Sarbasova K.A.

Karaganda State University after E.A.Buketov

The main sourses of formation Pedagogics as a science


As Nowadays Kazakhstan is in the political-democratical stage of refreshment, it follows that to select the sources of kazakh pedagogics and to give it's own price in its stage.

Showing the pedagogical meaning of Al-Faraby's, Zh.Balasaguni's, M.Kashkary's works have centuries history. They have substantiated that the pedagogics has its own study subject and it grows every day.

In the Independent republics law about knowledge shows that “the main duty of the knowledge system is national and general human values on the base of science and practice achievements to form individuals and to make the necessity conditions to get knowledge for development and improvement”(1).

    Cause the progressive pedagogical ideas of our nation's history, from national and human values point.

   It is clear that applying of ideas is necessity to form generation as the developed comprehensive person.

   Nowadays when our nation is in the way of new development and with the aim to be gained for the 50 countries, which are able to compete, first of all we should clarify our history, and this problem is regarding for field of any science. Till today, it is clear that the division of pedagogics from philosophy and its entering to science is connected with the name of Komenskyi. Although, if we look to the history's deep, we may see that the Al-Faraby's, Balasaguni's, Kashkari's work that has centuries history are the source of formation Kazakh pedagogics, cause it is necessary to substantiate this problem from the theoretical metological point.

   The importance of this problem also observed in the works of the scientists like K.Zharykbaev, C.Kaliev,A.Kobesov, T.Alsatov,K. Ibraeva and others, who studies the formation of educatoinal ideas and its development. Any science has birth first of all from the necessity. It is time to give an important role for knowledge in human's life. The development of society depends on the stage as generation's upbringing so, these problems are the main support in Al-Faraby's, Kashkari's, Balasaguni's ideas.

   To show some clear and practical meaning, to make clear some ideas about upbringing of our generation, to find similarities with world pedagogics, to appoint it's place in pedagogical theory and practice, to use them in education system and for preparing some educational tools we need to make some research works. The interrelation of national pedagogics with civilization phenomenon, show us the place of our independent country and future possibility of our mental development. Some pedagogical heritage of Al-Faraby is spring which can show us our mental development from ancient times till nowadays. 

   Some considerable changes which take place in our contemporary society are the base of changing of industrial paradigm to cultural paradigm which is based on some new world educational principles; from machine technology to socialization; from national economy to the world economy. All these changes were the main reason to make some new paradigm in the sphere of education. This paradigm is paradigm of reviving.

   The reviving paradigm is the main thing in the Al-Faraby's pedagogical idea. He makes sure in his scientific works that the process of education must be based on this paradigm. As the result of it, nowadays after so many years we can recognize this paradigm as one of the new paradigm in the sphere of education.

   He wrote in his work about how we can reach happiness as a result of being educated: «In a life time everyone needs a lot of things for his life and to reach the peak of his life. And also he needs some association of people to reach his dreams. And this association of people, every one of them finds from some common things the thing that he needs and give it. All people are interrelated between each other. According to all these facts such associations of people which help each other during life time and with the help of each other they can reach the peak of their lives». The state of high peak can be illustrated with the help of human's education, culture and so on. Hence, being in a state of high peak is the main way to be happy. He wrote about it: «If we have a good character and clever mind immediately with the help of them we can reach happiness» (2).

          If these things don't have any relation to education, then education has not base and aims. If knowledge hasn’t actions, education leads this action to end. These two types are connected with each other. Appearance of science is connected with art begin from humanity knowledge and education.

   Al-Faraby has valuable ideas about beginning of science from base of education  and knowledge. Balasaguni left valuable legacy in Turkish language which is called  «Kutti bilik», this work has 13 thousand lines.

Knowledge makes great man,

Education makes clever man.

From two things become great man,

Who has knowledge become able man,

Clever man understands old men (3).

  Valuable ideas in these lines of poem have pedagogical meaning, which appears as a part of pedagogics.

   M.Kashkari continues works of   Al-Faraby and Balasaguni which includes pedagogical ideas.

   Great scientist showed that knowledge is important for humanity and education is not only problem of pedagogics, also it is social, economical, public problem.

Take you propaganda from me,

Apply to me.

If land will be great, knowledge is shared.

You should be grateful, if you find majesty.

If you are near old men, you should continue well.

He showed the importance and spreading models and achievement of science in society.

M.Kashkari considered problem of educatoin, of phisiology in humanity.

Don't afraid to study,

Find art and education,

Without knowledge you will be torment in examination (4).

   These words have pedagogical ideas. Everyone knows that pedagogics is the science of human's upbringing. Pedagogics has aims, problems, methods, ideas and laws, which acts as a component of a science.

The famous scholars of century are Al-Faraby, Zh.Balasaguni and M.Kashkari. They explored the source of pedagogical science. The formation of science of Kazakh Pedagogic depends on the great scientists’ works, and proving theory-methodology. It gives a new way of developing Kazakh science. 


         1. The Law of the Republic Kazakhstan "About formation - Astana, 2007.

          2. Al-Farabi. Social-ethical traktaty. - Alma-Ata, 1973.

          3. Balasaguni ZH.. Blagodatnoe znanie. - Almaty, 1986.

          4. Mahmut Kashkari. The Dictionary turkic yazya. - Almaty, 1998.