Медицина/Подготовка медицинских работников в вузах

Оlenovych O.A., Voytkevich N.I.

Bukovinian State Medical University (BSMU), Chernivtsy


In modern conditions of «export» of educational services requirements to training of specialists for foreign countries suppose a teaching level, enabling students to start professional work activity, practical application of the received knowledge and skills directly after graduation. The search of possible ways of optimization of educational process, directed towards maximal mastering of studied material by the students, acquires a special actuality now, meeting, however, numerous obstacles. The process of teaching medicine to foreign students is accompanied by difficulties, mostly connected with their personality traits, differences in cognitive and professional motivation, national terminal educational objectives.

Since English is not a native language for our students – foreign citizens, and belongs to another linguistic group as compared with Arabic, Hindi, etc., some foreign students demonstrate poor lexical communicative level. Therefore, specific vocabulary, used in the medical system of terms, is difficult to be assimilated by students-foreigners.

Besides, not all foreign students possess a proper general and fundamental knowledge on theoretical bases of medicine. Beginning the study of clinical endocrinology, linked with normal and pathological anatomy, normal and pathological physiology, pharmacology and other fundamental theoretical disciplines, foreigners are faced to unknown terms and notions, that prevents them from adequate understanding of endocrinology. An initial incompetence in examination of patients and interpretation of the revealed symptoms aggravates knowledge deficiency, prolong the time necessary for perception of profession-oriented information. Trying to improve the situation, an instructor has to specify phenomena, supposed to be known from junior courses. As a result, an educational process is unsatisfactory due to the deficiency of time and the planned material is discussed partially. Being accompanied by the limited amount of educational hours, such situation excludes all possibility of complete mastering many endocrine nosologies. The attempts to learn the material by a foreign textbook, brought by the student, only impair the teaching process due to the differences of methodological approaches of the native and foreign schools, material and technical structure of native and foreign health service. A lot of difficulties occur while discussing the schemes for treatment of endocrinopathies, when students are offered numerous names of drugs, which are uncommon for them and won’t be further used in their practice due to the difference of pharmaceutical practice in other countries. To avoid the overloading of English-speaking students with unknown terms, we accentuate their attention on common and generally accepted names of medical ingredients, which constitute the drugs to be studied.

The work of the Department of Foreign Languages at BSMU is especially valuable in this respect. The staff of the department, systematizing its working experience and educational-methodical material, accumulated for the years of work with foreign students, makes every effort for maximal learning foundations of medical terminology by English-speaking students. Being integrated into the work of clinical departments of BSMU, it provides valuable and fruitful training of foreign students.

Practical work directly by the patient’s bed envisages the student to present Patient’s Care Report with interpretation of the results of hormonal, radioisotopes and roentgenologic methods of research, and practical training in calculation of diet, drug dose, emergency care in comatose and crisis states, etc. Subsequent clinical analysis, supervised by the instructor, with active involvement of all the group and explanation of made mistakes, promotes comprehensive mastering and fixing of skills to diagnose and treat endocrinopathies. At the same time, all above listed stages of practical study of endocrinology, require not only a long oral dialogue between a student-foreigner, from one side, and a sick person, instructor and medical personnel from the other, but conversation at high level of understanding, perfectly spoken Ukrainian. In the real life, despite of friendly attitude of patients to students regardless of their racial or national origin, a high-quality interview between them can’t be carried out because foreigners are not able to catch the meaning of many words. Instead of receiving vast and valuable information from the primary source, only a brief visual acquaintance with a patient and his disease appears. Insufficient quality of subject learning is the direct consequence of that, as far as a detailed questioning of patient provides no less than 51% of correct diagnosis and allows an exact range of causative-consequential dominants in case the patient has several illnesses.

The possibility of adequate preparation to the practical class is promoted by the methodical instructions on the leading problems of endocrine pathology, elaborated by the staff of the Department of Internal medicine and Endocrinology, BSMU. They consist of the list of required practical skills and abilities, theoretical questions, key terms and recommended literature, to guide foreign students in study program on the topic, enabling effective practice-centred learning. The use of visual aids in educational process (schemes, tables, figures, didactic individual cards) creates favorable conditions not only for better learning of information, but also for its comprehensive understanding. In addition, application of problem-based learning principles enables achievement of a practical educational purpose through searching for research relevant evidence, analysing, discussing findings and methods and applying knowledge as appropriate in order to justify clinical judgement and decision-making. The use of role educational games with modeling of a certain situation close to students’ professional work (appropriate clinical scenario) makes it possible to realize their theoretical and practical training, to develop clinical thinking improving the quality of work by the patient’s bed in future.

Participation of foreign students in clinical rounds with the staff of the department, preparation of their reports on seminars and annual students’ conferences allow them to realize their desire to be professionally competent, to demonstrate their best national qualities, to become firmly established, to gain prestige and respect both in the group and course, as well as to recognise self development needs, to identify possible gaps in knowledge of medicine for future additional learning. That’s why while choosing the form to demonstrate the activity for every foreign student of the group, consisting of representatives from different countries, their individual peculiarities (national, personal, educational) should be considered. Besides, a stable high educational level of the group will be kept and discipline will be strengthened by means of constant control of the students’ activity including estimation of the initial level of their knowledge, comprehensive learning of the material in the process of education. This control is conducted either by means of written test or by means of solving clinical assignments, interpretation of additional examination findings with corresponding pathological disorders, or by means of oral questioning.

Hopefully, constant mutual search of new forms of education and improvement of the traditional ones by the Department of Internal Medicine and Endocrinology and the Department of Foreign Languages, BSMU, defines further appropriate level of students’ knowledge, stable high rate of graduates during state examinations which will influence upon the prestige of both BSMU and Ukrainian medical education in the training of medical personnel.


1.     Methodical material of practical classes… Ed. by prof. L.V. Shkala – Lugansk: LSMU, 2005. – 16 p.

2.     Methodological protocols in endocrinology / Ed. by prof. A. Serhienko. – Lviv, 2002. – 44 p.

3.     П.М. Боднар, Г.П. Михальчишин, М.І. Бобрик. Методичне забезпечення викладання ендокринології для іноземних студентів // Международный эндокринологический журнал. – 2006. – 2(4). – С. 101-105.

4.     Актуальні проблеми підготовки фахівців у вищих медичних та фармацевтичному навчальних закладах України: Матеріали науково-методичної конференції (Чернівці, 20-22 листопада 2002р.). Чернівці, 2002. – 736 с.