Lavrinenko O.V., Candidate of Jurisprudence, Senior Lecturer, Donetsk Legal Institute of Lugansk State University of Internal Affairs of E.A. Didorenko


Problem of Terminological Clearness and Modern Scientific Approaches to Definition of Concept «Principle»


Results spent by the author of the given publication of researches [1-9] became the basis for following conclusions and generalisations. Free operating by principles means knowledge of «spirit of the law» that is very important as the nobility «each letter» law it is impossible and is inexpedient. Literal interpretation of the maintenance of norms of the law as it is fairly marked in a science, is «characteristic for archaic legal systems. Than the social system is more developed, especially widespread is interpretation «on spirit», i.e. According to principles. Such interpretation, is a sign of the developed legal system. The knowledge of a being of principles easily compensates ignorances of some facts. Nevertheless, today it is heavy to find even two authors who would agree in opinion concerning number of principles, not speaking already about their maintenance. Not casually in the doctrine such state of affairs in sphere of ordering of legal principles is qualified as «a stage of single and unorganized searches» when each researcher wanders in chaotic accumulation of a material, «gets» separate legal concepts, the definitions, specific lines and at own risk «awards» their titles of principles of the law. Last expression can be extrapolated on the characteristic of a condition of researches of branch principles of the labour law. Considering stated, nowadays special attention studying available in the branch doctrine of the labour law of approaches to problems of specific differentiation and interpretation of the maintenance of branch principles of the labour law of Ukraine, and also a question on terminological clearness of approaches used by authors in process definition deserves principles, after all the branch kategorialno-conceptual device should be not a usual set of terms, and set of the subordinated and co-ordinated concepts, each of which takes the place and appointment. In particular, we do not share a position of modern researchers that the principle of freedom of the work becomes the «central» principle of legal regulation of work in the conditions of market economy, including a freedom in choosing of a place of work, labour function and the form of realisation of the ability to work, and «cores» branch principles of the labour law are: work freedom; unity and differentiation of legal regulation; freedom of association for protection of the rights, freedom and legitimate interests; not an assumption discrimination in sphere of work and employment; observance of discipline of work and submission to a certain legal regime; material maintenance of workers at invalidity approach; participation of labour collectives and trade unions in operation of business, establishment, the organisation. In our opinion, any of resulted above principles cannot be carried to system of operating branch («cores») of principles of the labour law. Some of them have not branch, but interbranch character (principles of freedom of work and not an assumption discrimination in work and employment sphere), others (a principle of material maintenance of workers in case of invalidity approach) as a matter of fact (on a subject orientation) belong in general to other branch of the law – to the social security law where are considered through a prism, for example, «a principle of public expediency of social security according to social risks», «substantial general (branch) principles» and «intrabranch» principles of «the social protection law» which «concern certain structural division of branch of the law», or can be carried to general legal to principles, for example, such as, «a principle of social protection of the population», «a principle of freedom of associations for protection of the rights, freedom and legitimate interests». Last principle has wide enough which obviously falls outside the limits a subject of the labour law, sphere of application (realisation), that directly follows from the maintenance of article 36 of the Constitution of Ukraine. Such principle as participation of labour collectives and trade unions in operation of business, establishment, the organisation, for today any more has no basic character as has lost the former socially-legal value. More likely, last position should be qualified as one of features of a modern method of the labour law. And last principle – «a principle of observance of discipline of work and submission to a certain legal regime» in offered by adherents of the approach of edition is inconsistent enough, partially tautological that is why requires essential completion, editorial specification according to existing teoretiko-methodological positions. Are convinced, that such «principle» can be considered only through a prism of the analysis of the maintenance of system of duties of the parties individually-labour legal relations (part of 1 article 21 the Labour Code of Ukraine).

Finding out system and essence of branch principles as it is fairly marked in the modern doctrine, it is necessary to consider variety of factors without which it is impossible to define their system: first, the branch principle is one of objective indicators who gives the chance to allocate branch in legal system; secondly, the branch principle should own possibility to co-operate in the system with corresponding principles which stand in one branch plane; thirdly, the branch principle should own possibility to co-operate in the system with corresponding principles of the higher and lowest usages; fourthly, to each branch principle the powerful role in the characteristic of branch of the law, and also in the whole system of the law is taken away; fifthly, the branch principle displays those lines of the law which have the greatest public, political and legal value in concrete historical circumstances and in connection with problems which are put by the state and a society. At the same time, in our opinion, the key role in an establishment of branch principles should be taken away only to one most to the basic sign – any base, the starting position should display the most intrinsic characteristics of certain branch and to be shown directly or is mediated in all without an exception norms of branch legal institutes. And other signs, in our opinion, have or more the general (over the branch, etc.) Or derivative character. We make common cause in this aspect with stated in 60-s’ of last century the thesis that branch principles express «specificity» of corresponding branch. In this context it is expedient to recollect and general philosophical aspects of interpretation of such category, as principles: a principle from Latin principium – a basis, first beginning, supervising idea. In logic sense principles are the central concept, the basis of system representing generalisation and distribution of any position on all phenomena of that area from which the given principle is abstracted. Being guided aforementioned, to branch principles of the modern labour law, i.e. to positions which define essence and laws of development of the labour law, it is necessary to carry the following: restriction of sphere of legal regulation by wage labour relations; an optimum combination of the centralised and local legal regulation of labour relations; social partnership and contractual establishment of working conditions; an optimum combination of unity and differentiation of legal regulation of working conditions; a recognition illegal conditions of contracts on the work, hired workers worsening a legal status in comparison with the legislation on work. The offered system of branch principles of the labour law, naturally, is not «true in last instance», and there can not be that as it is a question of subjective processes on the essence scientific and is standard-legal structurization and even in the conditions of rather inconsistent transformation of legal system as a whole and the modern labour law in particular, but can form a basis for further, more profound judgement of its essence and structure, and also, including critical, the analysis from representatives both a branch science of the labour law, and other adjacent jurisprudence.


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