Mazurenko Andrey Petrovich

Doctor of Law, Associate Professor,

the Head of the Chair

of Theory and History of State and Law

of the North-Caucasian Branch

of the Federal University

Pyatigorsk, 40 let Oktyabrya Str., 56, 89627412626





The main problem dealt with in this article is the analysis of the possibilities of the policy of law concerning lawmaking optimizing. Here different points of view on the subject of the character and content of the policy of law are introduced. The authors suggest marking out its special type, and namely the lawmaking policy, which is considered as the basis for the extensive improvement of the law system.

Having a special function, the lawmaking policy is viewed as a universal means of the lawmaking optimizing in modern Russia.


Body of the article

In the post-Soviet period the development of the Russia’s society was marked by scaling transformations in all its spheres which lead to the introduction of new tendencies, political and legal phenomena and processes that juridical science was greatly interested to research. In particular, the intensive study of the problems of the law policy being regarded as a new and complex-structured political and legal phenomenon of compound character started in these years. One should note that that was the period when everybody realized that though being given various characteristics and definitions the law policy is primarily seen in the society as a law making policy.


Law policy is a unique phenomenon. In the first place its specificity is characterized by the fact that it objectively and simultaneously belongs both to the spheres of law and politics. Since the 1990s the law policy theory has been experiencing a qualitatively new stage of its development. It features an indissoluble connection to the democratization of the Russian society and state, the formation of new views concerning the place and the significance of law in the life of modern Russia. Nowadays people recognize the law policy as one of the most important factors of the acceptance of the natural and inalienable human rights and freedoms, the construction of a law-based state and civil society, the process generating the legal security system, the implementation of social, economical and other types of reforms.


These days the law policy is taking the first place in the context of social being as under present-day conditions it is impossible to implement all other types of policies in a civilized and guaranteed way without a law policy. An ill-conceived and weak law policy with an imperfect and incomplete legal basis, with antinomies in legal enactments, with indistinct priorities leads to implementation failures of social, economical, national policies [1]. Thereupon, while developing Russia’s policy of law it is vital not to “stew in our own juice” but to draw attention to the European Union’s experience of generating the united strategy of the legal development of its European Community member-countries [2].


Researchers note that from scientific point of view it is necessary not just to study the law policy as it is but also to work out the scientific propositions of its state to be. Top scientists of Saratov law school in their works present a very reasonable approach to defining the policy of law. For example, N.I.Matuzov considers that the policy of law being one of the types of policy in general (used as a generic term) represents a set of measures, ideas, tasks, goals, programmes, methods implemented in the sphere of law and by means of law [3].  But we think that to define the policy of law just as a set of ideas, goals, tasks and so on is not quite reasonable: “… ideas can never lead you beyond the old world order: in all cases they can only lead you beyond the ideas of the old world order. Ideas cannot implement anything. In order to implement ideas we need people who have to bend their efforts” [4]. ‘In order to stop the idea from being abstract we need the human activity” [5].


Perhaps it is due to that that N.V.Isakov thinks that “the policy of law is a scientifically based complex political and legal activity of the state in cooperation with private organizations aimed at defining and achieving strategic goals and fulfilling tactical tasks of society reforming on the basis of the legal regulation mechanism” [6]. Considering this standpoint as quite reasonable, we think that it would be more correct to define the phenomenon under study in combination of this point of view with the first definition given, as it is incorrect to understand the policy of law as just an activity because in this case its essential conceptual aspect remains disregarded.

In our opinion, the policy of law as it is is a complex phenomenon of dual nature. On the one hand, it basically means that this is a policy based on the law, while on the other hand, it is the law itself used as a means of ruling and managing the society in the political sphere. The law policy is implemented in the activities of corresponding parties that are guided by the ideas of strategic character concerning the progressive legal development of the society.


The scientific comprehension of the essence and scope of the tasks being fulfilled by the law policy in the modern period makes it possible to draw a valid conclusion that in case the leading elite of the Russian state acting as a means of carrying democratic transformations of the society demonstrates the presence of political will, it is able to form and in the future to achieve the goals of strategic character: 1) to create and develop the fundamentals of the law-governed state and civil state; 2) to regulate complex interactions of the society and the state; 3) to serve as a real guarantee of citizens’ human rights and freedoms.


The prime main aim of the law policy is working out of legal measures against lawlessness, bureaucracy, corruption, crimes, contempt against personal rights. It means that law policy has to foresee energetic actions first of all in the sphere of lawmaking as the initial one in relation to all other types of legal activities.


In our opinion, lawmaking presents one of universal forms of the law policy implementation. As this area of law policy is the most important, substantial and general, it is necessary to recognize the lawmaking policy as an independent type of law policy.


In case law policy with the lawmaking policy as its part is scientifically substantiated and realistic, it can function as a general national policy and a reliable means of democratic reforms. But here we can encounter serious side-effects and even abuse. And the malfunctions of such policy, though being detected mainly in the process of enforcement, are quite often caused by the lawmaking policy. The significance of such mistakes is quite high because after being implemented in laws and other legal enactments they cannot be corrected, but at best adjusted  in the process of the implementation of the law-enforcement policy functioning. The necessity of overcoming such negative tendencies is assumed as a basis for the research of the problems of the lawmaking policy as an important means of optimizing the lawmaking process in our country.


