Bazovkina A.

Petro Mohyla Black Sea State University, Ukraine

Innovation management in Ukraine

Annotation: Innovation management is very useful branch of management nowadays. It helps much more to bring into play the staff, improve the sphere of work and extract more benefit from your activity.

A basic purpose of innovation management is to provide durable functioning of enterprise on the basis of effective organization of innovative processes and high competitiveness of innovative product.

Innovation management is very urgent nowadays. Different authors investigated it for e.g. B. Twiss, A. Mansfield, J. Schumpeter, E. Rogers and others.

According to Michael S. Gorfinkel innovation management is one of directions of the strategic management which are carried out top-level of a management by the company. Its purpose is to define the basic directions of scientific, technical and industrial activity of firm in following areas: development and introduction of new production (innovation activity); modernization and improvement of produced products; the further development of manufacturing traditional kinds of production; removal from manufacture of out-of-date production. The main attention in innovation management is given to development of strategy of an innovation and the measures directed on its realization. Working out and release of new kinds of production becomes a priority direction of strategy of firm as defines all other directions of its development. More detailed scheme of innovation management is shown in img.1.

Img.1. Scheme of innovation management by B. Twiss

As it can be seen in img.1 innovation management starts with planning. Without a plan you will never succeed. Then conditions of organization should be determined. They are a critical part of innovation management, and involve working with structures, attraction and relation of human capital (reward and recognition systems), and communication patterns. The next stage is execution. Innovation Execution is an end-to-end process providing frameworks, practices, and tools your employees will use to solve the vast range of innovation challenges. The 4th stage of innovation management is leadership. Innovation and leadership are closely related. Leadership always has some focus on bringing about a better future. In this sense, leaders are necessarily innovators. And at the end the goal of innovation management is to implement its goal and strategy well.

1.      Aims and basic directions of innovation management.

Table 1. Directions of innovative management

The table 1 shows that the realization of innovative management as a whole assumes:

·      development of plans and programs of innovative activity;

·      observation of motion of development the new products and its introduction;

·      consideration of projects of creation of new products

·      conducting of single innovative policy: co-ordinations of activity in this area in production subdivisions;

·      providing finances and financial resources of the programs of innovative activity;

·      providing the innovative activity with skilled personnel;

·      creation of temporal target groups for composite solution of innovation problems - from the idea to the mass production of products.

2. Development and introduction of new products.

The concept of "new product" development by Cornelius Herstatt and Eric von Hippel says: the goods with new properties, production and sale of which added to existing assortment, usually is called a new product. Simple improvements of existing products here don't enter. New products can be either essentially new product or a combination of new adaptations, mechanisms, without change of the product.

According to the concept of "new product" the purposes of process of innovations can be combined to the following:

1) finding new technical decision of problem – creation of invention;

2) carrying out of research and developmental workings out (research and development);

3) adjustment of a batch production of production;

4) parallel preparation and the sale organization;

5) introduction of the new goods on the market;

6) fastening in the new markets by constant perfection of technology, increase of competitiveness of a product.

















Table 2. The basic stages of process of innovation

Many failures that are linked with applying of new products and technology in industry are explained by specialists in way that innovations arose up on the base of new knowledges, but not necessities. The leading role of the big companies in development of new production and technologies is explained in the way that they get advantage at solving and most capital-intensive stage of development of innovations - preparation of the mass production demanding creation of special capacities.

3. Innovation management by example of Japanese and USA firms

The investigation of Japanese companies showed the priority using in organization of innovative process of project groups control - temporal and permanent. It is known that the Japanese companies conquer a world market through development of new types of products. The Japanese firms attach importance to creative development of new commodities on the basis of technology of the company. They widely use the comprehensive approach to innovative activity. Service of merchandise development of products usually covers the whole sphere of activity of the company.

As well as in the American firms, in the Japanese companies relatively some new ideas were materialized in products, applied in mass industry and taken to the sale at the market. In the Japanese successfully functioning companies, according to the survey, 33% personal ideas reached to the stage of technical development, 47% from them - to the stage of commercial development, forecasting of possibilities of their realization, 56% from them were fully accepted and materialized in standards, produced in a mass production and reached to the market.

In USA "General Motors", in spite of powerful research base, managing of research subdivisions was limited until recently in the choice of directions of Research & Development. It was explained to a large in the way that into first place the production and financial problems were pulled out. The role of "disposing the failures" was given to research subdivisions, but not to creators of new products.

4. Problems of innovation management in Ukraine

In modern world steady mechanisms of scientific management and technical activity were formed in big firms. They reflect the features of process of integration in science and production, larger orientation of research and development on market necessities, strengthening of influence of market factors on determination of strategic positions of firms.

Ukraine meets problems of low rates in forming of innovations market now. The developed market of scientific-analytical products did not appear in Ukraine yet. The single national strategic line of innovation economy, low level of using the strategic arsenal in methods of scientific planning, prognostication, optimization, systems analysis are not formed.

Ukraine needs to undertake some steps:

1.    To begin to conduct an effective public policy, directed on priority scientific-technological development of Ukraine which is only declared now.

2.    To create the guided innovative model of development the state by assertion of national priorities.

3.    To improve state administration innovative activity.

4.    To complete forming of the single legislative field of innovative activity.

Conclusion: Analyzing the concepts an innovative management it can be said that innovation activity of company is directed on creation of production of new commodities (services). Success of any firm is closely related with innovative activity, because innovations, from the one side, require high investment expenses, and from the other - are the source of investments.

The object of the innovative management is one of the instruments of economy of resources, improvement of quality of commodities and rising of welfare of population. So today’s management – is, foremost, management on the basis of permanent innovations. And exactly innovations are the process of permanent update in all spheres - become component part of modern management in all his images.

Talking about Ukraine it has all pre-conditions for creation and claiming the innovative model of development of economy. There are some steps that should be fulfilled to reach the innovation activity in the country and to develop innovation management.


1.      Innovation management – G. Goldstein/ the regim of acess:

2.      Fatkhutdinov R. Innovative management - «Business is school «Intel - Synthesis» Moscow, 2008.