B.Arlyuk, D.Sc.


Development of computer system for short term forecast the prices of commodities and its application for primary aluminium


1. Introduction


There are no publications in literature on development of stock exchange price forecasting models for industrial goods including the metals of industrial group and in particular, for primary aluminium, which world prices are formed at London Metal Exchange. At the same time price forecast determines significantly commercial activity of companies and is necessary for investment planning.

Accuracy of the used world price forecasting systems can be assessed by the regular information of the leading analytical companies. When forecasting the primary aluminium prices one quarter ahead for the period from 1990 to 2001, analytical companies had the average error in the average quarterly price forecasting of about 92$/t, and they also had an error in the price variation direction in 45-56% cases. Taking into account that the average quarterly price variation for the said period amounted to 94$/t, such results practically do not differ from random forecasting without taking into account available market information. Average price forecasting errors for the second quarter ahead and further exceed the average price variation. This proves the fact that there are actually no correct models for price forecasting even one quarter ahead.

The performed research resulted in development of the exchange price forecasting systems for industrial goods, primary aluminium exchange price forecasting models were got, which found application in commercial activity of industrial companies, funds and traders.


We made the first attempts to develop a model and a computer system for primary aluminium world price forecasting in 1994, and they were published in “Aluminium” journal [1]. The continuation of work in this field was published in November 1995 in “Journal of Metals” [2], when the world price reduction by the end of 1996 was forecasted quite accurately.


Analysis of the market regularities and the market information structure, which can be used for price forecasting, allowed to make the following conclusion:

1.     Aluminium price forecasting by purely statistic methods (on the basis of empirical regression models) does not give the acceptable accuracy of results. This is caused by incomplete available information on the basic market parameters. Aluminium demand and supply, its stock of manufacturers, traders and consumers are such parameters determining the market price behavior. Fixed general market and exchange indicators characterize these parameters only indirectly and with delay. That is why there are too many empirical coefficients in the price forecasting model made by the principle of “black box”, and the reliability of their definition by the mass of actual data turns out to be very low.

2.     Price forecasting accuracy acceptable for commercial purposes can be reached on the basis of the market regularities analytical model supplemented by the special assessment model of the basic market parameters by the available current information. The analytical model connecting the aluminium price with its demand, supply and the stock of the market participants contains comparatively few unknown coefficients, and assessment of these parameters by the fixed market indicators is made on quite simple and obvious relations.

3.     Regularities of the market price forming depending on demand, supply and aluminium stock are disturbed significantly in the periods of the world economy crises both under the influence of objective factors and subjective information spread in the market. It is impossible to model and account these factors at price forecasting. But the analytical model of the market price forming makes it possible to detect the deviations from the established market regularities quite early. Such deviations are detected by comparing the current moment forecasting error with its average value. That is why when the current error starts to exceed its average value more than 2.5-3 times, only the near price forecasts can be trusted (less than one quarter ahead). The price forecasting distance should be reduced at these cases in commercial application.


2. Alternative approaches to the aluminium price forecasting


Price, demand/offer balance, sellers stock and buyers stock are the basic parameters of the current status of the primary aluminium market (like any other goods market). All market regularities are inertial and they can be described by a dynamic model, which connects the market status in the future moments with the current status. Such model allows to forecast the future status, in particular, aluminium price, if the status parameters in the present moment are known. Actually only the current price can be measured (fixed) directly and correctly. The other market parameters can be assessed only indirectly by a number of recorded general market and exchange indicators. Thus, the calculating procedure of the price forecasting can be presented as two successive procedures – assessment of the current status parameters not recorded directly and forecasting by them the price for the given future period.

Fixed data on aluminium production and consumption in the market, current exchange information as well as the indicators of the world economy development are the data base for assessment of the market status parameters. The volume of this information is quite big – besides the exchange price itself this is the open interest at the exchange, the volume of the deals made, exchange metal stock (LME stock), IAI data on primary aluminium production in the Western countries, assessments of primary aluminium supply and consumption in the world market, fixed stock of manufacturers (by IAI data) and industrial production indices in the Western countries (IP).


