À lmagul Agibayeva, Aset Tagibaev, Aigerim Begimbayeva, 

TarSU named after M.H.Dulati.

080011, Taraz, Tole bi 60, Republic of Kazakhstan .

 Introduction. Nowadays glass articles are used widely. Demand for glass production has affected intensive development of the glass industry in our country. Development of the glass industry, as well as development of other industries, is directly connected with negative influence on environment.

In a working zone of the glass industry in a considerable quantity a number of the polluting substances are allocated influencing an organism of people working there. Besides, influence of such factors, as the raised noise level, vibrations and temperatures take place.

Factory characteristic . «Branch "Yuzhniy-3"» of joint-stock company «Glass Company “SAF”» is located in the north-western industrial zone in Taraz. The enterprise has the full finished work cycle of manufacture of glass container from receipt of raw materials before finished goods packing. The technology of glass manufacture consists basically of two stages - preparation process of charge at processing of raw materials and process of reception of glass products.

A principal kind of activity of «Branch "Yuzhny-3"» of JSC «Glass Company "SAF"» is manufacture of glass container. As required colourless container and container of green color is issued. On a branch platform the basic technological sites are involved: metalcutting machine tools, an electro welding post, a gas-welding post, glass boiling furnace, the annealing furnace, a boiler-house, woodworking machine tools, unloading and raw materials storages, processing of raw materials and charge preparation. The factory is equipped by modern domestic and foreign, and also the non-standard equipment which is completed in product lines with the maximum mechanization and automation of all technological processes. Capacity of factory makes 36 million pieces of a conditional bottle a year. A factory operating mode is round-the-clock, 2 replaceable, 4 brigades.

The factory structure includes warehouses of raw materials for storage of raw materials in bulk; finished goods warehouse; a warehouse for storage of materials in packing; machine-bathing shop. Transportation of raw materials from raw materials warehouse is made by bridge electric crane and the tape conveyor.

Conducted researches and their analysis. At the enterprise sources of emissions of polluting substances in atmosphere are:

-Glass boiling bath;

- Annealing furnace of glass articles;

- Boiler-house (2 coppers HP-18);

- Process equipment of preparation of raw materials

- Metal-cutting machine tools,

-Welding equipment.

In total at the enterprise there are 30 sources of emissions of polluting substances in atmosphere, from them 15 are organized, equipped byDGCA* - 7, unorganized - 15. As fuel natural gas is used. Clearing of the departing gases containing oxides of nitrogen, sulfur and carbon, in the course of manufacture glass mass and annealing of products isn't provided. Aspirating systems for dust catching of charge site is equipped by filters having efficiency of clearing of 90 %.

The basic productions at which there is an allocation of harmful substances in atmosphere, is distribution and mixing of raw materials in a charge site on lines of dolomite, sand, feldspar


*DGCA – Dust-gas catching apparatus


and soda. Appearance of dust occurs at material transportation on elevators, to conveyors, at drying in drying drum, at processing on a roar inertial. In shop on manufacture of glass articles, the sources of emissions are glass boiling furnace and the furnaces of annealing working on gas. In line fault service workshops (the mechanical workshop, electro-shop) sources of allocation of polluting substances are tool-grinding, drilling, turning, grooving, detachable and milling machine tools. The electric welding post is used at carrying out of repair work.

In the course of raw materials preparation, manufacturing of glass container and auxiliaries operation there is an emission in atmosphere from stationary sources of a dust inorganic, a dust of soda, welding aerosols, manganese and its oxides, hydrocarbons, a dust abrasive and metal, oxides of carbon, sulfurs and nitrogen. Charge is a dry mix of materials which move in the furnace for reception of glass mass. The main thing in the course of charge drawing up is weighting out of components in certain proportions and their hashing, for the purpose of reception of homogeneous weight. Preparation process of charge is automated. Structure of charge:

Sand quartz (69-74 % on mix structure) SS* 22551-77

Flour of dolomite (5-12 %) TC** 5716-005-21079129-00

Sodium carbonate, calcination technical (12-16 %) SS 5100-85

Sulfate of sodium technical SS 6318-77

Feldspar TC 5726-036-00193861-96.

