Сільськогосподарські науки / 4. Технологія зберігання та переробки сільськогосподарської продукції.


docent, Ph.D. Kolesnichenko S. L., P.G. Sapozhnikova N. Y.

Odessa National Academy Of Food Technology, Ukraine


Solving the problem of achieving the food safety of population on the example of prepared apple sauce


The food safety of population of Ukraine is becoming more important in the current environmental conditions. The traditional technology of preserving plant food don’t meet the modern safety requirements for the end-products and should be improved.

An important aspect of producing of safe preserved food is the maximum removal of pesticides residues, heavy metals and other chemical substances from the raw materials. Pesticides are the most harmful substances to human health.

Pesticides are the group of chemical or biological substances, used for eleminating mosquitoes, rodents, grasses, causative agents of plant diseases and other plant pests. Their classification depends on their industrial application, the way of penetration into the human organism, chemical characteristics and mutagenicity [1, 2]. If pesticides penetrate into the cells of plants or animals, they change the physicochemical property of the cells, react with proteins and other cell constituents, and as a result they cause their precipitation, the  inactivation of enzymes, upset their metabolism and finally the cells die. Besides being toxical, pesticides increase the risk of cancer. Some of organochlorine pesticides can upset the structure of human genome and damage the reproductive function. They have  mutogenic, teratogenic and carcinogenic properties [3 - 5].

The spread of pesticides depends both on the properties of chemical substances and on the particularities of crops. The adipoceres and lipids of apple peel provide the strong retention of chemical substances on the surface of the peel or in the apple peel. This explains the fact that the total amount of pesticide doesn’t decrease significantly during washing.

In order to identify the toxicity level of raw materials and to find the ways of achieving the safety of products or prepared foods we have done biotesting. It is a perspective method of analytical control of the general pollution of samples.

Daphnia magna Straus (the most common zooplanktont ) have been chosen as the  standards [7]. Daphnia magna Straus are filter feeders, which are sensitive to toxic agents. They introduce into cells easily. They are resistant in vitro and have a big complex of test reactions and short – term life cycle. The last of these properties allows to control the consequences of toxin effect even in low concentration during the life of many generations [6, 7].

Using Daphnia for biotesting is conventional method, used for broad studying the toxicity of different chemical substances.

Biotesting is based on the determination of changes in survival and fertility of Daphnia influenced by toxic agents, which are in the samples under research in comparison with the control samples ( tap water).

The samples for analysis – the aqueous extracts of the apple peel, the apple pulp and the apple sauce produced according to the traditional technology (with obligatory thermal treatment at 95 ± 2 °С, during  5…15 min) [8] and the apple sauce produced according to the cold extraction were prepared as described by ISO 10706:2000 [6].

Biotesting during 96 h showed the acute toxicity of samples 1, 3 (Fig. 1) by survival index. The acute toxicity for Daphnia is exposed in complex of symptoms, which we can control visually. They can be lethality rate (immobilization, settling on the bottom of the flask, convulsions, death), reflex behaviouristic reactions (tumultuary motion of Daphnia, spinning motion), abatement of heart rate, miscarriage. The criterion of toxicity is the death of  50 per cent of  Daphnia or more within 96 h.




5090 % - acute toxicity

1050 % - medium toxicity

< 10 % - low toxicity


Fig. 1. Toxicity level of samples: 1 - the apple peel, 2 - the apple pulp, 3 - the apple sauce (traditional technology), 4 – the cold extraction


Fertility loss and the death of 8 per cent of substantially weak Daphnia, show low  toxicity of samples 2, 4. Definitely, it is the effect of low concentrations of toxicants. The low toxicity of the samples can be explained partial penetration of the chemical substances into the pulp during the process of vegetation and storage. Our assumption is proved by a number of researches [1 - 5].

Biotesting with Daphnia magna Straus has led to determine the toxicity of raw materials and has showen that the apple peel is 12.25 times as toxic as the apple pulp. There has been studied the effect of the method of apple sauce producing on the decrease of pesticide residue and other chemical substances.

There has been showen that using the cold extraction for raw materials makes pesticide residue 8.75 times less in comparison with the traditional technology.

The research conducted above substantiate and confirm the necessity and possibility of renunciation from the traditional technology in favour of the cold extraction for the produce of apple sauce in order to achieve the food safety of population.




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