assistant Ententyeyeva G.Y.

Stakhanov Training and Research Institute of Mountaineering and Educational Technology

Ukrainian Engineering and Pedagogical Academy

The process of studying a foreign (English) language by future engineer-teachers

        Modern Ukrainian society need to raise academic mobility for specialists to speak foreign languages in their professional activities. Foreign language becomes an important resource for social and professional growth, mandatory condition of Ukraine's participation in the Bologna process. At the present time due to the rapid expansion of international contacts in the engineering and educational activities, more important to train new engineer-teachers in a foreign language. Now, when international contacts are in a process of developing it is necessary for students with the skills to communicate in a foreign language, which would allow them to have professional communication and exchange of experience at international level. So the willingness of future engineer-teachers to realize internationally professional interaction should be considered as an important criterion for their professionalism.       Foreign language can give students direct access to culture of other nations, provide “culture dialog” and improve the quality of specialist for various areas of life. The teaching of English as a foreign language to engineer-teachers is essentially utilitarian. Engineer-teachers need English as means of doing their work efficiently but first of all for being able to communicate. ESP (English for Specific Purposes) is often divided into EAP (English for Academic Purposes) and EOP (English for Occupational Purposes).What it is important with ESP is the fact that it is designed to meet the specific needs of the learners and is centered not only on the language (grammar, lexis, register), but also on the skills and discourses. It is known that development of communication competence is very important because with the spread of globalization the increasing use of English as the language of international communication has come. ESP might, for example, emphasize the development of reading skills in students or it might promote the development of spoken skills in students and that depends on students’ needs to be successful in their field of work. We concentrate on how to teach conversational skills to engineering students especially using the Internet. ESP concentrates more on language in context than on teaching grammar and language structures and Internet is a wonderful resource for teachers to enrich their lessons providing authentic and up-to-date materials, interactive exercises etc. whatever the level of students. From beginner level through to advanced, students will be able to practice their conversational skills within an engineering context using the Internet view as a tool that increases the global access to engineering education information, as underserved languages come online.

The rapidly changing technology demands more and more science oriented engineer-teachers. For engineers, English is primarily a library language meaning that the student must understand enough to gain access to knowledge contained in textbooks and particularly in periodicals and journals in order to extract information and keep abreast with latest technologies. The second most important part English plays for engineer-teachers is its position as an international language of conferences, symposia, and seminars, which means that they need to be able to understand specialized spoken language. Active participation in these meetings, however, also demands an ability to communicate with colleagues, participants etc. As well as skill in the specialized language of engineering this also demands knowledge of everyday language.

The main goal for engineer-teachers studying English  in non-linguistic institutes is to build the students' communicative competencies - skills to communicate in oral and written form within the professional scope and issues, following the traditions and norms which are confirmed in the country language they study [1]. The peculiarity of learning foreign languages by professional direction includes professional context specialty, the main current task to master the knowledge of professional terminology and skills to use highly specialized.

The practical purpose of learning foreign language in non-linguistic institutes is formation of the students’ professionally oriented intercultural communicative competence (PICC). Professionally oriented intercultural communicative competence is the motives, interests, knowledge, skills that provide human communication in a foreign language in private, public, professional and educational fields in multicultural society and communication in the context of individual culture nonverbal (diagrams, formulas) and paralinguistic (gestures, facial expressions) means. This competence includes the following main components of foreign language:

- foreign language communicative competence (skills listening, speaking, reading and writing );

-sociocultural competence (ability and willingness to consider
cultural features of the country; verbal and nonverbal behavior of foreign speakerslanguage);

- professional competence (professional knowledge, skills and experience, understanding specific professional terminology, and ability to  solve professional tasks);

- educational competence (the ability and skills to work with the teachers and other students, perform various educational tasks creatively);
         - methodological competence (skills and ability to acquire education and communication strategies  dealing with professional tasks) [2].

Studying includes   modern didactic principles of suggestibility, visibility, use of audio and multimedia, etc. After all the main thing in educational process is to organize work and time, visualization, presentation,  discussion (debate), the analysis of professional situations, etc. These technologies find their use primarily in the following forms of employment as a project work and business. They offer the opportunity for creative and experimental work students.

A small number of weekly hours allocated to foreign language complicate the process of mastering the language material types, speech activity and sociocultural competence. Therefore, the activity of teachers aimed at finding effective forms of motivation of students, special methods and means of teaching a large amount of material for a limited period, to form the necessary professional knowledge of certain terminology and vocabulary skills, to use them within their professional activities. Leading role in the learning process play workshops during which students become acquainted with the new vocabulary, working on authentic texts, students use acquired knowledge into practice. Solving the communicative-cognitive tasks performed by various facilities: role-playing, situational training tasks, paired and group forms of work, etc. [3].

It should be noted that the key to many problems in education is the abrupt decrease in motivation training activity. In order to cause the interest of students, self-esteem, one of the factors of the educational process is to create a positive atmosphere of the situation, success based on individual approach and final result. Therefore, students of nonlinguistic universities are offered this type of activity as independent work. For their performance are given a certain number of hours plan work according to program for extracurricular. The basic principle is project method; the main idea is directed to reorientation learning process. Students learn to adopt different decisions, find information and cooperate in a team. The final result of the project activity can be self-made terminology vocabulary words by specialty, independent translation of technical texts, and development block diagrams.

 Monitoring of students is evaluated by both process and result. The method of final control is more preferable and includes written report of independent work and students developed material with oral answers.

 Language and communication skills are important elements in the education of the modern engineer-teachers, including English for specific purposes (ESP). More and more enterprises use English as their primary Language; most of the world’s engineering publications are written in English, Internet’s language is English etc. For example the ability to communicate effectively in English over the phone is a skill relevant to the majority of occupations.




1. Dudley-Evans, T. 2001, English for Specific Purposes in The Cambridge Guide to

TESOL, Cambridge University Press.

2. Harding, K, 2007, English for Purposes, Oxford University Press. 

3.  Johns, Ann M. & Dudley-Evans, Ton1991, English form Specific Purpose International in Scope, Specific in Purpose TESOL Quarterly 25:2, 297-314.  

4. Barabanova G.V. Methodology of teaching in nonlinguistic university: [monograph] / G.V. Barabanova. – Ê. : «²ÍÊÎÑ», 2005. – 101 p.