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M. Kozhabayev., M. A. Berdikulov., SH. M.Karatayev


Southern-Kazakhstan Research Veterinary Station, Kazakhstan


Phlebotomize- Parasitical Diseases of the Large Horned Live-Stock in the Southern Kazakhstan and Ways of Pest Control



In the Southern-Kazakhstan area in many regions Phlebotomize-  Parasitical Diseases  of the Large Horned Live-Stock, particularly theileriosis and piroplazmos are widely-spread. The scientific bases of studying these diseases in the Southern-Kazakhstan were founded by A.A.Tselischev in 1932-1933 and I. Galuzo’s investigations in 1934-1935.

In the Southern-Kazakhstan following aspectual composition of the incitants is installed: T. Annulata (Dschunkowsky et Luhs, 1904), P. Bigeminum (Smith et Kilborne, 1889), F. Colchica (Jakimoff, 1927), A. Marginale (Jakimoff, 1927). Theileriosis, Piroplazmos and Fransaelos are the most spreading incitants from the type of the  Phlebotomize- Parasites, Anaplazmos is registered in a certain degree, and sometimes invasion is met, too.

I.Galuzo(1946-1949), ), D.K.Polyakov (1962), N.I. Agrinskiy (1962). B.I.Pomerantsev (1950) have pointed to need of studying ticks in the natural biotops where complex relations are formed between parasites and their master. From types of Hyalom five species of ticks H.Detritum, H. Anatolicum, H. Scupense, H.Plumbeum and H.Asiaticum are carriers of theileriosis to the Large Horned Live-Stock. Haemophysalis Punctata is also a carrier of theileria, but in epizootological attitude from all named ticks only two species(H.Detritum and H. Anatolicum) are the main carriers of the incitants of theileriosis by I. Galuzo(1935) and according to our data output in condition of the Southern- Kazakhstan.

Boophilus Calcaratus is the carrier tick of Piroplazm,Fransael and Anaplazm. According to B.V.Lototsky’s research Boophilus Calcaratus has taken the first place in quantity in Kazakhstan earlier, H.Anatolicum on width of the spreading, H.Detritum has occupied for the matter the intermediate place.

Before 1990 piroplazmidogical situation was sharply changed. It was connected with cultivation of plants which were situated in flat areas of the Republic, where biotop areas were sharply changed due to the mastering the length and chemical processing of large territories, animals and cattle-farms by acaricidical preparates. The ticks Boophilus Calcaratus in cattle-farm territories were decreased to the minimum. The amount of ticks H.Detritum and H.Anatolicum parasitized on animals were also abruptly fell.

At present piroplazmidogical situation is more changed the ticks H.Detritum and H.Anatolicum are activated, but in some other regions (Mahtaaral, Saryagash, Ordabasy) of the Southern-Kazakhstan B.Calcaratus’s activation is observed, too. The typical habitats of ticks H.Detritum are the dry farmland pastures which are located in areas requiring irrigations in foot-hill zone of our Republic and small shrubbery, groves and bush growing territories. The period of activeness of adults of H.Detritum is observed mainly in June. The ticks H.Detritum attack the Large Horned Live-Stock in imaginative phase of their development during five months (April- August).

 The official sources and our observations show that the cycle of development of the other main carrier of the incitant of theileriosis  H.Anatolicum is some-how different, it can be proceeded in the cattle-farms, made from clay: in imaginative phase these ticks parasitize on the large horned live-stock from April to November, maximum in June, July and August. This year, by observations, the tick- attack by H.Anatolicum has been intensive in comparison with other species. By data outlook, subsequently the firm tick centers are created in such facilities.

So flashes of epizootic theileriosis amongst delivered large horned live-stock, that put in tick- attacked premises, can be even existed in Autumn-Winter period. Such events are not rare. The ticks B.Calcaratus are fond of moisture and dwell in oasis, in flood plain of the rivers, at the bank of bogs and lakes, and in groves.

The studying of seasonal dynamics of parasitizing by ticks on the large horned live-stock shows that there are the maximal convenience circumstances for poisoning by theileriosis existed in Spring–Summer period in the southern zone. Due to veterinary reporting Phlebotomize- Parasitical Diseases of large horned live-stock do not reflect to reality.

2000-2010 period thousands of the large horned live-stock particularly the delivered ones were taken ill by theileriosis and piroplazmos with a high percentage of death. The high percentage of these diseases of the delivered large horned live-stock which were taken ill by Phlebotomize-Parasitical Diseases especially theileriosis has been explained by pasturing of the animals in tick-living pastures and fitted in primitive cattle-farm premises in which earlier the local taken ill large horned live-stock was kept and in which a large amounts of invasive ticks H.Anatolicus were left.

Besides, bad nursing and unsatisfactory undertaking of the pest control influenced on the diseases of the animals.

