Atemova K.T.


 The academic degree of doctor of pedagogical science


Docent of Shymkent University












The value of Kazakh nation family’s upbringing

    The main duty   of upbringing in Kazakh nation’s family – is always to revive a healthy person. We can see it from our people’s distally  reasoning  First wealth is health, second wealth is unite shawl, third wealth is treasure. As our nation’s thought the first value for the human is health.

    If we look to the past, to revive the health in the family for ancient Turkey and Kazakh nations begin with preparation a new family. Not to get marriage until 7 generation, the health of bride and by sparing attention to relatives they shouldn’t be ill with inherited illness, in result to keep clear blood and realized guarantee of health for descendant. Kazakh nation doesn’t allow to get marry until 7 generation (grandfather, father, son, grandson, great – grand son, etc.) it gives for each family to get marry after 500 years. In these 500 years the blood cleans so, that in its structure there wouldn’t stay the first relative – genetically mark, and if it stays there would be just only one peculiarity [1].

     In spite of this, there are 3 ways to avoid blood reel es:

     The first is genetically way. As scholars says, most of illness (blind, mental backward, heart, kidney, bone, etc.) passes by genetically way from generation to generation. If one relationship get marry to another one whose blood is same, that relative will grow this and disappear from disease and defect which passes by posterity and by blood. A new “donor” who came from posterity i.e. the bride who came from another relative will change blood for better way and renew it. The girls knew it for a long time, that’s way they allowed to marry for own relative.

     Second is medical way. It’s a person who born from one mother or one relative will seek in marriage with own relative, their children will born by defect. The better way to escape or warn it – to get a girl from other relative.

     The third is unity of nationality and special peculiarity. As on example to proof it - a Kazakh people who knew better for 500 years learned for their child to learn by heart his 7 generation that his blood was from one relation. “Who don’t know his 7 generation is a shameless person” like this they sheered lack of upbringing. Even to keep a cleanliness of blood for 7 generation is not belong for tuckering nations. That’s why a relationship which unites all tripe, for each one brother, is a – great tradition of Kazakh nation. We may ask question could the tripe get marry after 7 generation. At such way the sages of that tripe should say that they were proofed before the God and said for all collected tripe that, for what girl to get marry and allowed in official way to get marry.

      A relationship like this obliges people from one relative who like for away from each after to him a brother, sister. Cause of that women and girls of Kazakh nation never covered and hid there face, were in some relation with men and participated for a Great number of works. This point of view for Turk traditions such Kazakh people’s girls must take all common Islam demand like freedom, to form a peculiarity of tradition.

      The foreign scholars made their own point and sold o lot about Kazakh woman’s equality. On this direction Russian scholar K. Molnickii said:  “In Kazakh nation’s life first of all a woman is a main value in house economy. Second, Turk nation’s girls who take Islam are free and honorary than girls who posed from another tripe. They sit in respectable place where the guest sits. (Kazakh girls sat at – tur).

      “The opinions and views of women of Kazakh nation played a decisive role in family councils. Also, Kazakh women could ride on horse easily, they took part in a reception for guests and gave the guests a fermented horse’s milk and camel’s milk and had a talk with them” – so strake out the higher right of the women of Kazakh nation in comparison another nations’ women [2].

       Kazakh writer Gabit Musirepov wrote about Kazakh women’s relationship to their children, that they weren’t servants, they never disguised their faces, they were the leaders of their nation, most of their names became a motto of that people and most of the tribes were called (named) by woman’s names.

Such traditions, which refer to an independent, made mothers to begin to bring up their children from the cradle age. A mother wished to revive a sensible thought and a noble aims on her child’s mind by saying him a lullaby. To establish children’s identity through the fairy tales and mythical stories begins from the cable age.

        Healthy mind expresses a healthy thought, in Kazakh nation it explains through their customs an outlook. Kazakh people always hoped to speak well, to think will, and because of it they forbidden to some will thoughts and wishes. Fe: Don’t put your hard on your waist, don’t stand an the threshold, don’t hide your face, don’t offer your guests a cup of tea with the broken cup, don’t sway an empty cradle, don’t stand in old man’s way an so on. With the help of forbidden words, they teach children to believe to the good signs [3].

       Also, in Kazakh families says not to offer your guests a cup of tea with the broken cup. It has two reasons. Firstly it means to have a cocked face. Became of we shouldn’t use the broken dishes and mirrors. It isn’t a bad sing to use the broken dishes in parties. Because the lack of dishes are forced us to have   a   tea in cups. We don’t pay attention if they are broken or not.

       Secondly, it isn’t suitable to the aesthetic side to give a cup of the guests with the broken cup. Dishes must be clean and sage. In this case, it takes aim to teach the children to the aesthetical upbringing.

       The second way of restoring a sobriety is to have a regular feeding Fe: The prophets wrote in their selected works to the whole Muslim society: “There are not the worst things than a stomach in the humans’ body. A man may keep himself from eating, if it needs the stomach must be divided into 3 parts, first part for meal, second part for water and last third part for the breath”. Also such opinions appeared in the selected works of the scholars: Al – Farabi said: we are getting into a healthy life trough the regular feeding, so if we will eat according to the regime, we will be healthy, if we will work in accordance with the regime we will be strong. Navayi said:” If you wish your health don’t eat any more” [4].

