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Potapenko O.V.

Litovchenko T.O.

Vlasova I. A.

Donetsk state university of economics and trade

after Michael Tugan-Baranovsky, Ukraine




         We are in a process of increasing the economic stability and security, associated with controversial phenomena such as unemployment and inflation. Identifying the problems of each party in the market mechanism is the background of an efficient strategy regarding the human resources development in the competitive environment of monde-economy. The development of the outsourcing activities in Europe and on the global labor-market can not be connected with the unemployment evolution on the market areas. When administered carefully, outsourcing activities are able to contribute to raising efficiency and provide a range of advantages.

         Romania is in a process of catching up the most developed countries of our continent, in economy: the big push of the measured parameters of growth is presumed by some economists in the on-going process of changing structures and re-orientating towards new markets, in a larger process of increasing the economic stability and security.

         The lasting development requires a permanent control of undesired effects such as unemployment, inflation, prices fluctuation, allowing the dominating trend of growth, and sustainable development to have inside determinations and forces.

         The consequences of stability, referring of those of static nature, even if the long term macro-equilibrium is targeted, are supported by the interdependence of all markets. They are ruled by the equilibrium-prices, and by some skeptics, they are far from bringing to the new EU members a spectacular economic success, even if it takes to deal with the intervention of the authorities (state, private, companies, global institutions). Large areas strategies aiming to a development where the human capital is a core issue administrating a scale of costly objectives, essentially oriented by the general rules of international competition, and trying to answer to the priorities which solve the most of the burdening tasks in the perpetual struggle for progress.

         The labor market stability, as a component of the general steady economic systems, plays a major part in the geo-economic plans concerning European continent, having a definite importance in shaping the supply as well as the demand of integrated or global economic parties. Under the globalizing labor-phenomena impact, smaller areas of market act similarly, as if the integrated market would demand the same objective rules of motion.

  Thus, we observe a quasi-instantly spreading of the organization-types in economy, no matter the national territory. This phenomenon is objectively needed, required by the special technologies, which generates lay-offs and creates new jobs, or modifies the domestic demand, unable to synchronize with the national supply. The feeding with resources process from off-shore, out of local, regional, national markets, can be done in the case of different options concerning the labor contracts, as well: through a comparative advantage, a certain area of labor-market is cheaper and more efficient in the meantime.

Within the wide-frame expansion of the human resources market, outsourcing activities could be extremely beneficial for the global interest, for both parties if the outsourcing partners are competent and the expectations are clearly defined. 

The ideal tactic of supporting a human resources strategy by outsourcing activities would be to administrate carefully such a contribution, aiming that it becomes able to contribute to raising efficiency and provide a range of advantages.

From the doctrinaire point of view, the development of the outsourcing activities in Europe and on the global labor-market can not be connected with the unemployment evolution on the market areas watched by the employers, because outsourcing is in its essence a mechanism of a more flexibility of the labor supply, of adapting to the requirements asking for maximum economic efficiency, a mechanism of diminishing the negative effects of the imperfections of the market segments, mainly through under-engagements and contracts, detouring the custom barriers, eliminating the trade-unions pressures (as a side effect, which is smoothing the victory of competition forces).

Activities of human resources, exploitable in economy marketing contribute to the out-put optimization and trade, in the field of harmonization of the production factors, and in the end of the analysis it serves the client, who will be in the position of buying a product manufactured in the most favorable conditions. 

Apparently weaknesses in the outsourcing partnership, depending on the quality standards and the difficulty of ensuring the security standards is in fact a general economic upraising of the standard at the European level, and the promo tore of the competitively of this partnership, for all the involved members.

The access at technical special know-how, eliminating the re-structuring costs of manufacturing are all elements of controlling the final costing and implicit of stabilizing the process at the offered to sale goods.

The de-localization of the activities, on the ground of a win-win-strategy, is a global trend, an on-going process linked to the development of the labor market. In the outsourcing domain, our country has to climb an important gap up to the level of the countries having National Agencies and Research Institutes for these economic activities, close connected to the functioning of the virtual services.

The statistics of the labor markets showed that very few lay-offs are due to the off-shoring employment. This fact was commented by some economists who appreciated that the official authorities of this affair under-estimated the jobs re-directed to out-borders, on cheaper labor market-areas. In our opinion, Europe has in this specific sector to invest much more effort in order to obtain comparable results.

In Romania and other developing country as well, the outsourcing studies are expected to be carried out faster, firm-needs-oriented, on contractual basis.

The legislative frame is weak and it is most important that it fulfills not only the allowance of such new activities, but a permanent adaptation of the taxes that equilibrates the profits of all involved countries: this would eliminate the possibility of speculating legislation in the direction of escaping taxes in the global environment, abandoning the national constrains.

The second unsolved hindrance of the concrete business-study in outsourcing is the absence of an unique methodology of calculating the effects, necessary considering that the partners are of different dimensions, and even if they declare themselves allied in gaining profits, the competition forces draws them to potential tensions for the moment and turning into a possible confrontation later.

         An active labor policy is every day more flexible in working arrangements such as part-time or fixed-term employment, accompanied by a straight regulation in this field, giving benefits to firms, employers and employee, and also paying attention to the macroeconomic index of human development and human capital.

         The European enlargement produces a re-distribution of labor among industries and among member-states (close regions included), bringing a new trend in the reform of the macro-market system.

This situation pushed the politicians’ precautions to think of a temporary restriction of the eastern persons and employed rights for several years, in order to diminish the eventually massive flow of labor towards west.

We can hardly say that such politic-vision had in mind the home-usage of human capital in the outsourcing mechanism.

Nevertheless, we expect that the market forces will impose the competition and economic confrontation, which will bring economic benefits and quality augmentation as major gains for all consumers. Under this main-stream flow, the outsourcing mechanism and its deep potential integrates in the support for the optimistic 2010 targets of the United Europe: 70% - employment rate of 15-64 years old labor; over 60%- feminine employment rate between 15-64 years old; 50% - aged labor employment rate, between 55 and 64 years old.