Two approaches are possible for creating the price forecasting system: empirical (by statistic methods) and analytical (by the methods of mathematical modeling).


Many attempts are known of industrial good prices forecasting by purely statistic methods. Such approach is attractive due to the fact that it does not require knowledge and mathematical description of market regularities as the forecasting is made by the purely empirical regression model.

However, in reality such approach to forecasting very often does not give satisfactory results, which happens with the aluminium price forecasting problem. The reason for this is not obvious and it requires explanation. The thing is that the forecasting system made on the basis of regression model contains comparatively many empirical coefficients, and a mass of actual data at a long timed interval is required for their statistic definition. The minimum possible number of coefficients even for the simplest linear regression model for aluminium price forecasting 1 step ahead is equal to the minimum number of the market status parameters (4 basic parameters) multiplied by the number of recorded market and exchange indicators (6-8 indicators), and it amounts to 24-32 coefficients. But the market regularities of the price forming do not remain invariable for a long time. They depend on the status and variation of the entire world economy, are subject to crises and other calamities, and so they can differ significantly within various periods. In  terms of random processes it means non-stability of market regularities. In such situation identification of regression model (aimed at definition of its coefficients) for a comparatively long time interval leads to the situation, when the model reflects not the actual market behavior for the latest time, but the average behavior for a long period, which is a kind of compromise for all possible disturbances outside the market. Correct forecasting by such model will be too conservative and with low information content.


3. Analytical model of aluminium price forecasting


In order to make the analytical model of market regularities relations of the basic market participants – sellers and buyers- were mathematically formalized. For this purpose the market structure was analyzed, the purposes of its participants were formulated and their actions were modeled as the reaction to the market situation and the partners actions.

The chain of cause and effect relations between the sellers and the buyers is built based on the fact that the sellers depending the sale volume variation form the market price, and the buyers depending on the price change the sale volume. Such system of market relations in the part of price forming is characterized by 3 basic status parameters – price P, demand/offer balance dV and goods stock (aluminium) of the buyers Z (stock sum of consumers and traders). It is described mathematically by the system of 3 differential equations:








where dP – price deviation from its moving-average value, dZ – stock deviation from its norm, t – current time, A1, A2, k1, k2, k3 – constant coefficients.


Equation (1) describes sellers’ reaction to the demand variation, equation (2) – buyers’ reaction to the price variation, equation (3) – aluminium stock balance.


For compactness of record and connection with model of estimation the equations (1) - (3) are used in vector form:


(4)…..X(t)=A*X(t-1) .


Here by X the vector of condition the market [ δP, δV, δZ], and by A - matrix of model coefficients are given.


This system is dynamic as the sellers’ reaction to demand variation and the buyers’ reaction to the price variation are not instantaneous, but they are distributed in time and depend on the accumulated aluminium stock (dynamic coefficients A1 and A2). Mathematical analysis of such system shows, that its own fluctuations of price and demand/offer balance can arise with definite frequency. The fluctuations appear when the market participants react sensitively to the actions of each other. The clearly observed fluctuating character of actual aluminium prices proves the adequacy of the created market model.


The received analytical model of price forecasting allows to calculate the aluminium price, the demand/offer balance and the stock of the buyers one step ahead via their known values at the given step. However, such forecasts calculating scheme cannot be realized in practice as in reality neither demand/offer balance nor aluminium stock of the buyers are recorded directly. So the problem arises, how to assess them indirectly by the actually measurable (fixed) values. Besides the current price itself, such values comprise assessment of the market supply with primary aluminium production volume in the Western countries by IAI data plus export from the countries of the former Eastern block), assessment of primary aluminium consumption in the Western Countries, industrial production index in the Western counties IP as well as exchange stock in LME  warehouses, exchange sale volume under all concluded contracts and open interest. These indicators reflect the current market status only indirectly and with big delay. For instance, aluminium supply and consumption balance does not coincide with the market demand/offer or put/call balance as these finite flows of manufacturers and consumers are separated by dynamic buffers in the form of aluminium stock of the market participants. The above balances coincide only on the average for a comparatively long period (much further than the price forecasting period). In its turn, the recorded aluminium stock coincides neither with the stock of sellers nor with the stock of buyers, and it is only their indirect indicator.