Lawmaking is the most important constituent part of the legal regulation. It is of sufficient importance for the further development of the latter and for a higher significance of law in general. In its turn, lawmaking includes a whole number of degrees, stages, phases and is exposed to the influence of a great amount of social reality factors which in total and in the dialectical combination determine the essence of this or that legal norm, its contents and form, its position in the system, branch and institute of law, its purpose and place in the society’s life. The lawmaking policy is thought to be regarded as one of  such determining factors.


S.V.Polenina also singles out this fact. In her opinion the lawmaking policy primarily stands for a united political and legal factor of legislation (lawmaking). The specific character of this factor lies in the fact that theoretically its function is to concentrate the most essential interests of all social groups, layers, classes and of the whole society in general. Being formed under the influence of the dynamics of economical, national, spiritual, moral, ethical and other types of social relations in the society the mentioned factor reflects the activity of state structures, social associations, citizens and juridical entities in the process of lawmaking [7]. It is confirmed by the fact that lawmaking policy has its own aims, means, forms, methods and is aimed at obtaining such a specific result as providing all the necessary conditions for the lawmaking renovation and eventually for the creation of a science-based, balanced and non-controversial legislature which conforms to the major priorities of the Russia’s policy of law.


Lawmaking, its continual renovation should always be considered as the most important ones by the state administration activities. The lawmaking policy is the way to the lawmaking improvement, to its optimization [8]. So we come to the conclusion that lawmaking represents the object of the lawmaking policy impact.


Nowadays scientists pay more attention to the problems of lawmaking. A vast range of published works of all levels and in different editions dwell on the research of this phenomenon. Quite a number of theses have been written on this issue during the last years. Such heightened interest is explained by the significance that the lawmaking is expected to have and actually has under the circumstances of modern Russia.


At the turn of two millenniums the Russian Federation undergoes global reforms and drastic changes in its social life. Social relations change quickly, the structure of both bodies of state power and local authorities adjust in accordance with the time-posed objectives. The abundance of the regulatory and legal enactments passed in our country witness the tendency that the state long for the regulation of the most important sides of the social life. But as well one should be warned against legal idealism, the conception that all social problems can be solved by passing the corresponding laws. This makes it necessary for science of law to work out theoretical concepts, scientific conclusions, practical recommendations and suggestions dealing with the lawmaking activities and lawmaking policy of the modern Russian state that are relevant to the life realities.


In our opinion there are no grounds for the identification of such notions as “lawmaking” and “law policy” as each of these phenomena has its own subject. So, while the lawmaking has the creation of new, change or annulment of the present legal norms as a subject, the subject of the lawmaking policy is the working out and the realization of the plan and policy of the lawmaking activity, the creation of the necessary conditions for a higher effectiveness and modernization of lawmaking. Some researches go even further. So, for example, T.A.Zolotukhina considers that lawmaking is a constituent element of the lawmaking policy which is a much wider notion and which comprises not only the process of the creation, change and  annulment of the legal norms proper but also the activity aimed at formation and management of the lawmaking process, working out the concepts, ideas of lawmaking, priorities, aims , tasks of the lawmaking activity [9]. Similar ideas are demonstrated by Y.S.Selivanova who notes that in the basis of the lawmaking policy there should be a certain concept suggesting notions concerning the aims of the lawmaking process and the methods it can be influenced by [10].


Such a concept is by all means necessary. It should be worked out on the basis of the law policy concept being treated as its special variety. The aim of this concept is to contribute to the lawmaking renovation, the arrangement of conditions that are necessary for the development of modern federal and regional legislature, municipal law systems. The implementation of the tasks mentioned is possible only under conditions of the predictability of the political and law progress strategic course in the sphere of lawmaking which is supported by means of the science-based principles, priorities, aims, means and forms of the lawmaking policy implementation fixed on the conceptual level. Besides, one should note that strategy in the sphere of lawmaking is a type of activity aimed at forming the most general conceptual political and law approaches and perspective guidelines (of a long-term programme) of development and improvement of the Russia’s law system.


The lawmaking strategy and the lawmaking policy are closely associated juridical categories. In our opinion, the lawmaking policy is a far broader notion. This conclusion is based on the fact that such policy is not just a strategy but also a tactics indeed in the lawmaking sphere. Except for planning and forecasting it also comprises such mandatory constituents as scientific basis, responsiveness to public opinion, expert and methodological guidance of legislation, system approach in the sphere of legal regulation and others which serve as a means of solving tactical problems that the lawmaking policy faces [11].


Theoretically, law policy must have its own strategy and tactics, clear and sound aims and corresponding means of their implementation. It is possible to implement juridical ideas in case their implementation grounds on well-thought decisions and tasks on the basis of law policy and actions of tactical character. So, in the sphere of tactics the policy of law solves immediate problems. Taking into consideration the fact that the policy of law serves as an essential basis of the lawmaking policy we can substantially state that the latter combines the functions of tactics and strategy in the sphere of lawmaking. The absence of tactical tasks as well as strategic conceptual ideas and aims based on a long-term forecast reveals the absence of the lawmaking policy. If this is the case there is no and there cannot be any policy but its semblance.




