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Dossaev TM, Zholdybaeva AA

Kazakh National Medical University. S. Asfendiyarova.
Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty
For the development of n. trigeminus in embryogenesis rights characterized earlier bookmark, the prevalence in the size and degree of differentiation over other cranial nerves [1.2]. Already in the early stages of embryogenesis knot trigeminal nerve (Gasserov node) took considerable space to head the department of undifferentiated embryo. Such dominance in the early stages of embryogenesis due to the fact that in phylogenesis trigeminal nerve develops as branchiate nerve, which provides respiratory motion by reducing muscle mandibulyarnoy arc. In studies of embryogenesis peripheral nervous system and, in particular, cranial nerves identified some patterns of development trigeminal nerve. For example, the nerve fibres that form the root originally tortuosity and among them are found proneyroblasty. Then root knot slightly longer, the number of fibers in its composition is growing, they lose their tortuosity and acquire puchkovidnuyu structure [3].
However, embriologicheskie classical studies on the development of peripheral nervous system of mammals rights and received silver impregnatsii methods do not allow a clear answer to questions mediatornoy affiliation developing neural structures as well as characteristics of becoming mediatornogo period ontogenesis. In connection with this obvious need to complement the classical neyroembriologicheskih research data obtained neyrogistohimicheskimi modern methods of research.
With the formation of the autonomous nervous system, particularly nerve wreath products of various organs, neuromediators appear in the nerve fibers did not immediately but after the dendrites, axons, as well as neyroblasty penetrate into the body or characteristic in the field of localization nerve junction.
Accordingly, in ontogenesis emit domediatorny and mediatorny stages of development and functioning of the autonomous nervous system [4]. Time of transition to a stage of development mediatornomu nervous system coincides with the beginning of fetal period, and it is the time to generate cells-choline targets - and adrenoretseptorov [5]. Also beginning mediatornogo phase coincides with the active sinaptogenezom and apoptotic elimination of neurons, is not formed and operated mezhneyronnyh neyrotkanevyh synaptic connections [6.7].
The development of the autonomous nervous system in embryogenesis happening in the crane-caudal direction, and also happens geterohronno top mediators in the synthesis of nerve plexus embryo, starting in the chest, then in the lumbar and completed in the pelvic plexus. For example, the main mediator in the beginning to determine nerve plexus 8-9 at heart - and ontogenesis week, while in kidney only to 10-11 - a week [4.5].
Thus, the study mediatornogo phase of development in different parts of the autonomic nervous system is a key to understanding the normal patterns of its subsequent development, and the dynamics of becoming mezhneyronnyh neyrotkanevyh ties [8.9].
An analysis of the literature indicates that the current stage of development mediatornogo formation of the autonomous nervous system thoroughly studied in a number of internal organs (heart, kidney, aorta) and to a much lesser extent in embryogenesis craniocerebral nerves. Therefore, we set the goal - to explore the dynamics of becoming mediatornogo stage in the n. trigeminus human embryos.
Material and methods: Study development nerve cell components n. trigeminus human embryos and the formation of mediatornogo phase of the autonomous nervous system conducted at serial longitudinal and transverse sections of human embryos. The material of human embryos served 79 terms ranging from 4 - till 12 - and weeks. The cut-painted on Veygertu Palya, Wiesel, impregnated silver nitrate on Bilshovskomu Bouquets.
       To identify the main neuromediators on manufactured in the cryostat sections were neyrgistohimicheskuyu reaction to acetylcholinesterase on Karnovskomu-Roots, and the luminescence catecholamine incubation sections in glioksilovoy acid.
Results of the study: In reviewing preparations impregnated silver nitrate, drew the attention severe tortuosity sensitive nerve fibers and motor roots at an early stage (4 weeks) bookmarks and branches of the trigeminal nerve in the availability of individual nerve bundles neyroblastov.
