Philological Science

Research activity of O. Beletskyi

Vlasenko L.

National University of Food technologies

The name of well-known scientist Oleksandr Biletskyi, unfortunately, is unknown to wide public. O. Biletskyi is a prominent figure, critic and literature researcher. There are not many Ukrainian researchers in the area of literature, who would boast such many-sided revisions in the field of literature. Oleksandr Ivanovich is a person from nature is gifted by talent and knowledge that did not pay the attention any of writers or poets.

O. Biletskyi devoted almost 50 years of life to the research of literary activity. The desire to research the literature appeared when he was a student, studying literature, theatre and science in Kharkiv University. O. Biletskyi carried his wants to the literature during his all life.

The archive of academician O. Biletskyi is the original picture of description, revision and works that he created and carried during all his life. The archive shows all literary acquisitions of author, his tastes and fascination. Acquisition of academician is many-sided researches and revisions from the different types of literature, genre variety and subjects. The archive of O. Biletskyi consists of more than 5 thousand units: manuscripts, and reviews on candidate's and doctoral dissertations, lectures, lectures, articles, letters that have an invaluable contribution to the development of literature. The mentioned archive strikes by its varieties, many-sided nature and filling. Unfortunately, greater part of manuscripts on this time are not printed, in addition, a generous amount was lost during the scientist moving and the Great Patriotic War.

Ivan Dziuba, in remembrances about the scientist-researcher notices that owning many manuscripts of O. Biletskyi had never tried as quick as possible to print them, "For him the main was to create, to learn, to write, and farther… and farther a manuscript could lie in his archive for a year, or ten years, and thirty…" [1, p. 521]. Thus, a researcher did not give much attention to printing his researches.

The scientist marked that it is impossible to understand the work of any writer without his/her connection to other writers, with historical and public development of the society, environment where author lived and created. O. Biletskyi proved that a critic must criticize work, but not the author, that he criticized only the work but never writer’s personality. He asserted that studying is needed not only the prominent phenomena but also second-rate, in fact they too brought in the contribution to life or work of some poet or writer.

In fact the critic of literature studied works not only the well-known writers but also not popular, second-rate writers and poets who were forgotten in future. In fact, in the researcher opinion, it is impossible to forget about the least contribution of the writer, because he did it to literature history, so he made the way for more well-known authors. They prepare soil, and a well-known writer carries out those opening that enrich literature and move its development forward. For such study it follows to read everything that appeared printing in a period that is studied. [2, p. 254] And every work of critic deserves the studying.

He operated the enormous amount of facts, owned encyclopedic knowledge. Owning enormous knowledge, O. Biletskyi took away main that would move literature forward. Mainly, according to his opinion, it would be not so much to know facts, but also find them and notice, creating unity. The scientist formulated the problems of studying some phenomenon clearly, and already then tried to find the ways of its decision. Thus, he was well-informed not only in literature but also in history, theatre science.

In relation to scientist’s personality his attitudes toward people, it is possible with a confidence to say, that wonderful person is wonderful in everything. There is not a single his acquaintance, colleague, friend, who would not leave the word of gratitude and respect of O. Biletskyi.

Thus, Oleksandr Biletskyi is a prominent figure in literature. Well-know person, he regenerated literature in researches of all his life from student years. Not thinking his existence without literature, scientist, tried to pass the knowledge to young generation, to share the revisions and works. He never refused nobody in advice or prompt, if it touched literature, he looked over the professional point of view, not correcting or specifying on the error of author’s opinions and vice versa, trying to hear out ideas and planning each, and maybe, then to change own opinion or opinion of other person.

 Oleksandr Biletskyi did an enormous contribution to the development and research of literature not only Ukrainian and Russian but also on many literatures of the world.


1. ²âàí Äçþáà. Ç êðèíèö³ ë³ò. - Ê: Îáåðåãè: Ãåë³êîí, 2001. – (Ñåð. Óêðà¿íñüêà ìîäåðíà ë³òåðàòóðà) ò. II. – 848ñ. ³ë.

2. Ïðî Îëåêñàíäðà Á³ëåöüêîãî: ñïîãàäè, ñòàòò³ / Óïîðÿä. Â.Ã. Äîí÷èê. – Ê.: Ðàä. ïèñüìåííèê, 1984. – Ñ. 302.