The information about the authors

1.    Фатыхова Римма Мухаметовна,  кандидат психологических наук, доктор педагогических наук, профессор, заведующая кафедрой психологии, Башкирский педагогический университет имени М.Акмулы (г.Уфа) .  e-mail:

2.    Амосова Татьяна Юрьенвна,  учитель высшей категории,  учитель-мастер, победитель Российско-Американского конкурса  учителей английского языка 2004г., победитель конкурса лучших учителей Российской Федерации (в приоритетном национальном проекте «Образование» 2006),  гимназия №3 г.Уфы. – e-mail: 


 Т. Yu.Amosova,  R.M.Fatykhovа



Abstract: The article shows an important problem of the formation of communication culture of senior pupils. One of the primary tasks deals with the opportunity to achieve the aim with the support of teaching a foreign language as it means teaching culture [28]. The authors are supported by their own program aimed at the formation of communication culture. This program was tested  at  Ufa  guymnasia 3. The conditions of the formation of communication culture of senior pupils are as follows: the introduction of the author’s program, the organization of pedagogical communication, English teachers’ communication culture.

Keywords: teaching a language, communication culture, teaching senior pupils, communication culture of the English teacher.

I.Introduction. The actuality of the research needs scientific analysis to solve the problem of the development of communication culture of senior pupils ( on the one hand) and the absence of  formulated  psychological-and-pedagogical conditions for the formation of culture of communication  of this category of pupils by means of a foreign language (on the other hand). The actuality of the theme, its incomplete theoretical and practical readiness in the field of teaching English and found contradictions gave way to formulate the problem of the research.  The problem of the research consists of finding psychological-and-pedagogical conditions for the formation of culture of communication of senior pupils by means of a foreign language (that is uncertainty in the ways of model building aimed at the formation of communication culture of pupils by means of a foreign language).

 II. The Aim of the research is to analyze, establish the point theoretically and check psychological-and-pedagogical conditions for the formation of culture of communication of senior pupils by means of a foreign language.

The objectives of the research are: 1) according to the analysis of the philosophic, psychological - and - pedagogical literature  to obtain more specific information about the notion ‘communication culture’; 2) to reveal, establish the point  and check  experimentally the complex of psychological- and- pedagogical conditions for the formation of the communication culture  of senior students with the help of a foreign language; 3) to work out  and check experimentally the program and the model for the formation of communication culture of senior pupils by means of a foreign language; 4) to prove the choice of the criteria and indexes  of the readiness in communication culture of senior pupils.

The methods of the research are: methods of theoretical analysis (systematic, comparative), empirical methods (watching, analyzing documents and creativity), diagnostic methods (talk, survey, expert mark),   experimental methods (ascertaining, control, forming), method of mathematic statistic (by Pirson).

III. Results. Culture of communication is a multi-measured phenomenon. G.А.Bаll, V.L.Benin, М.М.Bakhtin, N.А.Bеrdyaеv, М.S.Каgаn, L.N.Коgаn, А.F.Lоsеv V.S.Biblеr, М.Bubеr consider the notion «culture» to be the mission  of   peoples’ communication pointing to the  dialogism,  that is known to be a philosophical category. Studying the problem of communication we took into account the works by K.A.Abulkhanova-Slavskaya, B.G.Ananyev, G.M.Andreyeva, M.M.Bakhtin, V.M.Bekhterev, A.A.Bodalyov, L.S.Vygotsky, B.F.Lomov, etc. They think that communication is subject-subject interaction. The analysis of communication culture leads us to V.S.Ageyev,, V.A.Kan-Kalik, A.G.Kovalev, A.N.Leontyev.     R.M.Fatykhova  gives the formulation of communication culture that means the measure of the development of humanistic orientation of the personality. In our research we indicate the structure of communication culture containing communicative, interactive and perceptive components (due to G.M.Andreyeva) and  normative, creative and spiritual  levels of  communication culture (according to R.M.Fatykhova).   We use the following criteria: communicative activity, communicative intention, readiness of communicative abilities, creativity, humanistic orientation of the personality. The indicators are as follows: need of communication; group solidarity; communicative, interactive, perceptive abilities; empathy.  The model of the formation of communication culture contains the following psychological- and- pedagogical conditions: pedagogical communication, communication culture of the English teacher, the author program of teaching English.

         To achieve the aim we used the communicative approach within English studies (G.N.Aksenova, I.I.Arbekova, O.A.Afanasyeva, I.L.Bim, V.N.Bogoroditskaya, U.Sh. Gegechkory, I.F.Zimnyaya, G.A.Kitaygorodskaya, E.I.Passov, V.V.Safonova, etc.). The author program consists of 1) the contents cycles: Culture of the Motherland, Preparation for Cross-Cultural Communication, Understand Yourself; 2) the methods of pupils’ activation,  double contact groups, situational methods, etc.; 3) the forms of the work are: computer presentations of a theme with comments in English, conferences in English, role plays in English  in the classroom and at  museums, theatres, exhibitions, libraries.

     The analysis of the results after the experiment shows that the pupils in the experimental group have much better readiness for communication culture compared to the pupils in the control group. According to Pirson’s criteria  χ²  the changes of pupils’ communication culture in the experimental group is considered to be reliable (on the level of statistic value р ≤ 0,05 ).

IV. Conclusion. Scientific Novelty: the interpretation of psychological-and-pedagogical conditions for the development of communication culture of senior pupils by means of a foreign language.  Theoretical Value:  the usage of these conditions in the model.   Practical Value: author program for the development of communication culture of senior pupils by means of a foreign language.

Further plans;  to systematize the author program and to publish methodic development of the course “Understand Yourself”.


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