Bogunov L.A.

North Kazakhstan State University named after M. Kozybayev



Priorities for improving the competitiveness of national economies, the study of factors cause the increase of social and economic benefits of its citizens. Public and individual economic thinking are constituent and defining parts of competitiveness and efficiency. In this connection, there is the necessity for determination of the principles and aspects of the implementation of economic thinking in the social and economic state programs.

Herewith an economic thinking, according to researchers, should be understood as follows: L.I. Abalkin: "a set of views and ideas how to approach the assessment of events and decisions that people just are guided by economic activity" [1, p. 9]; A.U. Arkhipov: "a learning process, development of economic reality, training, development of standards for economic, rational behavior, forecasting economic developments, the development of action" [2, p. 16]; V.D. Popov: "property rights of person, social community to interpret the economic phenomena, to perceive them, learn and relate economic concepts, categories, theory and reality and appropriately navigate in the economic life" [3, p. 146]; K.A. Ulybin: "a reflection of human patterns of social production in the form of concepts, and more specifically, in their particular system, the logical connection" [4, p. 9]. There are the other definitions, but most of them fit in the canvas of above aforesaid approaches.

Describing the economic thinking of economic individual, we proceed from the principle that “markets are usually the best way to organize economic activity on the one hand, and on the other hand, a rational individual takes an action based on the fact that the marginal benefits from its activities exceed marginal costs”. According to this approach, the economic thinking can act as the fundamental vector, which determines the success or the failure of the economic subject (individual) activities.

At the same time, proceeding from the principle that “on the one hand markets optimally organize the economic activity of economic agents, naturally helping to search for alternatives and competition, polishing and rejecting effective and ineffective points in the economic thinking of the individual, but on the other hand, the government through the public policy can create the appropriate economic thinking ", we think of possible talking about aspects of such formation.

Thus, based on the principles outlined above, the content of economic thinking and tools of its implementation, namely, economic education and training aimed at the formation of an effective competitive economic thinking, which should include experience of the existing system of training of economists, plus new approaches economic education become more understandable.

That is the theoretical aspect of the formation of economic thinking must come not from the formation of the economic consciousness of the subject ready to conclusions, but from the readiness for innovative thinking activity - in the impact of the economic interdependence of thought and reality, which is implemented in practice.

The next aspect of the implementation of economic thinking is economic training, including training, not only of specialists in economics, but also of non-economic fields. In order for the further implementation of theoretical knowledge and practical skills in their profession, the subject could come from the socio-economic priorities of contemporary market demands.

Such an effective economic mental activity in terms of the current economic situation, we believe, can provide the economic thinking of the subject. In this connection, we believe it is important to pay attention to proper training not only of economists.

Along with the above denoted aspects, the formation of the current market thinking at different ages of the population should be given. The significance of this approach is due to the following circumstances.

First, the formation of economic thinking, namely the readiness to innovate mental activity should be conducted in the period of secondary education, and perhaps even during the pre-school education and training, of course, regardless of future career-oriented focus. Because, and this is indicated above, economic self-realization of a specialist of any profession is essential to him even if as a consequence of the application of his professional competence.

Secondly, people have been educated on any of the specialties, unfortunately, are beyond the educational space. The reason for this is, in particular, in their own reluctance to further education, as well as the habit of thinking that once received education is enough. In this connection, the rapid socio-economic changes, become an insurmountable obstacle for such people and always reduces the adaptation of economic opportunities. Moreover, with age, this trend is growing, and, therefore, we are to speak about the long life economic training.

The final aspect of the implementation of economic thinking has to be the consideration of the objective conditions of the real market relations. And, then, changes in these conditions, regulated by the economic policy of the state will change and the economic thinking of people in the state.

Thus, all these approaches to the implementation of economic thinking as a mechanism to improve the socio-economic competence and efficiency of economic rights should fit into the outline of the state policy, which consists in creating the appropriate conditions – schools, centers, carrying out educational programs under the current socio-economic projects.



1. Абалкин Л. И. Новый тип экономического мышления. – М.: Издательство «Экономика», 1987. – 190 с.

2. Архипов А.Ю. Современное экономическое мышление : Вопросы теории и практики развития: Дис. ... д-ра. экон. наук: Ростов-на-Дону, 1999. – 341 с.

3. Попов В.Д. Экономическое сознание: сущность, формирование и роль в социалистическом обществе. – М.: Мысль, 1981. – 239 с.

4. Улыбии К.А. Современное экономическое мышление. -М.: Политиздат, - 1986. – 238 с.