Arzhanova G., prof. Lyashenko V., Smirnov V., Bondar O.
Dnipropetrovsk National University named after Oles Gonchar
Dynamics of behavioral reactions in rats in conditions of prolonged proton pump blocking 

   One of the actual problem of physiology is the study of the common factors of  body relationships with outside and internal environment. Most diseases which people face have psychosomatic nature. That is why for the timely diagnosis of various diseases, a lot of attention is paid to the study of changes in the nervous system and as a consequence of behavior changes. For the treatment of these pathologies in modern medicine we use drugs that reduce the ejection of hydrochloric acid. Most  drugs are used to block the hydrogen pump. But the consequences of such therapy can cause a number of side effects that influence processes in the nervous, cardio vascular and other systems.

   The aim of the presented work was to identify the effect of long block hydrogen pump of the stomach and the changes of vegetative system interactions. The vegetative indicators showed  the changes in behavioral reactions and  cardio rhythms of rats.

   For the research we used the technique of intra-abdominal injection, the method of "open field", recorded ECG, all data were calculated using parametric statistical methods.

   Every day the experimental group was injected the medication that blocks the operation of the stomach hydrogen pump, the pharmacological name "Omez", the active ingredient omeprazole ((RS)-6-methoxy-2-[(4-methoxy-3 ,5-dymetylpyrydyn-2-yl)) Type of 20 mg on kg intra-abdominal, during 30 days. To study the accuracy, the control group of animals was also injected with saline.

   To identify the effect of blocking of the stomach hydrogen pump on rats’ behavioral responses, we used the technique of "open field", which allows to analyze the motor, explorative and vegetative activities of animals. According to the research of VNS, we additionally recorded electrocardiogram using needle electrodes.

   Analyzing the obtained data, we can see that the motor activity of animals in the control group during the research had no significant change. The results obtained on the explorative activities which include exploring holes, central squares and stands, in the experimental group are unreliable, they only tend to increase. This suggests there are no links between this type of the animals’ activity and the mechanisms for hydrochloric acid production.

   Concerning the grooming, we have some reliable data. There was observed a sharp increase of the activity. This suggests an increase of anxiety, and so the excitation of the sympathetic nervous system rises. Urination and defecation are the effects of VNS (vegetative nervous system). Taking into account the reliable data, we can say that blocking the hydrogen pump leads to inhibition of the parasympathetic system. The number of acts of defecation and urination decreased as a percentage at 1.5 - 2 times.

  To research the influence of blocking hydrogen pump for the cardiovascular system, as a vegetation index, there were conducted some experiments during which the rats were taken cardiograms. ECG was recorded using needle electrodes on two front and back limbs. The recording and converting of the signal ECG was performed with the use of analog-digital converter.

   Diagrams or numerical record of pulsegram variation determined a number of indicators that allow to give a qualitative evaluation of autonomic tone.

The analysis of the form of basic totality of points and their distribution within a point allows tosuggest the heart rate type regulation. The equal cloud of scaterrgram shows the equilibrium state of the autonomic nervous system. The shift of cloud center to the lower left corner shows the dominance of the sympathetic and, conversely, its shift to the right shows the influence of parasympathetic dominance system on sinoatrial node.

    The diagrams of the rats of the control group during the experiment showed the prevalence of sympathetic type of heart rate regulation that corresponds to the general idea. This indicates the variation scale intervals R-R, which reflects the degree of heart rate variability, which at this stage of the research was 0,011 ± 0,001 s, the amplitude of modes - 70,40 ± 2,03%.

    The experimental data indicate that there was an increased impact of vagal on the heart sinoatrial node of rats. This is evidenced by the increased variation of cardio intervals to 0,014 ± 0,001 s and lower amplitude modes to 50 ± 2,05%. This tendency  was observed until the end of the research.

   The conclusions:

   The animals in the conditions of hydrogen pump blocking tended to increase explorative and motor activity.

   Grooming frequency decrease of the animals in the experimental group was observed from the first days of the study that indicates an increased anxiety.

   As a result of the hydrogen pump blocking, the acts of defecation and urination of rats on the "open field" significantly decreased at 1.5-2 times (p <0.05) during 30 days of the experiment.

  While stomach hydrogen pump blocking during the research there was observed the tendency of activation of parasympathetic autonomic nervous system, which showed increasing variations and the decrease of the amplitude modes.

  The increase of variations of cardio intervals and decrease of amplitude modes during the research indicates the activation of the parasympathetic nervous system.