Cand.Sci.Tech. Bazhenova B., post-graduate student Balzhinimaeva S.,

post-graduate student Budaeva A.


The East-Siberian state university of technology and management 


 Research of functional-technological

properties of  meat product


The modern human food ration testifies of the insufficient consumption of vitamins and minerals, including selenium. The spectrum of selenium action in a human body is wide enough. According to the data of the epidemiological research more than 80 % of the of Russian population are provided with selenium below an optimum level (1). The paper deals with developing and processing a functional meat product enriched with selenium.

Meat products, including paste, are highly nourishing foodstuff. Minced paste meat is the ground homogeneous substance of the paste like consistence with aroma of spices. Paste belongs to emulsified products and its quality is mostly defined by the functional and technological properties of  minced meat.

One of the ways of the improvement of the minced paste meat technological properties is the combination of the  vegetative and animal origin proteins.The proteins of a vegetative origin are added into the structure of meat products in a dry or a hydrated  way or as part of the protein-fatty emulsions which allow  to rationally use meat raw materials and to regulate consumer properties of a ready product.

The objects of the research were the  minced paste meat combined with the protein-fatty emulsion and wheat flour (control) and minced paste meat combined with the protein-fatty emulsion enriched with  selenium flour and the protein stabilizer (experience). In developing the recipe of the  minced paste meat we used the pork skin as a protein stabilizer which had been boiled and ground with water. Then it was nessesary to define its water retaining ability  (2), as the basic functional and technological indicator of the minced paste meat.

As a result, the water-retaining ability of the minced paste meat sample  without the protein-fatty emulsion was 92.8 % (fig. 1). But its water retaining ability increased by 2.1 % after the addition of 5 % protein-fatty emulsion with wheat flour into the recipe. The protein-fatty emulsion increased the product´s binding properties due to dairy protein additive called  "Anisomin".

The increase of the dose of the added protein-fatty emulsion by 10 % resulted in higher water-retaining ability of minced paste meat by 1.5 %. But on the contrary, more than  10 % of the protein-fatty emulsion added to the substance did not bring about higher water retaining ability.

We found out that the addition of the selenium flour into the composition of the protein-fatty emulsion resulted in the increase of the water-retaining ability of the product, for the proñess of starch gelation started at 620 Ñ and higher which enabled the product to retain water.

The differences in the indicator studied are also caused by the changes of β-gluñan which is released from the walls of endosperm cells while the  process of wheat germination. High-molecular β-gluñan  seems to act as the additional gelation formation factor while the thermal processing. all this brings about higher  gelation formation ability of the minced paste meat.

The introduction of the protein stabilizer with high gelation forming properties into the structure of the trial samples enhanced the water-retaining process. As a result the more the dose protein-fatty emulsion samples, the higher the water-retaining ability of the minced paste meat because of the increase of the constituents of "Anisomin", biologically active additive, phosphates and the protein stabilizer in the dose.

Thus, the introduction of the protein-fatty emulsion with the selenium flour and the protein stabilizer into the  minced paste meat raised the functional and technological indicators of the  minced paste meat. In such a way the product is  enriched with selenium.




                 Fig.1. Water-retaining ability of the minced paste meat



List of Readings:


  1. Tuteljan V. A. Selenium in a Human Body:  Metabolism, Antioxidant Properties, Cancerogenesis Role/ V. A Tuteljan, etc. – Ì: Publishing House of the Russian Academy of Medical Science, 2002. –  224 p.

   2. Antipova L.V., Glotova I.A., Rogov I.A. Research Methods of Meat and Meat Products/ L.V.Antipova, etc. – Ì: Kolos,  2001. –  376 p.