The task of the market status parameters assessment and forecasting by them the aluminium price has been formulated and solved within the framework of the theory of optimal assessment and forecasting of discrete random processors [3, 4]. The price forecasting system represents a dynamic system with feedback as shown in fig.3.1.


                                                                    Estimation of current

Model of market



Model of estimation

Initial                                                  market   condition                                    price                 data                                                                                                                                        forecast


Delay by one step



                                  Previous price forecast



Fig.3.1. The flow sheet  of aluminium price forecasting


The status parameters assessment model (demand/offer balance and stock of buyers) and the aluminium price forecasting dynamic model are connected in sequence in the straight chain. The price forecast one step ahead is calculated in the market model by the status parameters at the current moment by equation (4). In their turn, assessments of these status parameters are calculated in the model of their assessment by the recorded indicators (input information). The received assessments are revised taking into account the price discrepancy – the difference between the actual current price and its forecast made at the previous step. The previous forecasting is received at the system output by the feedback chain, where it is retained by one step of calculation.

The model of estimation is constructed by methods of a filtration of casual processes and represents Kalman`s filter of the forecast [3]. Within the framework of this methodology the equation is entered of connection fixed variable (price of aluminium, stocks of aluminium at LME, volume, open interest, supply and consumption of aluminium in the market, IP index) with parameters of market condition  - vector X. These equations are the following :


(5)…..Y(t)=C*X(t) ,


where Y (t) - vector included listed fixed variable, C - matrix of coefficients.


  With relation to model of the market (4) equations of the filter of forecast the parameters of a condition - vectors X (t) have the following view:


(6) ….. Xˆ(t+1)=A*Xˆ(t)+A*G*(Y(t)-C*Xˆ(t)) .


here Xˆ(t+1) - forecast of  vector the condition of the market X (t) for the moment of time t + 1, G - matrix factor of amplification the filter, which is determined at an adjustment of system under actual data.


Thus, the calculation procedure is got, at the input of which the current information is used – the fixed general market and exchange data Y(t), and at the output the forecasted prices (first component of vector Xˆ) are received by step-by-step calculation for the required time intervals ahead. This procedure comprises 10-11 adjustment coefficients, which is 2.5 times less than the number of coefficients of the calculation procedure on the basis of the regression model (see p.2).


4. Multifrequency system of quantitative and qualitative price forecasting


It is clear, that the possibility to forecast aluminium prices is caused by the market processes time lag, thanks to which the correlation of future prices with the current market status exists and, so, with the fixed current market information. This correlation reduces with the time interval increase between the future price and the current status. Accordingly, the forecasting error   grows and, consequently, there is a maximum possible interval of forecasting with the required accuracy. It is also clear, that this interval depends on the averaging period of the forecasted price and, e.g. for the day prices it is much less than for the average quarterly prices. For preliminary quantitative assessment of these qualitative relations, the analysis was carried out of the frequency spectrum of correlation relations between the market status parameters. Then the forecasting systems described above were investigated (see fig.3.1) for various periods of price avaraging and input information. Moving-average periods of 3 days, 8 days, 1 month, 1 quarter and 1 year were assumed. First of all, it was found that the correlation of the average price with the remaining market status parameters covers only 1-2 quarters and so the price forecasting by the current market information is possible not further than 1-2 quarters ahead. It is natural to call such aluminium price forecasting a short-term one.


For the price avaraging periods of over one quarter (average annual prices) the market model turns into the static one, and the average price depends on the status parameters of the current period (year) only. So, for the aluminium average price forecasting further than one quarter ahead it is necessary preliminary to forecast the market status parameters for the respective future periods.


