Usachev.V.A., Pilipenko M.R.

Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade named

after Mikhailo Tugan-Baranovsky

The economy and its role in society.

       In the life of society is one of the most important places is the economic sphere, that is all that is associated with the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of wealth created by human labor.Under the economy is understood as a system of social production, the process of wealth creation, necessary for human society to its normal existence and development, as well as the science that studies the economic processes.Economics plays a huge role in society. It provides the material conditions of human existence - food, clothing, housing and other commodities. The economic sphere - the main areas of society, it determines the course of all processes occurring in it.
In connection with the transfer of some former socialist countries from a centrally controlled economy to a market they have formed a special type of economic system, called a transition. Its main task is recognized in the future construction of a market economic system.Any stable, steadily growing company is interested in a strong family. What is "normal", "healthy" family? This small group, combined kinship relationships, having family rules, which should serve as a direction of development of each individual in the family. This family is characterized by warm relations between the generations. The authority of parents, on the one hand, it should be unquestioned, between children and parents should be the distance - for the simple reason that the parents have more life experience, they are responsible and financially provide the education and upbringing of children. The agreement between the parents, their authority is create a sense of security for children. But, on the other hand, a healthy family can not be based on the suppression of the independence of children. This authority must be clearly realized by the parents, not to be questioned and does not require constant demonstrations. Children need to feel free in expressing their opinions, defending their point of view, respecting the position of the parents.The lack of stable hierarchical relationships within the family leads to the creation of so-called "connivance" of style relationships. In such a family for the apparent permissiveness is a profound indifference to each other. This family is formal, not a support in difficult times and does not give correct guidance to the development.The authoritarian style of relationships between parents and children as a result also leads to alienation, suppressing independence and initiative, may eventually develop a violence and aggression towards each other, or to suppress the identity, foster an inferiority complex.Thus, the most valuable is the family relationship with a democratic style, where respect for elders is adjacent to the equality and cooperation, is the family that serves as a safe haven in all of life problems and troubles.

In the life of society is one of the most important places is the economic sphere, that is all that is associated with the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of wealth created by human labor.Under the economy is understood as a system of social production, the process of wealth creation, necessary for human society to its normal existence and development, as well as the science that studies the economic processes.With the development of scientific and technological progress, it became clear that such an approach to resource use has exhausted itself: mankind has felt their limitations. Since then, the economy is growing mainly through intense, implying a rational and efficient use of resources. Under this approach, one must refine the available resources so that at the lowest cost to achieve maximum results.The main issues of the economy - what, how and for whom to produce.Different economic systems solve them in different ways. Depending on this, they are divided into four main types: traditional, centralized (administrative-command), and a mixed market.Since the economy began producing traditional farm. She is now preserved in some economically underdeveloped countries. At its core is a natural form of farming. Signs of natural production are direct relations of production, distribution, exchange and consumption; products are produced for domestic consumption, is based on communal (public) and private ownership of the means of production. The traditional type of economy prevailed in the pre-industrial stage of development of society. The main purpose of such a system - the use of the strengths and overcome weaknesses of the market and the centralized economy. A classic example of countries with mixed economies are Sweden and Denmark.
In connection with the transfer of some former socialist countries from a centrally controlled economy to a market they have formed a special type of economic system, called a transition. Its main task is recognized in the future construction of a market economic system.Two. Read an excerpt from the work of contemporary sociology. "Parents and children can not and should not be equal in material terms. Parents should have the power over children - it is in everyone's interest. Still, their relationship should in principle be in the nature of equality. In a democratic family, the power of parents is based on an unwritten agreement. " How do you understand the words of the author that the power of parents over children is in everyone's interest? Whose interests but the interests of children and parents, we refer to? What, in your opinion, would be referred to the author of "unwritten agreement" between parents and children?Any stable, steadily growing company is interested in a strong family. What is "normal", "healthy" family? This small group, combined kinship relationships, having family rules, which should serve as a direction of development of each individual in the family. This family is characterized by warm relations between the generations. The authority of parents, on the one hand, it should be unquestioned, between children and parents should be the distance - for the simple reason that the parents have more life experience, they are responsible and financially provide the education and upbringing of children. The lack of stable hierarchical relationships within the family leads to the creation of so-called "connivance" of style relationships. In such a family for the apparent permissiveness is a profound indifference to each other. This family is formal, not a support in difficult times and does not give correct guidance to the development.The authoritarian style of relationships between parents and children as a result also leads to alienation, suppressing independence and initiative, may eventually develop a violence and aggression towards each other, or to suppress the identity, foster an inferiority complex.