        We may consider that Kazakh peoples’ feeding on the table is a great upbringing school. We said so, because the custom how to respect elders and their examples transmits from adults to the children during their sitting around the table. Usually we serve for the guests a sheep’s meat. For old man we serve a sheep’s head, for a fiancé we serve a morrow and mammary glands, for children – an ear, shank, kidney, for daughters – in – law the palates and so on. There is another wonderful custom; the elders of family give the children with their hard the children’s shore. Proverb says: “A good word is a half of happiness”. By considering the abilities of children, the elders give them a body of sheep, such as tongue, eye, ear, shank. When they are giving they say: “Have a vigilant eye”, “never suffer from deafness”, “more speak and be as eloquence”, “have fast legs”, “be clever”. For every boys and girls these sayings play the role of ticket for future.

       In order to not leave the boys to show their rude characters before the guests, our ancestors made up a several forbidden rules: “A boy, who has a father, shouldn’t hold his head, or also he may stay without father”, “young girls shouldn’t keep their hair free, or else, when they get married, they may stay without husbands”. The influence of such forbidden rules on people was very great. Younger did as old person said.

      First of all, we invite the elders for the fiddling and then others will follow them. Old person sits on an honorable place.

      So, an old men and adults who deserving young respect must have instances. Because, during the meal an old men of the village shoring with their experiences must influence to be polite and to inform with valuable information. Coming  from it, there is a proverb in Kazakh “ Guest who comes once is success, who comes twice is starvation”, it’s meaning is if guest has talk and interesting directions, this guest has always respect for himself, if he has not anything to say, he will tire ( most people) majority. Therefore guest must go away before he will lose his respect. By the etiquette customs of the Kazakh it is not allowed to interfere in adults talk. To do the adults application is duty of youth [5].

         Well behaved treatment of relations is produce by the respect between adults and youth. Forming of the generations mind and behavior is depends on their upbringing. Therefore Kazakh people from old years were admonished the accordance, fraternity between brother and sister and on the basis of this proverb shows the rights and duties of adults and youth. They realize that to taste the meal first is due for adults, than youth. In Kazakh it is not allowed to cut adult’s way, it is indication of respect. Especially, women mustn’t cut men’s way in spite of in what age he is. For such respect each Kazakh family bring up childhood. To form such actions they used superstitions. For instance, they superstition it will be bad, if you cut adult’s way. If you cut adult’s way, he will be failure, therefore he become angry. It considered as bad superstition. To take adults blessing for youth it means the success, if it is on the contrarily it means the failure. Therefore it means the failure both of them.

          It’s known that Kazakh nation gave (spared) special attention in upbringing of their children, parents brought up not them only, children had brought up with full village. Therefore, one of main traditions is bring up the child with full village from his born and relatives paid many attentions too from giving the name to the child till to his marriage all his failures and success weren’t noticeable by relatives. Reported people and sages said that their good wishes gave their blessings and shared all gladness connected with child’s life. Therefore, this upbringing of child an ancient Kazakh village was above of people’s intention and had social, public triad. That’s why the upbringing of child measured by society’s opinion.

           Some more value of upbringing of child in Kazakh nation is soft purity of conscience. It is characterized with such qualities as faithfulness, truthfulness, industrious (diligent), justice and humanity.

           These thoughts of sages came from generation to generation from their works.

           Idest very great sage Keikaus in his work “Kabusnama” wrote, that if you want to be a human “keep your eyes from bad things, keep your tongue from bad words, keep your hands from bad works”.

          Saying this reasons Kazakh nation want to say to their generation that it’s our duty to spend our life as people, that the cost of humans life is above cattle’s life and honor is more expensive than our life.

         Our nation thinking that the only one wealth carries to the purity of conscience is health; they paid more attention to the children’s health. In forming it the work (job) was the only way. About this Abai Kunanbaev wrote such repletion unemployment do the people very poor [6].     

        Child who doesn’t work, who spends his time to the nothing, isn’t good person. To speak to the point, when the child didn’t do anything, he adapted to bad things, about frame, the body will put down, and he became to full weakness. Therefore, Kazakhs say that “who had healthy bode, has also health soul”. These are also the point of view of foreign sciences.

       This opinion is approved by other nationalities. For example, I.Becher said: “Work in a depressed times, it is one of the ways to sow the sorrow. Work in order to your soul will not depress, nothing couldn’t save from depression such as work. Work while you are young”, - and noted that only work is lead to the purpose.

       Treatment for children in the family is means mood and being of the parents. Kazakh doesn’t beat and swear at children. Especially, fathers tried not to offend daughters. In Kazakh there it a notion if the father beat his daughter, she will be unhappy. Especially, to swear at children before guests and strangers is rough behavior. In compliance with it Kazakhs have proverb: “who does not like the guest start to abuse the child or to sweep”.

       Such thoughts of Kazakh families and exited by parents, neighbors, even by guests and majorities. Thought upbringing begins from family, therefore forefathers were remined the main price of upbringing.   


                 Literature that was used:

1. Adyl Bek Kaba. Kanyn taza ma, baurym //Zhas  Alash. 2002. 16 of April,- 1,3 p.

2. “…narody srednei Azii ”.Work of professor U.K Molnickii UKOGA. Fond ¹ 1170.Fond’s name “Documents about Turkestan”, Work ¹ 4, 118 p.

3. Atemova K.T. Otbasynda balanyn is- areketinyn uyimdastyru zholdary – Almaty, 2002.-58 p.

4. Sahih hadistery./Redaction was headed by M.G.Mynbaev. Tandamaly byrywyi kitap. – Almaty, 2003. – 224p.

5. Kazakh’s proverbs://Was made by O. Turmanzhanov. - Almaty: Ana tili: 1993. - 173 p.

6. Abai Kunanbaev . Kara sozder, poemalar.// Work of K. Serikbaeva. Almaty: El. 1992-272 p.