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Master of technical sciences, Zulfiya Shakiryanova

M.Auezov South Kazakhstan State University, Research institute of the light and food industry

It is widely famous that rice – the major crop in world agriculture. On cultivated areas and gross collecting grain rice takes on the globe the second place after wheat. In some years gross collecting grain of rice exceeds gross collecting wheat thanks to its high productivity. Moreover rice – one of the most peculiar crops. Its specificity is that it can grow on the various humidified soils covered with a sheet of water: when watering by fresh and salty water in tropical, subtropical, desert and moderate belts. As it is known in the Republic of Kazakhstan of 86% of all territory occupies plains. Optimum conditions for growth of rice are southern and southwest regions of the country. According to statistical data Kazakhstan rice cultivation (2,2%) takes the fourth place after wheat (80,3%), barley (11%) and corn (3,7%) on volumes of gross collecting all grain crops. Large rice plantations are in three areas. As a rule, crops are located near the rivers Ili and Syr-Darya oat the three areas two areas: Almaty, South Kazakhstan, Kyzylorda. But the most perspective area on cultivation of rice is the Kyzylorda area taking into account, as now promptly improves indicators by the sizes of cultivated areas and productivity. 85-88% of all rice made in Kazakhstan are the share of it. Technological processes applied at present in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the rice processing industry in the majority with a lot of waste [1]. Actually main types of secondary raw material resources of the grain processing industry - grain waste, pod, a germ and bran.  Generally secondary raw material resources go on the fodder purposes. 

Rice differs rather high caloric content (360 Kcal), many non-nitrogenous substances of extractive substances (77,4%) though in protein there are a lot of irreplaceable amino acids contains. In rice it is less than cellulose (0,9%), than in other grain cereals, except for cleaned barley. Rice the corn (1,2%) contains ashes (1,2%) slightly more than cleaned barley approximately so much, how many, it is less than other grain cereals. Cleaned rice contains a little tiamin (0,34 mg). In the course of rice-grain processing in grain consistently receive rice husking bran, rice polished, rice shredded and rice polished. By-products are rice bran and rice husking bran [2].Rice bran represents grayish and straw color small shattered powder, the mix consisting of scraps of fabric, a thin seed cover, germs and fragments of rice grain. According to authors [3] exit of rice bran makes 12-15% to the mass of rice-grain. Rice bran is large-capacity secondary raw materials of the rice processing industry. Rice husking bran receive in the course of three - quadruple processing by grinding cars in case of production of the polished rice, it has various nutritional value depending on many factors. There are data that oil (an exit about 15%), extracted of rice husking bran, is refined and used for the food purposes.  On quality oil most of all has similarity to peanut oil. The exit of rice bran makes 8 … 15% of the mass of rice-grain.  Considering that secondary raw materials of rice processing– rice bran which can be as row source for getting  physiologically and biologically functional components, including valuable vegetable oil are of special interest. Basically useful proteins and invaluable oil are the most valuable components of rice bran. Considerable extent of extraction of oil is reached by extraction of a rice husking bran in Japan. Production of rice oil also grows in some other countries. Rice bran contains:  lipids – 11-18%, protein – 13-20%, carbohydrates – 30-33%, vitamins of group B, PP, E. Production of oil from rice bran belongs to perspective development of the new resource-saving technologies which are ecologically harmless and waste-free technological processes for processing of secondary raw material resources in the oil and fat industry for functional food. Rice bran contains a complex of connections valuable to a national economy – oil, proteins, wax, vitamins of group B and phytin. Phytin or calcium-magnesium salts inozit gekso phosphoric acid possesses medical and preventive properties. On supervision of some researchers at reception of phytin sharp improvement of appetite, reduction of mental and physical fatigue and significant increase in working capacity is noticed in most cases. Versatile and high biological activity of phytin is caused first of all by the high content in them of phosphorus and ions of transitional metals. It is known that the main function of the phosphorus, which contents in a human body reaches 650 g, is connected with growth and maintenance of integrity of bone fabric and teeth. Other its part is in soft fabrics and participates in anabolic and the metabolic reactions that is visible from a phosphate role in formation of high-energy connections [4].

Nowadays considering situation with increasing of global problems as malnutrition and diseases it is necessary create complex rice processing with getting such a invaluable products as rice oil and medicament phytin. Low-waste and waste-free technologies allow as much as possible and to take all valuable components of raw materials in a complex.  Due to the above it is important to summarize there are big potential prospects of deep rice processing. Considering the potential of local raw materials of rice in Kazakhstan are very high. Conclusively complex processing of rice is effective economically also good way for creation of foodstuff and for receiving natural pharmaceutical preparations according to the rich chemical composition of rice bran.



1. The specified cultivated area grain (including rice) and bean cultures [Electronic resource], http://www.stat.gov.kz/

2. Houston D.F., Kohler G.O. Nutritional properties of rice. //National Academy of Sciences. Washington. D.C. – 1970.

3. Micharo Shigetoshi.. Separation of rice bran components. // Chem. Abstr. -1974, 80, ¹ 25, 144519a

4. Kimuro G. Studies on the Regulation of Acid Value of Fatty Matter in Rice Bran. IV. On the Effects of some Physical Factors. J. Japan Oil. Chem. Soc. Yukagaku. V.9., N7., p. 29-34., 1960