Medicine/Clinical medicine

Fastovets’ O.O.

Dnipropetrovs’k state medical academy, department of prosthetic dentistry

 Prevention of Mandibulotemporal Joint Pathology in Treatment of Initial Degree of Pathological Tooth Wear



          Restoration|renewal| of crowns’ integrity|whole| at the initial|primary| stages of pathological tooth wear has not so much aesthetic|aesthetic| importance but preventive one because it is directed on avoidance of mandibulotemporal joint dysfunction related|ties| interalveolar height reduction|lowering|. For today|today| direct composite restorations of worn dental surfaces|supface| are widespread|wide-spread| that is fully|wholly| justified by properties of modern sealing materials.|fabric| Due to including|input| to|by| their composition|storage| over 70% ion-organic filling |they have increased|scaled-up| wear-resistance, capability|clever| to sustain masticatory pressure; they don’t wear away and thus|on this grow| the height|heigt| of bite is retained|contain|. Direct modeling of teeth|immediately| in an oral cavity is able to provide|secure| exact observance |retentiof sizes|dimension| and forms|shape| of crowns. However taking into account importance of renewal|reduction-oxidation| incisor and canine |conducting, |support||call|the special trouble has been caused by traditional setting upper frontal teeth height arbitrarily, according to cosmetic considering. In that time restoring frontal teeth length renews height|heigt| of mesial|frw| and lateral occlusion|. In the same queue their correct|correct| anatomic|rib-cutting| form|shape| normalizes occlusion | “automatically”. Besides|over and above| from positions of harmonic dynamic occlusion | it is|appear| expedient to control character|nature| of lateral teeth occlusion during direct restorations. Coming from above-mentioned, at pathological tooth wear modeling |imagineering| of direct restorations in articulators is desired|desirable| condition|COND| of recreation|reproducing| of valuable functional|function| occlusion ||appear|. Consequently, the purpose of the work was defining prophylactic efficiency of direct composite restorations controlling in articulator for warning of mandibulotemporal joint disturbance.

Materials and methods of the research. It was examined 28 patients with the initial degree of generalized pathological tooth wear, who had intact dentitions and orthognathic bite, equally men and women, whom middle age was 37,0±3,1 years. They did not have disorders in mandibulotemporal joints and parafunctions of masticating muscles. The horizontal form of disease was diagnosed in 60,7±9,2% patients, at others tooth wear had mixed character (it was vertical in the area of frontal teeth and horizontal for lateral ones). At external examination insignificantly expressed facial signs of interalveolar height reduction were registered in 71,4±8,5% patients. In position of physiology rest the average distance between upper and lower frontal teeth in vertical direction was 3,9±0,8 mm.

The reconstruction of dentitions |flakey| was carried|perform| out after complex remineralization| and measures|step| of normalization|standartization| of acid-alkaline |balance. Ñompomer| “Dyract| AP” was used for restoration of lateral teeth|utillize||, composite material “Spectrum| TPH” – for frontal group|. For renewal of occlusal surface|supface| and contacts of premolars and molars elements of wax modeling techniques “tooth to tooth” (Thomas| P.K.) and “tooth to two teeth” (Payne| E.V., Lundeen| H.C.) were applied.  |V|utilliVVVerification of correctness of direct restorations forming was analyzed from positions of functional|function| occlusion due to the method of diagnostic|dignostic| “wax-up”| on models plastered in an articulator. After wax |waxen| modeling it was got|receive| the “silicon key”|clue|””  which|what| facilitated|easy| restoration in oral cavity|Roth|.

In|from| 3 years the |exploreefficiency of the treatment|treating| is estimated after the symptoms|indicant| of interalveolar height preservation|saf|heigt|, further |consequenprogressing of pathological process|Carbro|, presence of signs of mandibulotemporal joints dysfunction by Helkimo|. For objectivity of results we applied odontometric measuring of crowns height|heigt| of first|first-run| upper and lower molars|jow| as    as the teeth which retain|deduct| the height|heigt| of bite (it|her| was determined on control models by trammel head).


Results of the research. There were 311 direct restorations of worn teeth of different functional groups in the research. In 3 years stabilizing of disease was marked in 96,3±3,6% of examined patients, what was confirmed by the interalveolar height preservation (the average distance between dentitions was 2,4±0,5 mm).  Pathological symptomatology in mandibulotemporal joints including the signs of jaw mobile, function of joints, muscular and articulate pain, pain during motions of  jaw was absent (the middle clinical index of disfunction by Helkimo was 0,1±0,03 points). Only registered in 1 patient clinical picture was testified as progressing process, so as it was characterized marginal adaptation destruction and considerable wear of not only restorations but also intact teeth, however mandibulotemporal joints disorders was not determined. We explained a similar negative result by bruxomania which was not diagnosed on beginning of treatment. So such a clinical situation needed another therapeutic tactics.

By the data of the analysis of control models the average height of crowns of upper first|first-run| molars| at once|immediately| after treatment|treating| was 8,15±0,28 mm| against 8,15±0,30 mm| in|from| 3 years.  Accordingly |accordingthese indexes|metric| for first|first-run| lower molars | were 7,80±0,40 mm| against 7,73±0,40 mm. Thus|on this grow| statically|tiedown| meaningful differences (ð>0,05|) were not set for results of odontometry in terms|term| directly|immediately| after treatment|treating| and in|from| 3 years after, that proved the interalveolar height preservation on the whole|all in all| |heigt|.

Conclusions. According to the results of the research the direct composite restorations, reproduced in an articulator, are capable to prevent mandibulotemporal joint disorders due to exact renewal of occlusal dental surfaces, forming of dense occlusal contacts and permanent normalization of height of bite. Restoration of incisor and canine |conducting allowed to warn further wear of lateral teeth, to avoid appearance of balancing and hyperbalancing supercontacts, to normalize the functional loading on joints.

The creation|making| of stable|high-stability| contacts of lateral teeth and the exact protrusion |and laterotrusion conducting functions is necessary for occlusal harmony. Restoration |renewal| of  of occlusal surface|supface| relief of premolars and molars has to provide|secure| the stable|high-stability| occlusal support. The necessary condition|COND| of efficiency of distal support restoration is occlusion with|formation| fissure-hillock contacts building|appear|. Thus functional|function| vertical and horizontal interrelation of upper and lower jaws|jow| is formed at physiology height|heigt| of occlusion which gives|giveth| resistance|holdout| terminal|trlm| forces|strenth| at mastication|manducation| and swallowing, sending|directs| loading along the axes of teeth.

For central|center| occlusion | it is necessary to restore the one-stage |bilateral|two-sided| contact of supporting hillock |hill| with conforming fissures | and marginal crimps|ledge|. Also it follows to conduct restoration of lateral group of teeth taking into account the features of protrusion | motions|movement| of mandible|jow|. Incisor track have to provide|secure| instantaneous opening of lateral teeth at jaw moving forward from position|rule| of central|center| occlusion |.