Sodium saltpeter (sodium nitrate technical) SS 828-77

Dolomite – sedimentary rock, widespread in Kazakhstan and abroad. In dolomite extraction in Kazakhstan are engaged a considerable quantity of the enterprises. The market, dolomite is sated.

Calcium soda – the technical name of sodium salts of coal acid. Manufacture is possible as extraction of natural deposits, and industrial way from ammonia. It is very important component of manufacture of the pulp and paper industry, some products of chemical industry and glass.

Widespread components of charge are quartz sand, a dioxide of silicon which constitute of 50-75% of finished goods. Besides, charge structure contains sodium and potassium carbonates, boric acid, compounds of zinc, fluorine, spar, coal, iron oxide, bichromate of potassium and etc. Quartz sand – very widespread mineral, is an essential component of many rocks, and also mineral deposits of the diversified genesis. Nevertheless, for glass manufacture quartz sand of specific marks ÂÑ-050-1 and B-100-1 is used, their developing deposits are localized enough.

Humidifying of charge to 4-5 % warns or reduces the stratification of a charge at its storage and transportation. A moisture mass fraction in charge after mixing - 5,0 + 0,2%. A moisture mass fraction in charge on loading pockets - 4,6 + 0,1%. In the course of glassmaking there are charcoal fumes of charge. The charcoal fumes size of charge is 17%, accordingly the charcoal fumes factor is equal 0,83.

Cullet is added in charge for acceleration of cooking of glass. Initially it is sorted for removal of large inclusions; wash out in special baths, in water current, and for more careful clearing it is subjected to magnetic separation.

The raw materials for glass manufacturing are delivered to factory by railway cars of type: «four part car-hopper for loose cargoes, model 25-4086». Further the raw materials are unloaded and stored in silage tanks that allow excluding a dust content of air of a working zone and with the help of dust catching reducing dust emission in atmosphere to a minimum. Then all components of charge are moved to scraper conveyors in the amalgamator.


*SS – State standard

**TC – Technical conditions


Scraper conveyors favourably differ from tape and plastic tightness that has allowed lowering a dust content of air of procuring shops of glass factory. At all these operations active dust spread occurs. Intensity of dust spread depends on humidity of materials, character of raw materials, and degree of mechanization of technological process. The quantity of a formed dust reaches for charge glass factories is 1,6% from weight prepared charge. Maximum dust loss has on materials of calcareous group and feldspar (to 85% from dust total). Actions for catching of polluting substances arriving in atmospheric air in compound shops is obligatory. The main principle of clearing aspirating air is in returning of the caught dust in manufacture. Hence, the aspirating systems and clearing devices should be separate for each component of charge. Aspiration of air is carried out in places of shelters. For shelters of knots pouring and unloading of raw materials the 2-step cleaning in a kind of 1-step (Cyclone CN-15) and the II-step (filters FZGI) is used.

Dust formation begins from the very beginning of process - during cargo handling works, and proceeds during preparation of charge, its transportations to furnaces and an unloading. Dust particles, which are formed at different stages of charge preparation differ in the sizes, structure and quantity. Harmful influence of dust particles on an organism of working people depends on a chemical compound, dispersion, the form of dust particles, density, concentration, time of an exposition, etc. Long influence of a dust amazes respiratory organs and promotes occurrence and development of various diseases (dust bronchitis, pneumoconiosis, a tuberculosis, etc.). Besides, the dust can lead to skin diseases, often promotes development of allergic diseases.

The dust is an aerosol because air is the disperse environment, and firm particles as a part of air are t a disperse phase. Dispersion of a dust – is a degree of particles crumbling. Large particles of a dust, of 10-20 micrometers owing to gravitation quickly. Particles in the size 25-10 micrometers will remain in air constantly. Particles in the size 5 micrometers easily take root into respiratory organs. Soluble particles of a dust (a dust of lead, arsenic, chrome, etc.) getting to blood, have specific influence.

