the formation of civil society is precisely the social policy and social work as a practical form of implementing this policy. In this case the same have been and remain: the scope of social policy, its object and subject, the main lines of it, the mechanisms of implementation. In the theoretical and practical terms, it has this form. Fields of activity of social policy: social protection, employment, health, housing, education. Object of social policy - the whole population. The subject of social policy - the state.

There are three main areas of social policy:

1) prediction of extreme events and, if need, the state guarantees to mitigate the input of society in the balance after them;

2) the reallocation of resources to ensure that all social groups in society a certain standard of living for the removal of possible social unrest;

3) regulation of the life of citizens and encouraging repressive means [3].

There are several models of implementation of social policy. Two of them are considered major - social democratic and liberal.

Social-democratic model of social policy includes, above all, the achievement of a society of social justice, eliminating or at least mitigate the inequality in the distribution of social, economic and other resources by reducing the difference in status and income citizens. Such a model has been put forward sufficient claims directly to the individual, reduces the role of personal incentives and self-realization of man's struggle for his life [2].

Several other of its features is a liberal model of social policy implementation, in which the state provides virtually every citizen of a particular opportunity for independent solution of its problems. State takes over on itself, only those functions that can not implement their own man himself or some social groups [3].

The main problems of social policy in general include: provision of social guarantees, health and employment, education, social services, to overcome anti-social phenomena, social issues, young women, pensioners and other groups, effective management of human resources, etc. [4]. This means that the specific social programs in Ukraine should be designed with regard to such social problems.

Social policy can be successfully implemented for conditions not only to develop an appropriate strategy, creating the necessary mechanisms, but also due to the necessary financial, material, resource maintenance. Referred to in the first place, the necessary conditions for the functioning of education systems, science, culture, health, social welfare, development and promotion of social work.

The Constitution (Article 3) states that a person, her life, health, honor, dignity, integrity and security is the highest social value in the state [1], and Article 46 provides a corresponding right of citizens to social security [1]. That is the state, in the broadest sense of its essence and purpose, which is responsible primarily to a person before the public. And so real is the essential feature of political and legal foundations of social policy in general, the overall purpose of which is to create appropriate conditions for a dignified life and free development, self-realization and self-help man.

The main directions of Ukraine’s social policy since the proclamation of state independence were certainly objectively:

1) income, standard of living of citizens;

2) the employment of nationals and the state of the labor market;

3) organization and remuneration;

4) protection of labor;

5) The compulsory state social insurance;

6) housing for the citizens and the like [4].

Ukraine’s social policy in should go on the need for deep institutional transformations and be focused on these principles:

1. Selection of a close in an institutional model for social development and consistent upgrading of existing institutional framework of the Ukrainian society.

2. The combination of liberalism and social security, citizens' responsibility in his life and health.

3. Moving the "center of gravity" of the social policy of the policies that are associated with changes of quantitative parameters of the social situation.

Since social policy in the largely belongs to the sphere of the spiritual, it is important to bear in mind that the object of control in intellectual production is the relationship between its managers and participants. In education, this is the one who teaches and who learns, in a culture - one who supervises the process, and the one who creates a product of art, literature, culture, social work - the one who organizes, and one on whom it is sent directly. Social Policy provides a crucial element of social control, ie management of the social processes that occur in society.


1. 1.  Конституція України: Прийнята на п’ятій сесії Верховної Ради України 28 червня 1996р. – К.: Офіційне видавництво Верховної Ради України, 1996. – 115с.

2. Атаманчук Г.В. Теорія державного управління. М.:  2000. – 607 с.

3. Лук’янова Н. Соціальна робота в Україні її трансформація в сучасних умовах / Н. Лук’янова // політичний менеджмент. - 2009. -№ 5.-С. 150-156.

4.Щокін Г.В. Соціальна теорія і кадрова політика: навч. посіб./Г.В. Щокін  – К., 2000 – 488 с.