Analytical companies give long-term forecasts (quarterly up to 1 year ahead and annual up to 5 years ahead) of primary aluminium production, its consumption and industrial production indices in the Western countries (IP). Within the framework of our method the market status parameters (demand/offer or put/call balance and stock of the buyers) are assessed by this data for the respective future periods, and then the respective future average quarterly and average annual prices are calculated by the market static model. It is natural to call such aluminium price forecasting a long-term one. Thus, the long-term aluminium price forecasting system also corresponds to the scheme of fig.3.1, but here the forecasts of aluminium market balance indicators and IP indices are the input information and the feedback is missing. The long-term aluminium price forecasting system is dwelt upon in more detail in p.7.


Statistic processing of data in the average period prospect showed, that the price quantitative forecasting turns out to be reliable not further than 1-2 steps ahead. Thus, it is possible to forecast the day prices not further than 1-2 days ahead (1 step –  a day), the average monthly prices – 1 month ahead (1 step –a  month), the average quarterly prices – 1 quarter ahead (one step – a quarter). Price forecasting errors more than 2 steps ahead are already approaching the average price variation range for these periods. But the same result would be if forecasted at random, without involving the fixed current information.

At the same time it is clear, that the average quarterly price 3 months ahead gives an idea of average monthly prices behavior further than 1 month ahead. Similarly, if the average monthly price forecast is known for a month ahead, it is possible to give a quality forecasting of the 8 day average price behavior further than 8 days. In other words, the price forecasting system with various averaging periods (multifrequency dynamic system) in total gives the possibility of qualitative price behavior forecasting far beyond the limits of reliable quantitative one step forecasting. This property is highly valuable for sale planning and trader operations with aluminium, when the qualitative behavior of future prices in the far prospect is more important      than the near quantitative forecast.


As a result, a complex system was made of aluminium price qualitative-quantitative forecasting up to 1 quarter ahead. The sub-system of the average quarterly price forecasting for 1 quarter is the basic unit of this system, which will be dwelt upon in detail below.


As it was already mentioned, the average quarterly price forecasting sub-system consists of two functional units – the init of the market status parameters assessment (demand/offer balance and stock of the buyers) and the unit of price forecasting by the market dynamic model (see fig.3.1). The greater part of empirical coefficients determined as the result of the model identification by the mass of actual data is located in the assessment unit, and their number is in proportion with the number of the input variables. The reliability of the entire price forecasting model depends on the number of empirical coefficients. So, the optimal choice of significant input variables – thefixed general market and exchange indicators – plays an essential role.

The performed statistic factor analysis showed, that out of the exchange factors the exchange aluminium price, open interest and exchange stock are sufficiently significant. The recorded general market balance indicators are also significant. But if the exchange parameters are fixed accurately and in time (without delay), the current balance parameters are not accurate, they are delayed and revised several times afterwards. Out of the balance parameters only primary aluminium production and stock of manufacturers in the Western countries are quite reliable and issued by IAI with the delay of about 1.5 months. The amounts of export from Russia, which is the main aluminium exporter, is promptly published by SCC only in relation to unwrought aluminium (the total primary aluminium export together with the primary and secondary alloys), and the annual primary aluminium export statistic data is published with a quarter delay. In spite of the fact that the aluminium associations of the USA, Japan and EC countries give statistic data on the deliveries volume and primary aluminium processing, this data is not sufficient for accurate definition of primary aluminium consumption in the Western countries in total.


Delay and gradual refinement of the balance data by hind sight correction is specific for the input information, which has to be accounted in the model. Actually, there are several balance values for every quarter in the past. There are the forecasted values, when this quarter was the future quarter, then there are the corrected values, when this quarter became the current one, and once more (or several  times more) revised values, when this quarter becomes the past one.


Preliminary the general market balance parameters reliability was assessed separately. The respective data was taken from the monthly information of CRU and Brook Hunt. Primary aluminium production in the Western countries, its import from the countries of the former Eastern block, the market aluminium supply (the sum of production and import), aluminium consumption in the Western countries and supply/consumption balance were analyzed. The statistic analysis was carried out within the interval from the 3rd quarter of 1995 to the 4th quarter of 2001. The final revised values were assumed as the actual values of the above parameters, in relation to which the forecasting errors were determined. The average errors of forecasting for one quarter ahead and the forecasted parameters variation direction errors are given in table 4.1a according to CRU data and in table 4.1b according to Brook Hunt data.


