Pedagogical sciences/2. Problems of specialists’ training


Trusova T.V.

South-Russia State University of Economics and Service, Russia

Some Means of Formation of the Professional and Linguistic Competence in the Course of Training Specialists of Technical Universities


         With the expansion of professional bilingual communication in the modern world, where knowledge of foreign languages becomes a category that is really necessary for practical and intellectual activity of a person, makes his professional field wider due to availability of foreign information, it is important to develop interest in the accumulation of knowledge, make a person understand the value of learning a foreign language as a way of expansion of his/her life and professional space. There is a need to form a student as a personality through bringing a foreign language as close to special disciplines as possible, through understanding by the students its applied purposes, actualizing pragmatic aspects of language learning.

         The essence of the process of language learning in a non-linguistic university is to integrate the goals of vocational training and teaching a foreign language. It is, in fact, the integration of knowledge into the contents of vocational education, where the integrator is a foreign language, which is a means of education, training and readiness formation of future engineers for their professional activity in a unified information space.

         Profession-oriented course of a foreign language opens up wide opportunities to plan the learning process in such a way that constant development and individual work enabling self-development of a student with respect to basic requirements of didactics and systematic approach to mastering knowledge are quite feasible. Thus, orientation of a course of a foreign language on the future profession of a student is a system of didactic means enabling to change the ratio of general and applied purposes and realize the latter in teaching a foreign language so that it would later be used in the professional work. The objective will be achievable if the proposed course corresponds to the contents of education and is focused on the motivational sphere of students, on the profession they are trained for, is differentiated so that learning was of personal character for every student, helps to develop in each student steady and rational skills of individual work and the ability to carry out a systematic approach to mastering knowledge, which is a condition for further self-education.

         Concerning the problem of formation of competences in the sphere of a foreign language, the researchers (Artemieva O.A., Makeyeva M.N., Milrood R.P.) note that the formation of certain competences should develop a person, ensure the achievement of practical and educational goals that are closely interrelated.

         The basic practical purpose, according to the researchers, is the necessity to teach students to realize the tasks of mastering a foreign language and relate them to their future professional activity in real life.

         The educational purposes are the development of skills and abilities of intellectual labour, the formation of interest in foreign culture, the increasing the general culture and professional competence of students, the enriching, deepening and improvement of knowledge of a foreign language through self-education and creative application in practice.

         Among the developmental objectives are the following: the development of intellectual, emotional and motivational spheres of a student’s personality, the formation of self-identity, self-expression, self-control, personal reflection.

         Professional and linguistic competence of a future specialist is formed more effectively in pedagogical conditions that ensure subject-to-subject relations in the learning process that is realization of cooperation in the educational process when educational activity is treated as the factor of personal and vocational development. These conditions are realized through the activity of a teacher and educational activities of students, which, in turn, are implemented in a variety of methods and forms of education.

         One of these forms is to engage students in the compilation of terminological dictionaries and replenishment of already existing dictionaries, which has been practiced in our university for a number of years. Our attention to this form of cooperation is due, primarily, to focusing on the creation of an additional motivation to study a foreign language. Currently there is growing interest in terminology and terminological problems and it can be easily explained. At the time of the formation of a new information paradigm and the development of artificial intelligence, computerized communication and integration of science and technology new terms appear faster than ever before in human history. According to some estimates, over 90 % of new words that appear in today’s lexicon are just a special vocabulary. On the other hand, it is well known that a language affects the content and formation of the conceptual foundations of many disciplines. Through the process of language learning in the form of contextual training there is clarification of terminology and conceptual definitions that is terminological and conceptual content of professionally-relevant disciplines that promotes the development of professional competence and, through it, the intelligence in general. The significance of a term is thus extremely great, as a term, being a cognitive and communicative unit of symbolic nature, specifies the program of activities and behaviour for the participants of professional communication.

         Terminology is the core of the language of professional communication. It concentrates in itself its main features and properties. A term is a verbalized result of professional thinking, an important linguistic and cognitive means of orientation in the professional sphere and a major element of professional communication. Learning mechanisms in a particular field of knowledge or activities are implemented in a term. It is represented by the structures of special knowledge, which serve as a starting point in understanding the professional environment and contribute to optimal organization of the specialists’ activity. Terms are the primary means of conceptual orientation in the cognitive and communicative space. They are a means of professional communication, a means of updating professional knowledge in the course of activity.

         Compiling dictionaries we set the task to give rather a detailed description of contemporary vocabulary relating to a particular professional field, which includes terminology, professionalisms, professional jargon. Intensive application of computer technologies in the learning process has led to the creation of electronic versions of dictionaries allowing not only a faster search of the translation of words, abbreviations and the right terms, but also to add new words and word combinations.

         Studying a foreign language a student learns a symbolic nature of verbal communication and deeper understands his native language. Thus the study of a foreign language plays a very unique role in general training of specialists in every field, in the development of thinking of students. The essential point in dealing with general education objectives while teaching a foreign language is to work with words. The engagement of students in the compilation of terminological dictionaries, as practice shows, motivates and stimulates learning activities, encourages students to attentive reading, reflection and analysis expanding their horizons, develops their thinking and creative activity, has a positive impact on the personality of a student.



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