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K.f.-m.n. Shiyan A.A.

Vinnitsa national technical university, Ukraine

The construction of a structure for Information Space for control problems in industrial and organizational structures


Introduction. Management of industrial and organizational structures requires consideration of the operator – the person who makes decisions. Therefore, the construction of an automated control system must include a model of a person. This feature greatly increases the complexity of the problem.

The person forms the goals. The person forms a set of parameters and characteristics which will then he/she will use for management. Building a structure of an information space for a problem, which is invariant for a wide range of managerial situations, will form a universal algorithm for structuring the database. As a result, one get a new element of information technology for support of decision systems.

Thus, the problem of building a structure for an information space of problem is urgent and has a great future for practical applications.

Literature review and problem statement. It is shown in (Novikov, 2007) that the key point for successful application of modeling human needs to establish correspondence between two spaces: A space that characterizes the strategy of human and space A0, which describes the results of its operations.

The article aims is to develop the description of spaces A and A0. As it will shown, there is an experimental procedure that allows for the conditions given problem and to set conditions of production or organizational structure not only build these spaces, and even introduce the concept of basis in it, which makes it possible to develop an appropriate mathematical apparatus.

The presentation of results. As a rule, the characteristics of a person behavior are traditionally registered or presented in a way of databases having a researching economic reality (it can be called also as an economic event). There going to be set the characteristics of person actions which are fixed by our interest toward a researching object.

Lets we consider the creation of a structure for a database.

Nature has hierarchical construction. Therefore, the mechanism for the creation of a structure for a database should be the same for each of hierarchical levels. The differences can be appeared only from its use.

The every hierarchical level can be described by such categories of data (regardless of its origin):

1)     about the objects, from which it consist (and which are “identical” in some sense);

2)     about the interactions between such objects (owing to they come together into a coherent whole – a hierarchical level);

3)     about the border (boundary) of the hierarchical level (which separates this level from the rest world);

4)     about the structure of the hierarchical level (e.g., about the selected objects and/or connections between them, the violation of which leads to destruction of the level).

Finally, it is necessary for each of the above categories of data to describe their static and dynamic characteristics (i.e., their constancy and variability).

Total we get the 8 classes of data (classes of information) that constitute the Information Space for the problem of performing the behavior and / or decision-making. These 8 classes of information (information components) are the basis (in mathematical sense) for it.

Note. Any system and any database one can be similarly described.

The method for constructing of this Information Space is given in Table 1.

Thus, the mechanism of data compression involves the transition from Real-World objects to the objects of the Model World by way of the Information Space constructing, which meets of the requirements behavior and / or decision making.

Thus is created an Information Space which gives a full description of a management event (for instance, an object of management). Determination of an Information Space can be written in such a way.


Table 1. The method for constructing of the Information Space.






Data about event


data about a class of similar events (the generalizing information components)

supporting (basic) elements for a class (structure, topology)

State, invariability



Dynamics, variability


boundary between this class and other

State, invariability


Dynamics, variability


data about this single unique event (the detailing information components)

the event as an single and unique


State, invariability


Dynamics, variability


connections with other the events, which are like it

State, invariability


Dynamics, variability



Definition. Information Space will be called an aggregate of parameters and characteristics which allow with a required level of having a single meaning to describe all the aggregate of data which correspond to this goal of control in industrial and organizational structures (and\or a problem which can be resolved by means of this industrial and organizational structures).

 Definition. A basic in an Information Space will be called all eight introduced components of information. Basis components will be later marked in an abbreviated way as it is shown in table 1.

Note. Precisely to the same information space (in which already be means of its structure is singed out a basis with eight components of information) can be achieved by two more ways: from dividing of any database and from the general theory of systems (which arises directly from the definition of a term “system”). It allows to expend mentioned above classification for any database for control realization in the subjects of any industrial and organizational structures, from which is characteristically an activity of modeling The Picture of World that is shown in a way of hierarchical organized system of terms, “main concepts”, “belief”.

It can be given a universal algorithm for defining a term “control realization” in the subjects of any industrial and organizational structures for an individual or a group of people.

·      Control realization in industrial and organizational structures can be described in terms of change of basis components of information which characterize an database event. For this purpose is created an Information Space of an object of activity which corresponds to a reviewed by us task and is done a step comparison of information about an object before and after the final stage of activity.

Then it is possible to give a definition to a term “control”.

Definition. Change of processes and/or states of being the researched industrial and organizational structures (which appear because of a change in activity of the object of activity and the least one of the components of information in the Information Space) is called a Control.

Conclusion. In present article the Information Space is constructed. Information Space is a structures database. It contains the eight components of information. The definitions for Information Space and Control are presented.



1.     Novikov D.A. (2007). The theory of managing of organizational systems. Ìoskow, Fizmatlit. (in Rusian).