Yu.A. Klayberg


Academician of RANS, Doctor of Psychological Sciences,

Doctor of Law, Professor

Moscow State Regional University






Abstract. The article attempts to justify theoretically the possibility of putting into triad Darwin (variability - heredity - selection) another important socio-psychological component – deviation socialization and in this context to consider its interaction with aggression, violence and deprivation.

Keywords: Triada Darwin, aggression, violence, deprivation, deviation socialization of Personality.


Darwin triad (variability - heredity - selection), as it is known, fix three biological algorithm of existence of living beings, which are the basis for the organization of biological matter. However, from a psychological point of view this triad can be supplemented by another important component that will characterize its output to a higher level of organization of matter - psychological, and more precisely – the socio-psychological. We are talking about the «deviation socialization» (in the broadest sense of the word).

The term «socialization» in most we analyzed the conceptual approaches is considered by scientists (A.Teslenko, 2002, 2005; A.Rean, 2007; and others) as the process of entry of the individual into the world of concrete social relations and integration in different types of social communities through culture, values and norms which form the socially important traits of the generation. In current approaches deviation socialization is represented as a process of enabling the individual in the sphere of public relations as a subject [3; 4; 5; 6; 7].

For the process of deviant socialization of today requires a new heuristics, assuming essentially non-classical view of its interpretation. However, there are certain difficulties. The complexity of the process of deviant socialization is manifested not only in the difficulty of a distinction between biological and socio-psychological determinants, but also from individual psychological traits of personality, from its behavioral repertoire. The environment is perceived by them selectively: some signals are ignored, others are seen, but the end result is the behavior is determined by the internal needs.

Moreover, we should not forget that the process of deviant socialization is based on reflective human communication process of the mutual changes of mental systems and social protection on the basis of continuous improvement of the model environment and models of interaction with it. Therefore, «I not only act in accordance with what I have, but change in accordance with the act» [13, 133].

The progress of humankind shows that the person is being prepared for life as such, and for life and interaction in certain socio-cultural conditions. However, as specifies Ya.Gilinskiy, «man is a biological creature and brings produced in the process of evolution «inheritance», including aggressiveness, which was essential in order to survive and gain a foothold on the planet among the horned, toothy and fanged ...» [3, 15].

Aggression and violence unique to the human race, unlike the animal, which is peculiar only aggression [3, 9]. These concepts are synonymous, but not identical.

The word «aggression» have long been exists in European countries, however, until the early nineteenth century was considered any aggressive active behavior, both friendly and hostile.

In the process of socialization many types and forms of deviant behavior have properties aggressiveness (or aggressive behavior). Currently under aggression understand motivated destructive behavior contrary to the norms of coexistence between people, harming the objects of attack, bringing physical damage to people or causing them psychological discomfort [5; 6; 7].

In the modern scientific literature (see: E. Alekseeva, 2004) outlined several approaches to understanding of aggression (T. Shipunova, 2011). Consider them in detail.

1. Aggression as a basis explanation of the need for punishment of the offender. When the concept of «aggression» is used in this context, it should be understood as a manifestation of individual harm. This Evil or an inherent feature of the person, or «sold» in the course of socialization, life's failures, or acts as a momentary reaction to the current situation [8, 5].

In this case, no matter what the nature of this individual harm. A count is the fact that this is the understanding of aggression makes it possible to justify the response of society as the embodiment of social needs in punishment.

2. Aggression as the reason of occurrence of different forms of deviant behavior. Here the notion of «aggression» is used as super addictive characteristic of a person, formed by a complex of congenital and acquired properties. So, from the point of view of the psychoanalytic theory  Z.Freud). Representatives new behaviorism believe aggression result of frustrations endured by the person in the process of «social learning» John Dollard, N.Miller, A.Bandura, L.Berkovits). Interactionist represent aggression as a consequence of the objective of «conflict of interests», «the incompatibility of goals» individuals and social groups (D.Kembell, M.Sherif). In the framework of cognitivists aggression appears as a result of the «dissonance» and «discrepancies» in the cognitive sphere of the subject (L.Festinger, G.Teshfel). With biological positions aggression acts as a purely instinctive behavior inherent to all animals, including man (K.Lorentz) [1].

3. Aggression as attack, seizure, accompanied by violent acts by [10, 21]. Aggression can be direct (e.g., assault, capture of the territory, political or economic subordination) and indirect (for the promotion of subversive activities against other States; the adoption of measures of economic pressure, violate the sovereignty of another state; promotion of propaganda to a certain ideology and etc.).

Notable in this discourse is that aggression is not identified, but combined with the concept of «violence». This is particularly important because sometimes in modern literature, these concepts are treated as synonyms, which, in our opinion, is methodologically and semantically incorrect.

4. Aggression as destructive behavior aimed at self-destruction and self-destruction, - auto-aggression [9, 57-59]. This type of aggression is the result of unremitting passions and desires (Erich Fromm). Under the pressure (of passions, love and passion, lust for power, fame or revenge) people are able to impose on the other hand, if you cannot reach the object of his passion. A mind (or madness?) individual pushes him to the destruction of its own envelope. Another manifestation of auto-aggression act less radical, but no less destructive forms of behavior, such as alcoholism, drug addiction, classes adventure sports etc.