Forms of dust particles raise stability of an aerosol in air. Less harmful dust particles are particles of spherical form as they are quickly caught by phagocytes are considered, and particles with keen edges damage lungs tissues.

At the shop preparation raw material or charge dust concentration would reach hundreds, sometimes thousands mg/m3. Dust spreading is peculiar basically to dolomite, limestone, feldspar, sodium and potassium carbonates and boric acid. The dust content in charge of glass factories is 1,6%. The maximum distribution of a dust is given by limestone and feldspar (to 85%), and in air of department of charge reception of 5 microns reach the maintenance of a dust in the size of particles to 60-70%. Dust particles in the size to 50 microns allocated at technological process long remains in air in a suspension. The dust, formed in compound shops renders the general toxic (B2O3, As 2O3) and other actions.

The basic raw material is quartz sand. As a part of the sand used in the glass industry there are 95-99% SiO2 , 0,01-0,25% of compounds of iron.To glass forming raw materials, except oxides silicon, pertain the alumina Al2O3, alkaline oxides of the R 2O group, where R - an atom of the metal, to them pertain the oxides a sodium Na2O, oxides potassium K2O, oxides of the RO group (calcium, magnesium, barium, lead).

Dioxide silicon - the basic component of quartz sand (99-99,5%) consists of crystal particles with the average size 0,1-1 mm. The human body is affected basically by particles in the size 1-2 micrometers. Long influence of these particles on a human body can lead to lungs fibrous (the increase of the connective tissue in lungs), which in turn is a cause of the appearance and developments of silicosis. Maximum permissible concentration (MPC) of quartz sand is made by 1 mg/m3 (Table 1).

Alkaline oxides of monovalent metals (sodium, potassium) are parts of many kinds of glass. Calcium-sodium glass is called also lime-sodium, and is a part of glass ware and various bottles. Sodium oxide is a part of many kinds of glass; it is added in charge structure in the form bottles. Sodium oxide is a part of many kinds of glass; it is added in charge structure in the form

Table 1 - Maximum permissible concentration (MPC) of some substances in air of working zones of the glass industry


Polluting substances

Technological processes and operations at which the substance


Danger degree


Peculiarityof action on an organism


Crystal dioxide of silicon, more than 70 %

Drying, a sand dosage, sifting






Crystal dioxide of silicon, 10 %-70 %

Hashing  of components and unloading in glass melting furnace






Crystal dioxide of silicon, 2 %-10 %







Amorphous dioxide of silicon more than 60 %

10-60 %

Boiling of glass















Crushing, drying, dosage, sieving, transportation






Lime, nepheline

Crushing, drying, a dosage, sieving, transportation






Lead and its inorganic compounds

Unloading of lead minium, glass melting






Inorganic compounds of arsenic to 40 %

more than 40 %


Hashing, unloading of charge















Fluoric hydrogen

Chemical glass polishing






Silicon-fluorine sodium

Unloading of charge in the furnace






Calcium soda

Unloading, dosage, transportation







Chrome oxide

Sifting, a dosage




À, C


Chromate, bichromates

Sifting, dosage




Ê, À


Nitrogen oxide

Drying of raw materials and materials, glass melting, annealing






Nitrogen dioxide

Drying of raw materials and materials, glass melting, annealing





The note: 1. In the column «Aggregate status» V - vapor or gases; A - aerosol.

   2. In the column «Peculiarity of action on an organism » A-allergen; C-cancerogen; F – fibrogen.


of soda (a sodium carbonate). In the course of disintegration of waterless soda 58,5% of Na 2is formed, and 41,5% of weight are lost in the form of carbonic gas. As a raw material with oxide calcium the pine forest and a lime are used. They consist of a calcium carbonate. The calcium carbonate causes irritation of mucous membranes of a nose, the top respiratory ways, can lead to conjunctivitis. To 50% of the dust allocated in the course of charge preparation makes the dolomite dust. A considerable quantity of such dust contains in a drying zone. And as a part of a lime dust contains to 98% CaCO3. The limy dust containing in its structure a considerable quantity of CaO is at the bottom of development of pathologies in lungs.

