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À. Parkhomenko

Scientific supervisor: I. Vlasova

How to keep and protect money

It isn't a secret that everybody needs money. The problem is – what for?

Among the Ukrainian experts there is no a consent concerning that in what concretely to inlay free money assets. Sharp questions are opened for the ordinary citizen of our country which in middle earns from 1500-5500 hrn.: how to survive on a pay, how not to lose work, how to save the money in the financial crisis.

For today priority is investing in: antiquary, bank gold, jewelry and precious stone. But all these are the luxury for ordinary Ukrainian. Some of them consider that can't allow it and «sit on the money» which is depreciated. The forms of investment are more various in all.

In Ukraine only one percent of population invests in the art, it is related to the undeveloped system of antique market. After the estimations of specialists, price, for the antiquary and art is grown on the average on 15–20% in a year in our country [6]. If we look at the principles of investing in the objects of art, they coincide with the rules of investment portfolio construction.

If you begin to invest in the antiquary it isn’t obligatory to have million of dollars. Certainly you won’t become a millionth investor with an ordinary profit in 2000 hrn. Possibly by the agreements of common capital – there is a chance to begin to work. So there are the advantages and disadvantages in everything, such activity needs proof partners which you can trust.

A collector-novice certainly needs advices of «antiquary analyst» - consultant from investments in the art. But mark that professional consultants are needed for the serious investing - from $50-100 thousand. Consultants take a commission 1-2% from the sum of object or collection, and to 5% examination [4]. The last is needed, if there are no normal documents. Nowadays the selection of consultant takes a position like «trust, but check». A skilled consultant will help to choose purchases, build an investment chart depending on that, how you are ready to play, - «in long» or «in short».

If your budget is shorted – take advice in the services of bank. For today in Ukraine has been art-banking service. Such service was inculcated by OTP Bank [6]. Art-banking - it is a financially consultative accompaniment of investments in the art.

The attributes of the art-banking services are a separate room for customer service by the personal manager, cash apartment, room, for the business meetings. There are seven branches of bank function with such specialized offices in cities: Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk, Kyiv, Lviv, Mykolaiv, Odesa and Kharkiv.

Investment of money in the modern art is less risky: the inlaid money will cover a cost itself more quickly, in the nearest two years the price will grow on 70–100% annually. Linens near 100 thousand dol. add, as a rule, not more than 15% in a year [7].

Let's speak about the jewelry. Ukrainian users buy the jewelry mainly for the soul - to inlay money in them for citizen which lives on a salary doesn't make sense – the reason is that there is no the second market in Ukraine. To turn the facilities invested in the jewelry you can only in the two ways: selling them to the good friends or to the pawnshop.

Probing the process of pricing in the pawnshops, appeared, that if you pass the jewelry you lose from 35-47% from the cost of object. There was a very interesting tendency, of the pawnshops which were located in the center of Donetsk the loss from the cost of the handed over property was 32%, and in the pawnshops on the outskirts of city – 46%. If you are really disturbed the problem of investment of money in precious wares it is necessary to learn a reference book for chemistries, to distinguish the real gold from false copper. A test isn’t a guarantee.

Someone invests money in the yellow metal (bars) with the fluctuations in the rate of hrn. in our country. This kind of the investment has some drawbacks:

·                   high bank commissions;

·                   difference between a purchase and sale of gold makes 20-50 hrn. per 1 grm.;

·                   minimum payment is on a deposit.

Although the world markets course of gold already 8 months falls, in Ukraine only for the last month the cost of precious metal grew on 15%-20%. Experts and representatives of NBU said that in the second half of 2009 a tendency can change, and hrn. will rise in price, and the cause of gold will fall.



1.                 www.antikvar.kharkov.ua/chto-myi-kupim/chto-myi-kupim/index.php

2.                 www.molotok.ru/48261_antikvariat_.html?ap=1&aid=7805605

3.                 www.dragmet.com.ua/kurs_zolota_ua.html

4.                 charts.finance.ua/ua/metals/cash

5.                 www.minfin.gov.ua

6.                 www.podrobnosti.com.ua

7.                 www.business.ua