Bozhesku M.H.

Bukovina State Academy of Finance, Chernivtsi



A number of papers have been devoted to the investigation of the specific character of the aspectuality category, its components, as well as their means of expression. It`s worth recollecting, for instance, such prominent scholars as              Z. Vendler (1967), T. Givon (1972, 1973), B. Comrie (1976), D.R. Dowty (1972, 1977), H.R. Mehlig (1981), Yu. S. Maslov (1978, 1983, 1984), B.M. Balin (1979), T.V. Bulygina (1982), N. Yu. Shvedova (1983), V.S. Khrakovsky (1986, 1987),   A.V. Bondarko (1987, 2002), to mention only some of them. On the other hand, the number of researches dedicated to the phase sequence is much more limited. The most known are the investigations of combinability of verbal actants and semantic classes of verbs` subjects with the phase meaning by T.V. Bulygina (1982),          O.N. Seliverstova (1982), N. Yu Shvedova (1983) and V.S. Khrakovsky (1987). Probably, among other things, it is to a certain extent connected with the fact that the phase issues and its relations with the category of aspectuality remain controversial.

According to Yu.S. Maslov, “phasal determination is singling out one of the phases in the development of the action or state – the initial, medial or final. Singling out the final phase of the action practically often merges with the meaning of reaching a limit or approaching a limit. Singling out the medial phase, i.e. “intraterminal” understanding of the action (its analysis as intra terminos – somewhere “between” the initial and final limits), merges correspondingly with the meaning of unreached limit and incompleteness. Only singling out the initial phase of the action or state produces more independent aspectual meaning – inceptive, which is widely represented in different languages” [3, p. 18].

The notion of a phase is directly related to the notion of a limit. We use the term “phase” following the definition of B. Comrie [1] in the refference to a situation, regarded at any moment of its development. Such interpretation of the phase points to its inseparable connection with the processes and actions, because these very means of expression of the dynamic situation are characterized by the feature of development, i.e. this or that form of modification. The phase is, in this way, closely related to the limitation, pointing to the limits of the action, and in particular pointing to its initial/starting limit. The realization of the inceptive action renders the limit, starting with which the action enters the phase of its development.

Alongside with the tense and aspect system of the modern English language the phase vocabulary participates in creating the frames of limitations, gradual and immediate achievement of the the initial/final limits, different types of duration and processes, duration of the interval, renewal, repetition, comlex aspect and taxis frames as well as frames which characterize the subject in time and space, frames of spatial localization etc.

The inceptive phase vocabulary is a complex interlacement of different parts of speech derivatives, an intricate system of lexemes and phraseological units, which have not only the common conceptual ground but are also connected in most cases by derivational relations. These are the phase verbs that constitute the most mobile part of the inceptive phasal vocabulary. They creat situations, in which phase meanings are rhematic. Other parts of speech as a rule participate in the formation of complex aspect and taxis situations, mostly remaining their theme, in this way rendering the events of the text in their succession and mutual relations. Phase verbs directly render the inceptive phase of aspectual action, have wide syntactic possibilities, can combine both with each other and with other verbal operators, for instance with modal and causative verbs.

The connection between modality and phase draws special attention of the researchers. V.S. Khrakovsky (1980) and Yu.S. Stepanov (2002) refer to the “assessing” nature of the phase verbs. A number of other researchers describe the modality of the phase verbs: I.B. Dolinina (1988), Yu.A. Levitsky (1985), E.M. Wolf (1982). T. Givon in particular mentions that “among the verbs which belong to the modal group, there is a small number of verbs which render the beginning and ending of the action (891). Finally it is worth recollecting the semantic elements singled out in the analysis of aspect in the works of Yu.S. Maslov (1978, 1983) and                 A.V. Bondarko (1978, 2002).

The inventory of the phases is also far from being perfect. The specificity of the beginning, continuation and ending phases classification was analyzed by        V.S. Khrakovsky who, singling out the subphases of the verbs “beginning”, “beginning and continuation”, “renewal”, “interruption”, “continuation and stopping”, draws our attention to the pragmatic significance of the phasal meanings of the beginning and interruption in comparison with the other phasal meanings [4]. The specific character of  the connection of the phasal verbs with the other verbs was described by S.P. Tiunova (1983); the specificity of the phases of “anticipation” and “beginning” – by N.Yu. Shvedova (1983).

Thus, the modern English language possesses an entire system of means of rendering the inceptive phase which belong to different levels and are interrelated and which allows to distinguish a function semantic field of phase sequence in the English language. The function semantic field of the phase sequence is regarded in linguistics as a system of linguistic means of different levels which serve for denoting the phase descriptions of actions.


1.       Comrie B. Aspect. An introduction to the study of verbal aspect and related problems. – Cambridge University Press, 1976. – 181 p.

2.       Бондарко А.В. Основы функциональной грамматики: языковая интерпретация идеи времени. – СПб.: Изд-во СПбГУ, 2001. – 260 с.

3.       Маслов Ю.С. Очерки по аспектологии. - Л.: Изд-во Ленинградского университета, 1984. – 264 с.

4.       Храковский В.С. Некоторые проблемы универсально-типологической характеристики аспектуальных значений // Аспектуальность и средства ее выражения: Вопросы русской аспектологии. – Тарту: Уч. зап. Тарт. ГУ.  Вып. 573, 1980. – С. 3-24.