Table 4.1a. Average errors in one quarter forecasts (in kt/quart) and the forecasted parameters variation direction errors (in %) according to CRU data.


Name of the parameter

Average quarterly variation

Average forecasting error

Fisher criterion*

Direction error


























* - ratio of the average quarterly variation to the average forecasting error.






Table 4.1b. Average errors in one quarter forecasts (in kt/quart) and the forecasted parameters variation direction errors (in %) according to Brook Hunt data.


Name of the parameter

Average quarterly variation

Average forecasting error

Fisher criterion

Direction error



























Distribution of the average forecasting errors and direction errors turned out to be quite instructive. First, at any correct forecasting, including a random one, the average forecasting error must not exceed the average forecasted parameter variation, i.e. the Fisher criterion value must not be less than 1. But as the tables show, such anomaly takes place for import and, consequently, for supply. This can be explained only in the case, if the “actual” supply got as a result of the following forecast revisions, in reality is made up (at the expense of import) in order to reach the desired balance or prices. In this case the fact and the forecast are made from different points of view and turn out to be not related to each other.

Secondly, very high accuracy of consumption forecasting according to Brook Hunt data (Fisher criterion is over 2 and only 18% of direction errors) is not probable in comparison with the production forecasts. It can be explained by the fact, that the consumption forecast is revised very little afterwards, and so the “actual” consumption differs a little from its forecast. Such approach is understandable, if to take into account, that there is no accurate statistic data on the actual primary aluminium consumption in the Western countries. The indirect confirmation of this explanation is the fact that despite the seemingly high balance forecasting accuracy (see table 4.1b), the price forecasts one quarter ahead of Brook Hunt for the period of 1991-2001 turned out to be correct in direction in less than half the cases.


As a result, a conclusion can be made, that out of all balance parameters only aluminium production is forecasted correctly, but these forecasts even for one quarter ahead cannot be considered satisfactory for using as the input information in the aluminium price forecasting system. Analysis showed that only aluminium production assessment made at the current moment for the last quarter (for the last 3 months) is a statistically significant parameter.

However, it is not sufficient to know only aluminium production for the demand/offer balance assessment in the system assessment unit, it is also necessary to have some analog of aluminium consumption. As the consumption forecasts and assessments given by analytical companies turn out to be statistically insignificant, we assumed the industrial production index in the Western countries IP weight averaged by GDP values, NAPM and Dow Jones indexes at USA.

IP value for the just passed quarter is the preliminary assessment, and it is usually clarified within half a year.

Thus, the factor analysis carried out for the aluminium average quarterly price forecasting system resulted in the following input information structure: the current price, open interest and LME stock (exchange information), assessments of aluminium production and WW IP index, official statistical data of NAPM and Dow Jones indexes at USA (general market information) for the passed quarter. These parameters consist vector of measured variables Y at model (6).


It should be noted, that the industrial production index IP characterizes the market demand directly and is connected with the aluminium price through it, and this relation is reflected by the market analytical mode (4). The price forecasting current error analysis gives a possibility of a regular control over the market macro processes behavior and a timely detection of sudden disturbances. If the price forecasting current error suddenly increases and significantly exceeds its average value (more than 2.5 times within at least 1 month), it means that the market regularities have been disturbed, and the accepted forecasting model is no longer adequate. Hence, it can be diagnosed that the market is under the strong macroeconomic disturbances.


Such situation was noted, for instance, in 1980, 1996 and 2000 and it is observed in 2001 in connection with the economic crisis in the USA. During such periods the established market relations between the price and demand/offer balance are disturbed, and so the medium-term aluminium price forecasts cannot be trusted. For example, in the first and in the second quarters of 2001 all analytical companies forecasted for the second half of 2001 high aluminium prices as it was expected that the production cut due to the energy crisis in the region of the USA Pacific North West and Brazil will be the limiting factor. Actually, the consumption drop turned out to be more significant than production cut, and the average quarterly prices for the period from March to December 2001 reduced more than by 200$.

