Pedagogical sciences / 2. Problems training
                                            Professor N. Klushina
                                 The North Caucasus Federal University

Modern tendencies of the modernization higher professional education in Russia

Currently, there is an integration of Russian education in the global scientific and educational process. Modern labor market demands not specific knowledge but competencies of workers, their personal qualities.

Russia's accession to the Bologna process also identifies the need to move to a common language and terminology with which one could describe the educational process, in particular, its objectives and outcomes.

In this regard  updated competence approach in education. This approach is not opposed to the designated early approaches, it is a practice-oriented nature, but discussions about this approach in the national educational science is still going on.

According to V. Baydenko competence-oriented education - an objective phenomenon, brought to life by socio-economic, political, educational and pedagogical assumptions. First of all - this is the reaction higher professional education to the changing socio-economic conditions, the processes appeared together with a market economy. Market imposes a modern specialist new requirements [11].

In the competence model, according to I Zimnaya. , the learning objectives associated with both objects and pieces of work, and with interdisciplinary integrated requirements to the results of the educational process. In this case, the purpose of professional education is not only to teach a person what to do, to get a professional qualification, but also to give him the opportunity to deal with different situations in life and business, and work in a group [80].

In the vision statement of the competence approach N. Sosnin notes that the quality of higher education can not be reduced to the sum of the levels of quality teaching different subjects. Rather, it is determined by the degree of familiarizing students to the field of holistic future professional activity achieved in the implementation of the educational program.  [ 196].

 For the first time "a competence" theme as a response to a specific order professional sphere became developed in England in the 50-60s of the last century. If education within the subject- knowledge paradigm, starting with JA Comenius, limited formation of a system of concepts, automation of mental operations and training complex mental actions, i.e, to operate these units as knowledge and skills, the professional field of competence operates.

At the present stage of development of society the question is how to "transform" the knowledge, skills and competence in skills, because, as is known, at the prevailing information- receptive (reproductive) type of training often remain formalized knowledge and skills unstable and not actualized in unusual conditions. These considerations lead to the conclusion legality of the introduction in the conceptual apparatus pedagogy of these terms , as when a new phenomenon (in this case , a high quality of professional skills ) requires its special nomination .

N. Seleznev sees as positive aspects of the competence approach that through it in higher education today is carried out fundamental paradigm shift from subject to student. Competence approach effectively " pushes " pedagogical practices towards greater individualization of learning students. Implementation of the competency approach is regarded as one of the main mechanisms to improve students' motivation to quality higher education , accelerating their social and professional development [ 178].

In turn, N Veselovskaya [38] believes that the competence-based approach can align vocational education and labor market needs, as this approach is associated with an order for education on the part of employers - those who need a competent specialist. And this is possible only when education becomes personally meaningful activities of the student. Such education is not possible to "give" it is replenished only during independent work of the student.

A characteristic feature of the present day O. Piralov noticed the fact, that the competence-based approach - is an attempt to bring higher education to the requirements of the labor market, with the requests of the individual and society. Furthermore, with this approach communicate ideas open orders on the content of education by developing labor market and potential employers [162].

According to M. Medvedev , Y. Tatur currently in Russian higher education system has accumulated a number of contradictions:

- Contradictions between performance expectations of higher education and the labor market.

- Contradictions between the declared legislative character education and humanistic way graduate where he was deprived of moral qualities.
- The contradiction between the desire of our country to establish a single European community with the labor market and educational services, and the reluctance of the national high school observe the general rules of the game .

According to scientists identified , implementing competency approach allows to solve these contradictions:

- Expression of results in education competency format
allows the employer to easily evaluate the capabilities of the specialist to perform certain functions , as in determining the competencies of the graduate will be actively participating public and industrial structures.

- When applying the competency approach is supposed to implement
personal qualities specialists. Socially and professionally important personal qualities graduate should be recorded for the purposes and desired outcomes of the educational program.

- Expression of results in the language of competence - is the path to
expansion of academic and professional mobility , to increase the comparability and compatibility of diplomas and qualifications [143].

Competence-based approach is a new way to achieve quality education. It determines the direction of change of the educational process, its priorities; this informative resource education. In this case, this is a new unit of measure a person's education, as the triad of "knowledge, skills" is not sufficient to measure the current level of quality of education.

Thus, in the Russian system of higher education is transformation approaches and implemented competency approach and the term " competence approach " is treated as the core of modern educational reform. The process of implementation of the competency approach is seen as a key area to improve the quality of higher education. Competence-based approach suggests that leaving the walls of the university , the graduate should possess certain competencies - relevant professional qualities , the potential to be updated in the course of professional activities , and to testify about his competence.

1. Baydenko V. Competence approach to designing state educational standards of higher education (and methodological issues) [Text] / V. Baydenko - Moscow, 2005. 285p.

2. . Veselovskaya, N. Competence approach in education - the basis of excellence (electronic resource):

3. Zimnaya, I/ Competence approach. What is its place in the approaches to the problems of education [Text] / I Zimnaya / / Higher education today. - 2006. - ¹ 8. - P. 20-26.

4 Medvedev, V, Tatur, Y. Preparing high school teacher: the competence approach [Text] / V. Medvedev, Tatur Y. / / Higher Education in Russia. - 2007. - ¹ 11-P. 46-56.

5. Piralov, O. Modern training engineers professional disciplines in a multilevel training. [Text] / O.F.Piralov - M: Academy of Natural Sciences, 2009 – 154 p.

6. Selezneva, N. Problem implementation of the competency approach to education results [Text] / N. Selezneva / / Higher Education in Russia. - 2009. - ¹ 8. - P. 3-9.

7. Sosnin, NV Competence approach: problems of the [Text] / NV Sosnin / / Higher Education in Russia. - 2007. - ¹ 6. - P. 42-45.