At 6 weeks of embryo development Gasserov knot consisted of a large number of intensely colored neyroblastov with eccentric located bright nucleus. Sensitive and engine roots, forming a common trunk of the trigeminal nerve, had puchkovidnoe structure. Motor root with a medial sensitive, passes on the surface nizhnemedialnoy Gasserova node, participating in the formation of 3 - y branches of the trigeminal nerve. Pencils root motor nerve fibers that were part of the n. mabdidularis, reaching mioblastov forming bookmarks masticatory muscles, and give smaller secondary branches along the longitudinal axis mioblastov. By that date, all three branches of n. trigeminus formed densely located nerve fibers.
A 7-week embryo development Gasserov site continues to grow in size and consists of a large number of polymorphic neyroblastov various sizes and intensity of colour. Neural fiber roots n. trigeminus less tortuosity and their number in comparison with the previous deadlines embryogenesis increases. Gasser node becomes irregular shape, vypyachivayas forward and upward, toward bookmarks eye glasses. Nervus ophtalmicus, starting from this vypyachivaniya, located above eye glasses and contains in its structure a large number of single neyroblastov.
Nervus maxillaris extends to the maxillary roller where his secondary branches diverge in different directions. It traces of motor root fibers that differ more intensive impregnatsiey silver.
Individual single neyroblasty met only in the proximal maxillary nerve.
Secondary nerve trunks of each branch of the trigeminal nerve are beginning to emerge from the development of embryos 6.5 weeks and during this period are intensively impregnated connection through nerve fibers between n. maxillaries and n. mandibularis.
In parallel with the development of branches of the trigeminal nerve is happening and develop their parasympathetic ganglia. Already at 6.5 weeks of embryos is determined ganglion submandidulare crowding in the form of cell mass. Then, as the embryo, formed consistently ganglion ciliare, ganglion pterygopalatinum and ganglion oticum.
When neyrogistohimicheskom study sections on Karnovskomu-Roots from 8 to cholinesterase - and embryos for the first time in weeks ganglion submandidulare identified single neurons with holinergicheskie slabovyrazhennoy reaction to the sulphide copper. Such neurons in the number of 10-
15 in one section, located in the centre and the periphery ganglia. Just sporadic cholinesterase-positive neurons met in the course of nerve fibers growing branches n. mandibularis. Unique holinergicheskie neurons with slabovyrazhennoy reaction to copper sulphide first identified in 9 - a week embryos in the ganglion ciliare, ganglion pterygopalatinum and ganglion oticum.
Study sections with incubation in glioksilovoy acid to detect the emergence of single catecholamines showed intense fluorescent neurons (SIF cells) from 10 - and near one-week embryos emerging consistently ganglion ciliare, ganglion pterygopalatinum and ganglion oticum, as well as along the branches of the trigeminal nerve.
  Near Gasserova node in all cases observed 1-2 paragangliya containing small cells with a weak specific fluorescence nelyuminestsiruyuschimi nuclei and cytoplasm.
Also, in most cases, observing the course n. ophtalmicus, n. maxillaries and n. mandibularis identified group of neurons shown little specific fluorescence catecholamines.
       1. Forming n. trigeminus and its main branches in human embryogenesis occurs within 2 - months intrauterine life in domediatorny stage of the formation of the autonomous nervous system.
        2. Mediatorny stage of developing n. trigeminus begins with 8 - second week intrauterine development with the advent of single neurons in the composition holinergicheskih emerging caudal ganglia.
        3. Catecholamine identified single neurons in only 10 - a week intrauterine development.
        4. The emergence of the major mediators in the nervous structures n. trigeminus coincides with the period platsentatsii.
        5. There geterohroniya between the formation of nerve-fiber component n. trigeminus and the beginning of the synthesis of the basic neuromediators,
6. In the developing n. trigeminus human embryos start ahead of the beginning of the synthesis of acetylcholine synthesis of catecholamines for 2 weeks.

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Dosan TM, Zholdybaeva AA
C years and the emergence of patterns in neuromediators
  n. trigeminus in prenatal human ontogenesis
At the formation of human embryos studied mediatornogo stage of development in n. glosso r e haryng us. A geterohroniya between the formation of nerve-fiber component n. glosso r e haryng us and the emergence of major neuromediators - acetylcholine and catecholamines. Identified a temporary gap in 2 weeks between the beginning of the synthesis of acetylcholine and catecholamines.