Kyzmenko O.V.

Alfred Nobel University of Economics and Law

Evaluation of resources potential management efficiency

In market economy, which is characterized by the high level of competition and equivocation of market conditions, the achievement of enterprise stable position and its effective work needs solving many difficult problems. The most important of them is full-blast usage of potentialities, ability formation of elasticity to constantly changing market conditions. Efficiency of commercial organizations economic activity is defined by how effective they consume procured resources, the totality of which is appeared to be its resources potential. Nowadays the mechanism of resources potential management doesn’t meet in full the tasks of increasing work effectiveness, getting high ultimate results and the quality of commercial service improvement. The main reason why this problem is so acute is resources limitedness which determines the necessity of finding ways of much more full ways of its usage.

One of the ways of solving this problem is finding out the resources potential for ensuring competition on existing or potential markets for specific products promotion.

Taking into account the fact that in scientific resources there are different approaches to the study and evaluation of enterprise resources potential which is connected with the nature of its purposes, so we have concentrated our attention on components systematization which define potential opportunities of machine building enterprise and become a precondition for increasing competitiveness.

Some scientists propose to evaluate the potential according to the four categories: basic (guarantees the enterprise the achievement of main commercial aims and receiving profit); hidden (assets that can be transformed into basic funds: human resources, work experience); loss-making (using resources without any return to enterprise); general (assets which provide the effective use of another potentialities) [1].

The integral part of machine building enterprise diagnostics is evaluation of its resources potential on certain levels of management and activities.

To sum the achievements of domestic and foreign scientists up and using the analysis results of analytical materials of enterprises practical activity. We should make a conclusion that resources potential of machine building enterprise is the whole set of material, bankroll and informational resources, which are at the disposal of enterprise which is necessary for it in order to ensure the strategy implementation in terms of market conditions complex analysis which is the basis for defining the strategic set of decisions as for the further development.


where Koij and Kbij– the volume of production, correspondently, in  current and basic periods; j –product name (j = 1, 2,...m, joint into n commodity groups (n = 1, 2, ....) .

Potential evaluation according to the volume of manufacturing goods:


Potential evaluation according to the volume of manufacturing goods in n groups:


Enterprise, which has evaluated the manufacturing potential according to j commodity in relative values, after market trends researches, determines the opportunities of increasing sales volumes in absolute expression and income volume - in terms of money, ipso facto calculating weighty coefficient of every j commodity from groups 1, 2, ... and each of product groups n. From the scientist’s point of view, such analysis can give enterprise the opportunity to solve the problem of potential usage priority. This information can be the informational basis for making strategic decisions. Of course it is very useful but we think that it is quite difficult to assess the priority, though such technique doesn’t show how each type of resources has influenced the output.

Despite of the simplicity and objectivity of received characteristics while such technique application, it is still necessary to find out that most of components were received on the basis of situational analysis, so they reflect exactly the examined variant of concrete enterprise development.  

Under the above mentioned information we consider that the most efficient variant is the combination (in the evaluation model) of enterprise potential of some classificational signs on the basis of a set of functional potentials of each evaluation calculations. After that the development reserves of examined potential without increasing prices on account of their better usage and improving management activity. Comparison of enterprise potential evaluation is competitorsopportunities give the chance to define their competitive advantages. Such analysis should be done on the basis of making the profile of competitors’ advantages.

Discovered competitorsadvantages make sure a definite competitive position and give a mashine builsing enterprise the opportunity to provide consumers with much more qualitative products with reasonable correlation pricequalitywith the higher service level.


1. Dolzhanskiy ².Ì. Enterprise potential management: study guide/ [².Ç. Dolzhanskiy, Ò.Î. Zagorna, Î.Î. Udaluch, ².Ì. Gerasimenko, Â.Ì. Raschupcina]. – Ê. : The centre of scientific literature, 2006. – 362 ñ.