Lavrinenko O.V., Candidate of Jurisprudence, Senior Lecturer, Donetsk Legal Institute of Lugansk State University of Internal Affairs of E.A. Didorenko


Methodological Approaches to Construction of Complete System of Branch Principles of the Labour Law of Ukraine: Theory Questions


Results spent by the author of the given publication of researches [1-3] became the basis for following conclusions and generalisations. One of the debatable moments of the modern doctrine is a characteristic of essence of a branch method which, in our opinion, does not follow «is artificial» to reduce, reduce it to the analysis of the unique feature and furthermore completely to identify exclusively specified feature («line») with a «unique» method of legal regulation. Features are shown in several directions, properties and all of them should be reflected in the characteristic of a branch method which owing to heterogeneity of a subject of legal regulation, on our belief, in all cases represents variety of specificity of a combination of the whole system (set) of certain receptions, ways of influence on public relations. For this reason categorically we do not share a position uchennyh-tsivilistov which, carrying out the analysis of a method civil (and according to the logic of their reflexions – and simultaneously labour) the law, specify, that, despite a wide circulation in an opinion science that it is impossible to reduce a branch method of legal regulation to any one reception, the way used by the legislator in granted branch of the law as it is impossible to list all public relations entering into a subject of civil law so it is impossible and to result all receptions and ways of influence on them. Therefore such concept of a branch method is unsuitable for its use as criterion of differentiation of branches of the law. The method as the criterion individualising branch in system of the law, «should be characterised only by one line, but such which is inherent in any norm of the granted branch of the law. As such line, according to adherents – representatives of a science of civil law, also «legal equality of the parties» acts. Discrepancy, and, hence, weakness of the led methodological approach to an estimation of essence and specificity of a branch method, in our opinion, is shown already then when its authors result system of branch principles of civil law. Specified «one line» branch method is a direct legal reflexion of only such branch principle as «a principle of equality of a legal regime for all subjects of civil law», but thus in system of principles authors include five more other branch principles which obviously have no necessary natural and immanent intrinsic correlation communication with specified by «unique line» a method as well as, actually, a «unique» method of legal regulation («line» and «method» are completely identified by authors). It, on our belief, features of a method of civil law testify that, except specified «one line», there are similar «lines» much many other things. The question on, whether is the list of such features, specific lines, properties of a method of legal regulation settling or not it is represented to us not basic. In this case it is a question, mainly, about qualitative, i.e. intrinsic, instead of quantitative characteristics of those displays or other legal phenomena.

Methodologically the system of branch principles should be designed also with the obligatory account of that: first, under the status the branch principle acts as one of the primary criteria allowing structurization, to allocate branch in the general system of the law; secondly, it closely co-operates in the system with its other components – branch principles; thirdly, such principle displays only those lines of branch of the law which have the most essential socially-legal value in concrete historical conditions. Quite is proved it is noticed in the modern branch doctrine, that «system of principles of the labour law (the system, instead of simply set) represents a certain integrity, unity if want, spirituality of the law. Motions in this system are possible… but their unity remains. They should penetrate all legal fabric of branch (unlike principles of separate institutes of branch of the law). Thus, the system of branch principles allows to define limits of action, independence and independence of branches and to create dynamical system of their interaction in varying legal space as reflexion of real social and economic and political processes in a society. The method of the labour law «is based» on principles of branch level. Thus, in the course of branch structurization of system of the law as a whole and the labour law in particular it is expedient to recognise that system of branch principles is a methodological basis and one of two the basic (primary) forming branch factors (criteria). The second criterion – the subject of legal regulation, its structure and the maintenance make direct impact on construction of system and definition of essence of branch principles of the labour law. The characteristic «a method(s) the labour law» provides only the analysis of features of a combination, specificity of display of a certain combination general legal, over the branch methods (ways, receptions) legal regulation of sociolabor relations at branch level.

Principles of the law does not grow out of subjective reflexions of legislators or scientists. They are the integral properties of the law, and the science only «opens» available in validity realities the law principles, «finds out» their role, value, the maintenance and functioning. In the mechanism of legal regulation principles general social law partially are transformed to principles of legal regulation. Despite primacy of principles general social law and their relative independence concerning other «elements» of legal regulation operate they can only as a single whole, carrying out simultaneously various functions. It means, that legal regulation cannot be carried out without an internal interconsistency and interaction, and a basis, as original «substratum» of such process law principles act. As well as everything, that belongs to the law, it general social and legal principles get social value in the course of their realisation in public relations only on condition that the last really assist full and all-round realisation of such relations in all spheres of a public life. In society is better universal social values, paradigms of a human civilisation, the achievements of the modern civilisation which have reflected results of co-ordinated activity of the states, «a fruit of careful selection» most valuable and universally significant norms and positions, and social process with «weak» inclusion in it of systems, subsystems seize, human individuals can generate «public dream».


1.    Лавріненко О.В. Сутність та характер співвідношення принципів та методів правового регулювання трудових відносин: дискусійні підходи галузевої доктрини / О.В. Лавріненко // Nastoleni moderni vedy – 2009: materiäly V Мezinärodni vedecko–praktickä konference, (Praha, 27.09.2009 – 05.10.2009 roku). – Praha: Publishing House «Education and Science» s.r.o., 2009. – Dil 4. Prävni vedy. – Stran. 26–30.

2.    Лавріненко О.В. «Предмет», «метод» та «принципи»: їхня роль і значення у формуванні «галузевої парадигми» / О.В. Лавріненко // Розвиток наукових досліджень ’2009: матеріали Y Міжнародної науково–практичної конференції, (м. Полтава, 23–25 листопада 2009 р.). – Полтава: Вид–во «ІнтерГрафіка», 2009. – Т. 3. Державне управління та право. – С. 184–191.

3.    Лавріненко О.В. «Предметний» і «методологічний» критерії систематизації галузевих принципів трудового права (теоретичні аспекти) / О.В. Лавріненко // Наукові дослідження – теорія та експеримент 2010: матеріали YI Міжнародної науково–практичної конференції, (м. Полтава, 17–19 травня 2010 р.). – Полтава: Вид–во «ІнтерГрафіка», 2010. – Т. 3. Державне управління та право. – С. 94–96.