Boron oxide Â2Î3 is component of optical glasses and fiber glasses. In the course of their preparation boric acid Í3ÂÎ3 is added in charge, its dust causes skin diseases.

In manufacturing of crystal glass lead oxides are applied, they are added in the form of read lead Ðb3O4 (a heavy powder of bright red color) and lead (a powder of dark yellow color). At fusion of glass of both lead oxides is formed. The dust of oxide lead is very poisonous and collecting in a human body has cumulative effect. Lead hurts cardiovascular, nervous and digestive systems. Lead concerns to 1 class of danger, maximum concentration limit of its maintenance in a working zone is 0,01 mg/m3;

In manufacture of glass as oxidizers (at cooking allocate oxygen) sodium saltpeter NaNO3 and potassium saltpeter KNO3 are used. At cooking of crystal glass as oxidizers arsenic As2O 3 and antimony oxide Sb2O3 are applied. Sometimes together remove saltpeter is added also. As arsenic and antimony start to allocate oxygen at high temperature, and at this time saltpeter disintegration already comes to an end. Arsenic oxide As2O3 which is formed and allocated in environment of a working zone of glass manufacture - highly poisonous substance, destroys vegetative nervous system of the person, leads to a paralysis, breaks a metabolism, as a result can develop carcinogenic diseases. Analogous lead arsenic oxide is also capable to cumulatein organism. The dose of this substance causing a poisoning of the person of 0,01-0,052 g.

Different dyes are also added in glass: bichromate of potassium K2Cr2O7, chromium oxide Cr2O3 , Na2CrO4 ·H2and K 2CrO4, manganese compounds, antimony oxides. A dust of these substances annoyingly influences on mucous membranes and skin, their joint action destroys digestive system.

In container glass production fluoric compounds are also used: fluoride of calcium CaF2 , silicofluoride sodium Na2SiF, cryolite 3NaF*AlF3. In this connection in air of shops fluorine dust is allocated. The raised concentration fluoride dust in air causes a chronic poisoning, fluorosis.

For decrease in quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the above-named factors negatively influencing health of the person In Republic Kazakhstan emphases stands out on certification of worker places on labor condition. Workplace certification is an observance of ergonomic requirements, definition of the harmful and dangerous production factors arising on a workplace or a zone. The researches conducted in a working zone of glass factory «Branch "Yuzhniy-3”» of JSC «Glass Company "SAF"» has shown the identity of unhealthy factors with factors of other same factories. Results of measurements are placed in table 2.


Table 2 - Results of measurements of temperature, noise and the dust maintenance in to a working zone of glass factory.


Working zone


Results of measurements 

Temperature C

Noise, DB

Dust content,mg/m3

Temperature C

Noise, DB

Dust content,mg/m3


Operator of a forming machine








Charge loader in the furnace








Smelter of  the glass








Manufacturer of charge







Conclusion. The most negative factors for people’s health in a working zone of factory «Branch "Yuzhniy-3"» JSC «Glass company "SAF"» were the raised noise levels, temperature and the raised concentration of a dust. These researches have proved to be true by laboratory of sanitary-and-epidemiologic department of Zhambyl oblast. The air temperature and concentration of dust was above the stated standards in a work zone of glass melting furnaces, and in a zone of forming machines the raised noise level and air temperatures is established.


 Literature list

1. Coifman N.M. Environmental Protection in production of glass overseas. –M., 1989.

2. Cherhov O.S., Nazarov V.I., Kaligin V.G. Ecological Problems of glass production. –M., 1990.

3. Shapilova M.V., Barishnikov Y.A. Guard of the labour in production of the glass container and varietal dishes. –M., 1989.

4. Certification of industrial objects JSC «Glass company "SAF"» JSC «Glass company "SAF"» regarding labor condition. Almaty-Taraz, 2006.