Erich Fromm defines aggression rather widely - as damage not only to the person or animal, but also to any arbitrary object. He believes that there are two kinds of aggression: benign and malignant. The first appears in a moment of danger and is defensive in nature, serves as a vital interests of the society, provides individual, group and society at large to the survival and security, and as soon as the danger finally fades away and this form of aggression. It is an innate ability to respond to external risk by either attack or escape. Defensive aggression is common to man and animals, it is given to them by nature. Malignant no aggression in animals and is only peculiar to man.

Of great interest are the studies of the phenomenon of aggression supporters behavioral approach and, in particular, developed in the framework of this direction the theory of «frustration - aggression» (John Dollard), where frustration is interpreted as a direct cause of aggressive attacks on the source of frustration, and more often on the objects, to its emergence innocent. Thus, one of the groups of determinants of aggressive behavior, comprise situational determinants - specific social situations arising in the process of interpersonal communication.

Another theory linking aggression with the phenomenon of frustration - the theory of the formation of new cognitive relations Leonard Berkowits. On Berkowitz, frustration only produces a tendency to aggression, however, the main instigator of aggressive tendencies is a negative effect, stimulating desire to fight or to flee.

Frustration is defined as the mental state caused by failure in meeting needs and is accompanied by various negative feelings of disappointment, resentment, anxiety, despair, and other  [5; 6; 7; 11]. Frustration first concerns the need revived in the moment and already directed to the goal, and second, characterized by an awareness of the subject of the inability to meet. Deprivation same may partially or even completely understood. Its negative effects can be associated with a variety of reasons. So, the person may not be connected, for example, arose a depression with a deficit of sensory stimuli.

Attracts the attention of the classification of types of violence, developed S.Zhizhek (S.Ẑiẑek, 2010). He distinguishes: subjective violence (these are the manifestations of social violence, which «lie on the surface», which are easily visible and recognized by most people - murders, terrorist acts, war, etc.); «symbolic violence (this linguistic and verbal violence - insults, threats, blackmailing etc.); system (objective) violence» (the most hidden (anonymous) and therefore dangerous for society) - «it's often disastrous consequences quiet work of economic and political systems» [3, 26-27].

All of these approaches reveal some specific characteristics of the different manifestations of aggression help distinguishing aggression types: against the person or his» society; against another society (state); against himself. The unifying point of all these approaches is that every time the aggression is defined through its action on an object.

The concept of deprivation close to the concept of frustration and aggression. With deprivation faced almost all people: children and adults. This phenomenon is very common, especially in the context of contemporary society. Depression, neurosis, somatic diseases, overweight... Often the roots of these problems are caused by the lack of bright colors in a person's life, lack of emotional communication, information, etc. But they are not identical. Compared with frustration deprivation significantly more severe, painful, and sometimes personally devastating condition, characterized qualitatively higher level of rigidity and stability compared to frustration reaction.

In contrast to the frustration, deprivation is more hidden, but often has more serious consequences.

The word «deprivation» means loss, loss. In English literature the notion of «deprivation» (deprivation, or privation) denotes the loss of something, hardship owing to a lack of satisfaction of any important needs of [5; 6].

Deprivations are usually distinguished depending on what the need is not satisfied.

Y. Langmeir & Z. Matejtchek analyses four types of mental deprivation [2].

1. (touch) deprivation: reduced sensory stimuli or their limited variability and modality.

2. Deprivation of values (cognitive): too fickle, chaotic structure of the external world without a clear ordering and meaning, which make it impossible to understand, anticipate and adjust the action outside.

3. Deprivation emotional relationships (emotional): lack of possibility to establish an intimate emotional relationship to any person or rupture of a similar emotional connection if it has been created.

4. Deprivation of identity (social): limited capacity for absorption of Autonomous social role.

Most authors also stop mainly on these types of deprivation and determine their contents about the same.

Socio-psychological deprivation in the scientific literature is interpreted broadly. With her face and children living or studying in closed institutions, and adults who for one reason or another are isolated from society, or have limited contact with other people (for example, elderly people after retirement) and others In the life of different types of deprivation difficult intertwined. Some of them can be combined, one may be a consequence of other etc.

In addition to the above, there are other types of deprivation. For example, with physical deprivation, a person faces when there are limitations in movement (due to injury, disease, or in other cases).

In modern psychology and related Sciences and Humanities highlight some types of deprivation, with a General nature or related to specific aspects of human existence in society: educational, economic, ethical deprivation and other.

In addition to the species, there are different forms of deprivation, which may be in the form of overt or hidden.

Explicit deprivation remains the obvious: being a person in conditions of social isolation, long periods of loneliness, education of the child in the orphanage, etc. Is the apparent deviation from the norm (in the cultural sense).

Hidden deprivation (partial, J. Boulbi; masked, G. Harlou) is not so obvious. It occurs when the seemingly favorable conditions, which, however, do not allow meeting the significant requirements. So, J. Boulbi writes that the partial deprivation can be observed where there is a direct separation of mother to child, but their relationship for any reason are not adequate for the child [4].

Hidden deprivation at this time is of special interest to researchers. Its source can be in the family, school, different social institutions, and society as a whole.

Thus, I draw the reader's attention to two important notes:

1. Behavior is aggressive if there are two prerequisites: 1) either when the disastrous for the object exposure consequences, 2) or when violated norms of behavior.

2. In General, almost all researchers share the position that the determination of aggressive behavior and violence are due to the interaction with the objective (social) and subjective (personal, including frustrations and derivational) factors: first create the potential for conflict, the second to the peculiarities of its implementation. It is very important that some personality traits may act at different stages of development of the situation and to contribute to the manifestation of aggression, violence and deprivation, and as repressive of their structure.



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