Thus, if the proposed indicator in the form of price forecasting error works, then only short term price forecasting should be used for commercial purposes – not further than one month ahead. This optimal solution for such situations helps to avoid large commercial losses.


Systems of average price forecasting for shorter averaging periods (1 month, 8, 3 and 1 day) are made similarly to the average quarterly price forecasting system. The only difference is that each of these prices is presented as the sum of two components – the already calculated average price for the nearest biggest averaging period and the deviation from this average value. Thus, for finding the forecast of every average price (except average quarterly) it is suffice to forecast its deviation from the moving-average value, which is methodically more precise.

By such computing procedure the forecasts of all average prices turn out to be interrelated and they are calculated in sequence starting from the average quarterly MA price. Here the general market information is used only for the average quarterly price forecasting, and the forecasts of all the other average prices are based only on the exchange information.


5. Identification of the price forecasting system and practical results.


The first version of the computer system for primary aluminium average price forecasting was created in 1999. Within the framework of this system regular forecasts were made for  quarterly moving average, monthly MA, 8 day MA, 3 day MA and daily primary aluminium prices. The average price forecasting models were mutually independent, and the respective sub-systems were adjusted by their identification on the basis of actual exchange and general market balance data for the period since 1989. By identification the matrix coefficients of model A, C and G (see (6)) were found.


In the process of commercial application of the forecasting results the system was being improved and by the end of 2001 it has undergone a significant evolution. Initially the maximum     volume of general market balance information issued regularly by analytical companies was used in the sub-system of quarterly price forecasting. The analysis of received results showed gradually that the balance data forecasts of analytical companies are not acceptable for aluminium price forecasting. Selection of significant indicators described in p.3 above was made, among those only assessments of aluminium production, industrial production index WW IP, NAPM and Dow Jones indexes for the just passed quarter were left.

In order to increase the forecasting accuracy, the market analytical model was re-formulated in the price deviation from its moving-average value. As a result, all sub-systems of price forecasting, as it was noted in p.3, turned out to be interrelated. The possibility of reliable forecasting of aluminium day prices appeared and it was realized, which is important for the exchange speculation with forwards for metal sale and purchase. Identification results of the aluminium price system functioning at present are given below.


Empirical coefficients of all sub-systems of average price forecasting were found by identification on the basis of actual exchange and general market balance data for the period of 1990-2001. The forecasting accuracy characteristics were obtained. LME data on the high grade (3M-official) primary aluminium price, exchange stock, total LME sale volume and the LME open interest was used. CRU assessments of primary aluminium production, industrial production index IP in the Western countries, statistical data of NAPM and Dow Jones indexes at USA for the passed quarter were used as the balance data.

Identification results of sub-systems of average quarterly, average monthly and day price forecasting are given in table 5.1.





         Table 5.1. Average price forecasts accuracy indicators

Period of averaging and price forecasting

Average price forecasting error, $/t

Average price variation within the forecasting period, $/t

Forecasted prices deviation error, %

1 quarter




1 month




8 days




3 days




1 day






The average quarterly price forecasting results are influenced by: the current average quarterly price – 20%, open interest –15%, exchange stock – 8%, production – 15%, WW IP – 25%, NAPM- 12%, Dow Jones – 5%. There are 8 adjustable coefficients in the price model, the model memory depth (the former data influence) is about 2 quarters.

As the diagrams show, the forecasted price variation direction error is distributed within the identification interval irregularly: the increase of its frequency can be seen within some periods. Obviously these periods respond to strong market disturbances under the influence of crisis and political factors. It can be noted, that the price forecasting error increases significantly in the beginning of these periods, which proves indirectly the possibility of using this error as the market processes disturbance indicator.


The average monthly price forecasting results are influenced by: the current average monthly price – 30%, volume and open interest – 25% each, exchange stock – 20%. The model contains 12 adjustable coefficients, and the memory depth is about 3 months.


