Turezhanov S.U.

A.Baitursynov Kostanay State University, Kazakhstan



In the 70-ies of XX century worldwide sharply deteriorated environmental problems. Before economics was a problem understanding the prevailing trends of environmental-economic development and the development of fundamentally new concepts of development.

Besides the problems of technogenic character, uncontrolled activities involving natural resources creates a serious economic malaise as the dependence of the rate of economic growth from natural resource endowments. Dutch disease - a condition of the economy, which is characterized by two symptoms. First - boosting production and export of raw materials. Second - the decrease in domestic industrial production. The appearance of the second symptom is inextricably linked with the first. In other words, the «Dutch disease» - is a state of the economy, which dampens the export of raw materials in the national economy.

Conditions for the emergence of Dutch disease are an open economy and the relatively higher security of the country in natural resources. Countries that meet these conditions, and experienced during the «Dutch disease».  And marveled at the country regardless of the level of development and some national peculiarities of the economy: from Australia and Holland (the country gave the name of the disease) to the Guianas and Zambia. «Resource curse» can be attributed to countries with different levels of development of the market economy and political system.

Such dependence Richard M. Auty term called «resource curse» [1].

To establish the dependence of developing countries on the availability of the necessity or even an excessive amount of natural resources necessary to identify the main causes of the economic slowdown.

Among the factors determining the dynamics of economic development in the context of symptoms of the «resource curse», the most important are the following:

- decrease the competitiveness of other sectors of the economy, caused by the increase in the real exchange rate associated with the inflow of revenues from resources;

- high volatility of resource revenues in the global market;

- årrors in government regulation and the development of corruption associated with the influx of «easy» money into the economy [2].

Mechanism of active progression of «Dutch disease» to a certain extent known: an increase in export revenues due to the mining sector of the economy leads to additional inflow of foreign currency into the country.

In many ways, and to a large extent, by the predominance of raw otasley strukutre production in the current model of the economy of Kazakhstan called «brown», which is characterized by symptoms of the «resource curse» that has not yet been felt in an explicit form. However, in the long term  «Dutch disease» can lead to the displacement of resource processing industries in the commodity sector, which creates less value added. In addition, long-term economic dependence on natural resource exports weakens incentives for the development of manufacturing industries and the creation of new technologies.

Definitely need time to start treatment later «resource curse». The best cure against the negative consequences of resource dependence is a transition to a different economic model, based on principles of resource conservation.

Such a model in the world economy is based on the technologies of «green economy».

By definition, UNEP «green economy» is the economy «... the result of which are growth of welfare and social justice , and which at the same time significantly reduces the environmental risks and the lack of natural resources». It is an economy with low carbon emissions, efficient use of natural resources and the interests of the whole society.

Influence of institutional factors on the development and operation of «resource» of the economy discussed in detail in the works of Russian scientists [2], which justify the need for political and economic reforms.

The ideology of «green economy», in our opinion, to the greatest extent meet the necessary reforms that effectively fight the effects of «Dutch disease», ensuring: sustainable development , equality, true prosperity and well-being for all, the integrity of the earth, people's participation in decision solutions efficiency, investment in the future  [3].

In the transition to technology «green economy» with changes in social relations and the need to change attitudes ñonstitutive. With particular attention to the legal institutions which underpin the regulation of environmental relations.

 In general, it is necessary to take measures aimed at creating the institutional conditions for solving the following problems:

- the development of renewable wind, sun, thermal and hydropower;

- modernization of housing and communal services, can significantly reduce energy and water consumption and improve the quality and safety of property, reduce the cost of its contents;

- sustainable management of pasture resources, prevent desertification, ensuring the sustainability of farmers' income;

- modernization of water management, reducing the existing high water losses and improve the efficiency of agriculture and utilities.

The concept of «green economy» appears, in our opinion, as an innovative tool for the next stage of economic development of Kazakhstan.




1 J.D. Sachs, A.M. Warner. Natural resource abundance and economic growth //www.nber.org

2 Guriev S., K. Sonin Economy "resource curse» // www. experttalks.ru

3 Concept of the Republic of Kazakhstan for the transition to a "green economy"// Decree of the President of Kazakhstan dated May 30, 2013 ¹ 577 / Ecology and Industry of Kazakhstan. - ¹ 2, 2013