Politology / 6.    Issue of interaction of power and community (native and foreign experience)


Stadnichenko N.I., Cand.Sc.(Philology) Kungurova O.G.

Kostanay state university,   Kazakhstan

The role of media in the socialization process of Kazakh youth

Recently some factors appear in information space of Kazakhstan, which make to talk the continuing threat of the negative impact of the media on younger generation's minds. Namely: the level of information and cultural , informational and social situation in Kazakhstan is actually dependent on Russian media companies and pro-American tendencies and European trends in the media of other countries.  This is achieved by verified marketing policy of state non-Kazakh media companies.  The majority of those inform projects which appear in the Kazakh TV companies are  based on media production formats  of the United States, Russia and European countries.

Generally this process can lead to the fact that the unidirectional cultural orientation of  Kazakhstan's  media will show itself  in even more clearly. This will be a destructive impact on the traditional cultural values ​​of young Kazakhs, on the possibilities to keep own ethnic culture of the republic and this will heighten the risk of inter-ethnic and religious conflicts. Moreover  this fact do no apply only  large national media, but also regional print press and television media production in Kazakhstan.

From aforesaid we can conclude that the Kazakh model of information security in the information field cannot ensure the socialization process of Kazakh youth fully.   Also an effective state information policy  in the sphere of spiritual security of the individual cannot be regulate today fully.   This fact leads to a simplified approach to the role of ideology in the media and as a consequence  the absence of clear, permanent social and economic positions. As a result  Western values ​  including no abstract freedom of information and freedom in accordance with U.S. and European national criteria win in the system of reference points. And it  leads to the rule of pseudo-values.

It is because in the short term should use ways of promoting own system of values ​​through the media actively. Exactly newspapers and TV are some of the most effective mechanisms of formation of traditional spiritual and moral systems of value orientations at modern youth.  And this should be one of a priority in the development of a unified strategy of youth policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan.

As a whole the government propaganda must be directed to the formation of the system of traditional society values. There are the formation of the social consolidation , the civil society, the identity of young people, civil and legal consciousness etc. And firs of all it is possible through national, regional, city and district media. Their support will provide an interest of young people of Kazakhstan in these issues and their decision.

The influence of external political, economic  and social processes on formation of  modern system values of​​ Kazakh youth  is one of the main directions in the work on the goals and objectives of youth policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan.  Among the major social institutions are the education system , the media, the family, social organizations especially which are not generally very effective today.

Stopping to be traditional, but never becoming innovative  socialization processes are spontaneous,  unpredictable and lightly managed nature. Feature of the process of Kazakh society transformation  is value conflict, which has some of distinctive features.

Firstly this  is the lack of a full transfer of the spiritual heritage of the older generation to descendants.  This is mostly superficial. Secondly  it happens on the background of radical change of value orientations and imposing pseudo-values​​. In addition the mechanism of reproduction of value orientations stops to be a leading  giving way to the adaptation one. Generally youth of Kazakhstan does not follow  the economic and political values. It pursues its economic interests and adapts to the social and political realities in not the most positive and progressive direction.

There are fundamental difficulties for possible normalization, effectiveness of institutions of socialization of youth. This is primarily the lack of a clearly defined vision of the future and the immediate prospects of development of our society as a holistic social organism. Next are unstable single structure, the lack of a common understanding about the activities of socialization of youth.  As a result as a consequence of these difficulties there is the growing influence on youth desocialization factors in the condition of declining social guarantees.  And also there is the inevitable conflict innovative potential of young people with its institutional forms.

Problems of self-identity in Kazakhstan led to the fact that young people begin to follow ideological and spiritual values today.  And this fact  leads to the strengthening of the role of religion in the lives of young people.  This fact stops the formation of civic identity of the young generation.  And the politicized ethnic identifications have separatist trends which may lead in some cases to the inter-ethnic conflicts. In addition this process may result in the restoration of priority ideology and spiritual values which are characteristic for Kazakh ethnic groups leading isolated life while preservation the archaic forms of socialization.