After the perennial observations it was installed that epizooty of theileriosis and piroplazmos of large horned live-stock in the Southern- Kazakhstan was existed from May to September, the most amount of the diseases was registered in June and July, but then the amount of sick animals was sharply decreased, that was explained by the cycle of development of the main carrier incitants piroplazmos and theileriosis - the ticks H.Detritum, H.Anatolicum and B.Calcaratus.

The ticks H.Detritum, H.Anatolicum invase themselves in the larval and nymphal phases and infect the animals in imaginative phase. The epizootical situation of Phlebotomize- Parasitical Diseases of large horned live-stock have been vastly changed. Earlier, even at presence of a big amount of latent centers, only the delivered animals and saplings have been taken ill, when the local adult animals have had a firm immunity. Last year young and adult animals fell ill, too, with a heavy clinical picture as well as the local animals.

Many latent centers have altered into epizootic. Typically is also that, if earlier the large horned live-stock has been ill by piroplazmos, for the last 10 years the animals has been ill by theileriosis. It is explained that many massif, virgin and fallow lands over grown with groves, brushwood and weeds, are at present mastered under cotton and other agricultural cultures. All these huge tracts of lands are pest controlled several times, ploughed up again and harrowed annually.

 Last years the pest control on Phlebotomize- Parasitical Diseases of large horned live-stock was conducted on base of complex ways in using different acarisidic chemical facilities, medical preparates and agromeliorative actions.

Processing of cattle-farm premises by different acaracidic preparates in an emulsion manner with the help of mechanized installation DUK, LSD and others is more expedient and efficient. The influence of agrotechnical acceptance and chemical processing of pastures and fields is certainly high. Including croprotations of grain, technical and forage crops would allow to change some parts of the most scanty and infected pastures sown by forage crops on large territories and to free them from pasture-tick, as well as would allow to liquidate many tick-centers with green and rich fodders during the whole vegetation period. In the Southern-Kazakhstan H.Detritum H.Anatolicum are the main carriers of the incitant of theileriosis.

Generally the ticks are more fed on the large horned live-stock, and less on horses, camels and sheep. The ticks parasitize on 2-3 host types. The parasitizing period of H.Detritum in the Southern regions of the Southern Kazakhstan area in imaginative stage runs from March and August, the most number in May and June in the central regions of the Southern Kazakhstan and Zhambul area –from April to September, and in defective facilities of Kizylorda area –from the end of May to August . There are some biological peculiarities in parasitizing terms of larvae and nymphs of this species of ticks in different geographical zones. In the southern regions the larvae hit upon large horned live-stock in August and September. Before coming  the cold weather, the main mass of larvae manages to be sated with blood, molts in nymphs and falls off on the environment. The small amount of the nymphs stays for the winter on the skin-cover of the animals (7-13). In the central regions larvae hit upon the large horned live-stock in September –October and before coming the cold weather, almost 50% of them manage to be sated with blood, molt in nymphs and stay for the winter on the skin-cover of large horned live-stock.

In condition of Kyzylorda  area , where the climatic conditions are  more severe and continental, larvae begin to stumble upon large horned live-stock in October and November and only the small amount of them manages to be full with the blood, molts in nymphs and falls off in environment  before coming the cold weather. And the big amount of the ticks H.Detritum in nymph-stage stays for the winter on the large horned live-stock. The period of the animal diseases by theileriosis complies the tick-parasitizing period of imago H.Detritum. In the summer months (June, July, August) prevalence of theileriosis is existed  in the Southern regions -71,8%, in central regions-87,2%, and in Kyzylorda  area -100%.

For prophylaxis of theileriosis it is necessary to conduct pest control on animals at the following periods: in the southern regions (Maktaral, Saragash, Kazygurt and Tolebi) from 20th April to 1st September; in the central regions (Ordabasy, Baidibek, Sairam, Zhambul, Baizak, Sarysu, and Talas) from 10th May to 15th August and in the disadvantaged facilities of Kyzylorda area from 25th May to 1st August. For liquidating larvae and nymphs of H.Detritum on the animals it is necessary to conduct the processing once a month in October, November and February.


1.           Agrinskiy N.I. “The Insects and Ticks Harming Agricultural Animals” Moscow.  Selkhozgis, 1962

2.           Galuzo I.G. “Bloodsucking Ticks of Kazakhstan” Almaty,AN Kazakh SSR Publish,t.I-IV, 1946-1949

3.           Polyakov K. “Anti-Tick Actions in Centers of Tick Encephalitis”Works of VNII Veterinary Sanitation. t.HH. 1962

4.           Pomerantsev B.I. “The Fauna of the USSR”. Moscow AN USSR Publish. t. IV. Done 2, 1950

5.           Tselischev A.A. “Theileria and theileriosis of the large horned live-stock” from the book “Parasite Protozoa of Kazakhstan” Almaty,  1946, t.l.C 1-143