LME close price (besides the official price) is added to the input information composition in the day price forecasting sub-system, and the exchange stock becomes insignificant and is excluded. The forecasting results are influenced by: the current official price – 35%, the close price – 25%, volume and open interest – 20% each. There are 10 coefficients in the model, and the memory depth is about 5 days.


6. Commercial application of aluminium average price forecasting.


On the basis of the system of aluminium price forecasting up to one quarter ahead models and computer systems were developed for issuance of regular recommendations to aluminium manufacturers [5], traders at the physical metal trade [6] and at aluminium forwards operations at LME.

It should be emphasized that the forecasting of possible maximums and minimums of the average price for the nearest future, and not its own value is more important in such commercial applications. For optimal choice of moments for metal or forwards sale/purchase to manufacturers or traders it is necessary to be sure that all future probable price maximums will be under the current value, or that the future probable minimums will be over this value.

Complex forecasting of prices with various averaging periods allows at any current moment to determine probability of the indicated events for any future time interval (up to one quarter ahead).


Aluminium price variation in time under the influence of the entire mass of market factors belongs to the class of Mark’s random processes, and so for solving the said problem we implemented the random processes probability apparatus [7]. Probability distribution of the random value (future price) maximum deviation from its average value at the given time period can be found for such processes. In the problem in question this maximum deviation is compared with the known value at every current moment – deviation of the actual current price from its moving-average value, and the probability is calculated if the upwards maximum deviation (price maximum) would be under the given current value. (Probability for the future price minimum is calculated in a similar way). The function of distribution of the said price maximums and minimums probabilities depends on the random process parameters – its dispersion and autocorrelation time, as well as the duration of the period under consideration. These parameters of the price variation random process were found by statistic processing of the actual aluminium prices for the period of 1989-2001. After that probabilities distribution function for price maximums and minimums was found.


The application mechanism of the found probabilities distribution for the definition of the optimal moment for sale/purchase operation is as follows. The maximum profit from commercial operations is reached, when they are carried out at the price maximums and minimums. For instance, it is profitable to conclude (open) futures contracts (forwards) for metal delivery at the price maximums and to realize (close) them at the price minimums. At the moment of forward opening it is necessary to have a sufficiently reliable forecast that the current price will be the maximum one for the entire future contract validity period. Accordingly, this forward should be closed (ahead of time) at the moment, when a sufficiently reliable forecast appears that the current price will be the minimum one for the remaining validity period of the contract. For this purpose at every current moment the probability of future prices maximum (or minimum) is found for the actual price and the given future period and it is compared with the selected threshold value. If the probability exceeds the threshold value, the probability forecast is considered reliable, and the respective solution is made on the given commercial operation.


The threshold probability value influences significantly the profit from the sale/purchase operation and it can be found only experimentally, by profit maximization for quite a long period. For doing this, the economic model of commercial operations is needed, connecting analytically the profit with the prices and the deals volumes.

We have developed such models and respective control systems for 3 kinds of commercial operations. They are: additional pricing of contracts for aluminium delivery by manufacturers to traders [5], operations of physical metal sale/purchase by traders at LME [6] and aluminium futures operations at LME. The average price spectrum and probabilities of the future price maximums and minimums are forecasted in each of these systems on the basis of the input current information (exchange and general market indicators). Comparison of these probabilities with the threshold probabilities results in forming daily recommendations concerning dates and   volumes of sale/purchase deals. The current material resources of the company (metal stock) and its economic resources (working and free assets) are also taken into account.


The contracts additional pricing system was identified on the long time interval – from 1989 to 1999, and from September 1999 to May 2001 it was used for pricing the contracts for aluminium sale by Nadvoitsky Aluminium Smelter. The actual average profit from additional pricing using the developed system amounted to 44$/t (the increase of sale price to LME price at the day of concluding the contract with trader). In order to bring this absolute value to the comparable relative indicator the maximum possible profit for the same period was calculated, which would realize if the future price behavior were known precisely. This profit amounted to 88$/t. Hence, the developed system provides 50% of the maximum possible profit at additional pricing of contracts for metal sale [5].


