Lavrinenko O.V., Candidate of Jurisprudence, Senior Lecturer, Donetsk Legal Institute of Lugansk State University of Internal Affairs of E.A. Didorenko


Problems of Application of the Classification Approach in the Course of Realisation of a Branch Principle of Unity and Differentiation of Legal Regulation of Labour Relations


Results spent by the author of the given publication of researches [1-3] became the basis for following conclusions and generalisations. Accumulation and knowledge ordering – a key to hiding places of cogitative laboratory of the scientist. Plentiful, but chaotic knowledge does not allow to separate valuable from useless, to derive real and practical benefit. All it calls into question into original achievements. And consequently classification procedures, and then and revealing of basic principles are so necessary, for conduct to ordering extensive, but unsystematized knowledge. Classification is extended and an effective remedy of knowledge of subjects, phenomena of the objective world which apply in all areas of a science. Classification – from Latin classis – the category and facere – to do – a special case of application of logic operation of division of volume of the concept, representing some set of divisions (division of some class into kinds, division of these kinds etc.). Classification is intended for constant use in any science or practical activities area. It is necessary to notice, that classifications are created on the basis of knowledge of objective laws of reality owing to what display in classification categories natural communications between investigated objects and the phenomena. Classifications serve knowledge of deep structural features of object, which cannot be comprehended any in another way, except as through the knowledge organised so that its structure answered object structure. Classification, as well as typology (we will notice, that sometimes also others here are used adjacent (derivatives) concepts: for example, «the functional hierarchy», «ordering», «the specific characteristic», «differentiation») the investigated phenomena as means of streamlining of the saved up knowledge always played a huge role in sphere of any science. Is not an exception and jurisprudence where classifications of norms of the law widely are applied, its purposes and problems, functions of the law, the state, legal means, forms of board, guarantees, the rights and duties of subjects, and also human rights and the citizen, legal responsibility and its structural components, and also the bases, legal relations, offences, conceptual jurisprudence device, in particular – estimated concepts, models of pension systems, etc., and in some cases and in general legal systems. Classifications are important means of increase of pithiness of the scientific information (researches) as give the chance in a place occupied with object in classification system, to establish its basic signs and properties, and not only what are already known to a science, but also what directly have not been established yet in the course of knowledge. In it the methodological aspect of classification as means of scientific knowledge is shown. Besides, it is necessary to notice, that classification has the powerful scientific value, after all no models of the validity can replace with themselves classification. Applied value here not less important: informing function is actual everywhere where accumulation of knowledge is used. As the volume of data constantly increases, the requirement and for effective systems of storage, transfer and research of these data grows. Many researchers connect with classification of the purpose and a problem of the works, their results, novelty and a scientific urgency. However one business – classification possibility, and another – its relevance in concrete research. Sometimes affects «qualifier aggression», related to desire obviously to define all used terms and also directed on strengthening of «formal attributes of scientific character». In modern legal philosophy the main thing for classification which would improve is fairly underlined, that, instead of has compromised work, – well picked up basis without which unsystematic transfer of versions of some class at the best turns out. Such conclusion have powerful enough value, but are observed in scientific трудоправовой to the doctrine far not always.

Indicative in this sense we see a position of researchers, which in a context of the analysis of features of realisation in sphere of legal regulation of service-labour relations of women – workers of law-enforcement bodies of Ukraine of a branch principle of the labour law – a principle of a combination of unity and differentiation of legal regulation of labour relations and such basis of differentiation as «an is professional-sexual sign», come, in our opinion, to inconsistent enough, and in some cases – paradoxical inherently, to conclusions. Offered by adherents of such approach «the is professional-sexual sign» classifications of «guarantees-features» of dismissal of women – workers of law-enforcement bodies on the «synthesised» essence, in our opinion, is a nonsense: if abstractly to consider «a sexual sign», that, it testifies to that that authors of the analyzed approach compare specified «guarantees-features» to corresponding «guarantees-features» of workers of law-enforcement bodies of a male. But, at such approach «does not work» other immanent component of the offered criterion (basis) of differentiation – «occupation characteristics», last obviously is inherent in both designated categories of hired workers. If to «move» a way back and to begin judgement of the offered approach through a prism of other component of the basis of differentiation – «occupation characteristics» it, obviously, assumes the comparative characteristic of designated «guarantees-features» with other trades. But in this case we «will come across» the statement of authors of the approach from which they proceed right at the beginning – «…special guarantees and restrictions consider features of professional work and a floor of worker of law-enforcement bodies and extend only on special subjects of the right (women – workers of law-enforcement bodies)». Such statement-message of researchers as it is visible, does in general impossible use of «occupation characteristics» during realisation of the specified classification (differentiation) as narrows sphere of the analysis of realisation of «guarantees-features» to professional work only workers of law-enforcement bodies. All it, eventually, contradicts as a whole to essence of the analyzed approach of criterion of classification (differentiation) selected adherents – to «an is professional-sexual sign» that provides simultaneous «realisation» of its both components.




1.   Лавріненко О.В. Онтологічні, аксіологічні й теоретико–методологічні аспекти застосування класифікації як засобу пізнання сутності й структурно–видових особливостей сучасних правових явищ // Вісник Луганського державного університету внутрішніх справ імені Е.О. Дідоренка. – 2009. – Вип. 4. – С. 57–67.

2.   Лавриненко О.В. Проблемы и особенности реализации принципов и норм трудового права в законодательстве о службе в органах внутренних дел Украины: монография. – Донецк: ДЮИ ЛГУВД им. Э.А. Дидоренко, 2010. – 474 с.

3.   Лавриненко О.В. Проблемы терминизации средств, уровни и сферы реализации принципа единства и дифференциации правового регулирования трудовых отношений [Електронний ресурс] // Форум права. – 2010. – №4. – С. 559–565. – Режим доступу:–journals/FP/2010–4/10lovrto.pdf.