Having carried out the analysis we come to the conclusion that despite its organic links with the policy of law, the lawmaking policy is obliged to possess its own long-term aims, be implemented on the basis of specific unique principles, use special forms and methods aimed at the implementation of concrete results which correspond to the priorities of the Russian law policy. Therefore, the lawmaking policy being, on the one hand, an independent political and legal phenomenon and on the other hand presenting a special type of law policy, acts as a special type of law policy and a mighty means of optimizing the lawmaking process.





1. It is suggested that the optimizing process of lawmaking should be considered as a process of its constant renovation, actualization of its ideas and plans that serve as a means of a more mobile link between the lawmaking activity and social, economic, political, legal and spiritual needs of the society; it is also suggested that lawmaking should be more flexible and adequate to the challenges of time. The science-based lawmaking policy is expected to become the most important means of such optimizing aimed at the elimination of distortions of the lawmaking social mechanism, guaranteeing in the process of its implementation the maximum and objective interaction of all the factors that influence either directly or implicitly the lawmaking development.


2. The lawmaking policy is a complex and diverse phenomenon. Having lawmaking activity as a basis it is aimed at its optimizing and detailed development of the law system. The lawmaking policy effectiveness is due to the fact that it uses the instruments of law policy being its constituent, its main type. At the same time the self-sufficiency of the lawmaking policy is determined by the characteristics that distinguish it from other types of law policy (enforcement policy, law-interpretating policy, law-educative policy and so on). The analysis of the mentioned characteristics makes it possible to conclude that, on the one hand, the lawmaking policy is a complex of conceptual ideas, programmes, plans aimed at the lawmaking development, making it more effective in order to create a well-organized, comprehensive and consistent system of law, and on the other hand, it is a science-based, consistent and systematic activity of the state structures and subjects of the civil society that form and implement the strategy and tactics of lawmaking.


3. For the deeper understanding of the essence of the lawmaking policy it is reasonable to specify the above-mentioned features of this political and legal phenomenon: a) it acts as a united political and legal factor of optimizing the lawmaking activity; b) it presents the most important law policy type of the Russian state; c) it is grounded upon a distinctly regulated basis; d) it is characterized by the presence of many subjects: it is formed and implemented by both the state with its bodies and officials and numerous subjects of the civil society; e) it is of public character; f) it is a multi-level system: it is implemented at different stages (on different levels) of state and social organization (federal, regional, municipal, local); g) it longs for the creation of inter-consistent, holistic and integral law system; h) it is based on the requirement of compulsory usage of scientific potential while preparing the law to be passed and while the proper lawmaking; i) it uses the instruments of forecasting and planning which guarantee its consistency and predictability; j) it is of systematic character: it combines many instruments of the lawmaking process into an interrelated inter-related; k) in the sphere of lawmaking it combines the features of both strategy and tactics.




1. Ref.: Alexander Malko, 2013. Concept and Reality of Legal Policy in Modern Russia. Journal of Siberian Federal University. Humanities & Social Sciences 11 (2013 6)  pp. 1615-1616.

2. Ref.: Alexander Malko, Valentina Elistratova, 2014. Die Eurasische Wirtschaftsunion: Verwendung der europaischtn rechtlichen Erfahrung der zwischenstaatlichen Integration . Institut fur Rechtspolitik an der Universitat Trier, 2014, pp. 5-17.

3. Ref. Matuzov N.I. The General Concept and Main Priorities of the Russian Law Policy // Russian Law Policy: a Course of Lectures / Ed. by N.I.Matuzov and A.V.Malko. Moscow, 2003. p.28

4. Marx.K., Engels F. The Holy Family or Critique of Critical Critique. Against Bruno Bauer and the Company. Collected Works. 2nd Edition. V.2. p.132.

5. Adoratsky V.O. On the State (on the issue of the method of research). Moscow, 1923. p.12.

6. Isakov N.V. The Law Policy of Russia: Theoretical Aspects // Lawmaking Policy. An Annual. 2013. ¹ 1. p. 52.

7. Ref. Polenina S.V. The Lawmaking Policy // The Russian Law Policy: a Course of Lectures / Ed. by N.I.Matuzov and A.V.Malko. Moscow, 2003. p.184

8. Ref.: Alexander Malko, Alexey Salomatin, 2013. Comparative Approach in Legal Policy // Law (2013 Vol. 1) pp. 5-6.

9. Ref. Zolotukhina T.A. The Lawmaking Policy of the Russian State // The History of State and Law. 2010. ¹ 15. p. 13.

10. Ref. Selivanova Y.S. The Notion and Priorities of the Russia’s Lawmaking Policy // Policy of Law and Legal Life. 2009. ¹ 2. p. 141.

11. Ref.: Mazurenko, A.P., 2011. Law-making policy: problems of theory and practice // Nauka i studia. Przemysl (Poland): Sp. z.o.o. «Nauka i studia», (2011 5) pp. 107-108.