The system of metal sale/purchase by traders includes three adjusting parameters – threshold probabilities for price maximums and minimums and the empirical coefficient determining the sale and purchase volume. These adjusting parameters were optimized by the profitability maximum, for which the ratio of the average annual balance profit to the average working capital was assumed on the system identification interval from 1995  to March 2001.

The threshold probability values for the future price minimums and maximums turned out to be  equal and amounted to 0.6, and the empirical coefficient for determining metal sale and purchase volumes amounted to 0.35. The profitability of the trader’s commercial activity for the selected period of 1995-2001 was about 50 % annually [6].

At forward operations the gambler makes a deposit (the pledge) with the exchange broker for 10% from the value of purchased forwards and gets the possibility to open positions – to buy forwards for metal sale (delivery) or purchase . Positions can be closed before the prompt date of the forward (by purchasing the forwards of the opposite type for the remaining period) or due to the prompt date coming. The profit accumulated from forwards realization is partly deducted and the remaining profit is capitalized (as deposit increase) for expanding the forward operations capacity.


Such system for operations with 3 month aluminium forwards was optimized for the profit maximum for the period of over 5 years (form January 1996 to May 2001). The optimal deposit share for positions opening amounted to 62%, and the optimal profit deduction norm was 90%. The developed system was tested within the 1.5 year period (from July 2000 to January 2002), the deposit amount being $100 k. Within the system operation period (18.5 months) the deducted profit amounted to $137 k, which is equal to 90% annually from the amount of the initial deposit, the amount of closed positions consist 85 lots.


At usage developed system for hedging metal at its sales from producer  to consumers or traders in quantity 100 kt/ year it will be necessary to deposit as the pledge to broker  $7.2 mln and the annual profit from hedging will consist $ 7.1 mln due to increase the prices of realized metal by 71 $/t to average LME cash price plus premium.  





1.     On the basis of research of relations among the market participants the analytical model has been created which connects the exchange good price with the demand/offer balance and the stock of the sellers and buyers. Also a model was developed for assessment of these parameters of the market status by the actually fixed exchange and general market indicators.

The composition of these models made it possible to create reliable system of short-term primary aluminium price forecasting at London Metal Exchange up to one quarter ahead. Impossibility was shown of creation a model for reliable primary aluminium price forecasting by purely statistic methods (by the “black box” principle).

2.     The system has been developed for long-term exchange goods average price forecasting up to two years ahead using the market analytical model and the available forecasts of supply and consumption.

The performed analysis showed that the accuracy of assessments of primary aluminium actual consumption in the Western countries in total, issued by the analytical companies, is insufficient for long-term forecasting, but they can be replaced by more reliable forecasts of industrial production index in the Western countries.

The developed system of long-term forecasting can be used for assessment of possible aluminium world price variation at various options of the world economy development and for definition of efficiency of construction new aluminium smelters.

3.     The developed systems of short- and long-term forecasting were identified by the primary aluminium actual prices at London Metal Exchange for the period of 1990-2001. The short-term forecasts error within the identification interval is: for 1 day prices – 7.2 $/t, for average monthly prices – 33 $/t, for average quarterly prices – 42 $/t.

The error of long-term average annual price forecasting. provided that the forecasting of the market supply and industrial production index is correct, amounts to 130$/t. The price variation direction is forecasted 75-80% correctly.

4.     A model of price behavior qualitative forecasting one quarter ahead has been developed, which determines the probability of reaching in future of the given level as well as of the price maximums and minimums. Optimal values of threshold probability were determined for forecasting the future price maximums and minimums securing the maximum profit from the forecasting system application for commercial activity.

These models can be used in commercial activity in order to optimize the operations of additional pricing of contracts for manufacturers at metal deliveries to traders, physical aluminium sale-purchase for traders, sale-purchase of 3 month forwards at London Metal Exchange and hedging the sales of metal by producers.

The executed developments can be applied to any exchange goods, in relation to which there is the similar fixed exchange and general market information.




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Email address  b.arlyuk@mail.ru