L.A. Asmolova

East- Kazakhstan State Technical University

named after D. Serikbaev, Kazakhstan



Athletes of different ranks use attainment of sport science and medicine in all kinds of modern professional sports for successful performance. In order to perform the sportsmen on the peak form to the definite competitions scientifically proved methods are existed.

Unfortunately, in our days these methods are seldom used by professional sportsmen, that is why in team kinds of sports the coach has to make choice for request to definite match of two and more players pretending for the same position  in the body of team and approximately equal by class of game and the level of preparation to it.  In these cases the coach often relies on his own intuition based on his qualification and experience.

 The difficulty of usage of these methods come down to the fact that it’s necessary to make a calculation during a long period of time which as a rule come down to computations from the course of higher mathematics or mathematical statistics, but it essentially complicate the process of forecasting.

For automation the process of forecasting effectiveness of sportsmen demonstration in competitions were used the methods which were developed by doctor of technical science A.A. Taranzev and the candidate of technical science V.G. Chernov.

Forecasting of effectiveness sportsmen demonstration in coming match is accounted by mathematical model (MM), connecting exponents of effectiveness and biorhythms (physical, emotional, intellectual) of players, taking into account factor of “self”, “alien” and “neutral” field. These exponents are chosen by authors as affecting factors because they have more powerful impact on the sportsmen performance effectiveness to the event. Sportsmen’s MM are obtained in consequence of the previous performance results elaboration. Grade is accepted for the effectiveness performance exponent of each sportsmen given by coach for the definite carried out match. Physical, emotional, intellectual cycles are the biorhythm exponents of each sportsman.  

The developed method essence is that each sportsman comes out as a complicated system which is influenced by four factors: biorhythm exponents (x1, x2, x3) and field (x4).  Output parameter system is the grade (y) for carried out match. 

According to N> 4 test performance of sportsman matrix X and Y form which contains the data about factors and grade of sportsman. Matrix X includes N line and m = 4 columns, matrix Y- N lines. Then according to matrix X and Y models  in the form of parameter  dependences from factor are built:

Y=f (x1, x2,… xm ,  À), (1)

Where A- model coefficient vector, obtained from minimum amount square deviation of calculating and experimental meaning of sportsman’s grade

This condition can be written in the following manner:


 where D – is dispersion of grade calculation

M- is the number coefficient model (1) (vector size A)

yi 3 -      -parameter meaning, defined by i- ì  sportsman performance (matrix component Y)  

X11- 1st factor meaning by i ì  sportsman performance ( X matrix component), I=1,2..,m      

Calculating vector A by condition (2) can be exercised by the methods of unconditional minimization. If the kind of the model (1) is unknown beforehand (it is the most frequent case)then it is presented as the regression  equation:


à1 – the first component of the vector A

zi – 1ST conditional factor presenting any factor (for example zi = x1 ) and its functional transformation (for example zi = x1,2 ) or combination of factors (for example zi= x1, x2), at that zi =1.

Using condition (2) to the models (3) for calculating vector A can be presented in matrix view:

A =(ZT Z)-1 ZT Y,

Z- conditional factors matrix, forming on matrix X and containing N columns ( by number of performances) and m columns corresponding conditional factors zi =1,2…, m , at that the first column of matrix Z- single, Y- column of matrix grade.

Forecasting of sportsman’s performance effectiveness by the models (1) or (3) is exercised by substitution in its factor meanings  xi, I=1,2…, m, corresponding sportsman performance conditions in coming matches, and calculating  forecasting grade meaning yïð , then its possible to accept based solutions about passing the sportsman to the given events or necessity of any other measures. 

 In that way, usage of developed method allow considerably raise exactness of forecasting the sportsman’s performance effectiveness in competitions and provide based solutions about possibility of performance that or another sportsman in coming matches in highest levels.

For developing computer aided control system by the calculation in forecasting method performance of sportsmen in competitions such programs were used:

 Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 Service Pack 6 –was used by way of essential means of interface supplement, and also as interaction with essential machinery of operation systems;

-                            Relational Microsoft Access- was used for keeping information about sportsmen;

-                            Technology Microsoft ADO - ActiveX Data Object- was used for access to the data keeping in informational  base;

                             Microsoft Excel- was used by way of automation server for technical calculation

         Developed application allows:

-To get the result on the base of which we can make assumption about if a sportsman can show the best result on the coming competitions or can’t;

- to get additional facts and basis for making decisions by a coach before sportsman performance on the competitions;

- with the help of application a sportsman can keep track quantitative and qualitative changes in his performances;

- compare his activities with other sportsmen and to correct problem sides;

- it can essentially reduce financial costs marking out on a sportsman performance;

- to solve the problem of sportsman readiness to the event.

         In that way, listed above facts are  the development of informational techniques and professional sport in the world.