Pedagogical science/ 2.Problems of training  specialists.

 4.Strategic directions of the reform of the educational system


Shayakhmetova Rosa Iskanderovna

Director of the City Methodological Centre of the  Education Authority in Kazan, Candidate of  Pedagogic Sciences, Assistant Professor, Russia

Scientific and methodological provision of the development of innovative education in modern conditions

In recent years the activity of municipal methodological services has become more difficult and diverse in its tasks, content, forms and ways of implementation respectively. Along with the conventional work that any methodological centre is engaged in, the municipal methodological services ensure the scientific-methodological maintenance of pedagogical innovations, establishing close ties with Institutions of Higher Education and Scientific Institutions.

It is almost impossible for authorities to solve problems of development in the modern system of education in a qualitative manner without the work of the methodological service. If the education authorities set goals and detect the main directions and strategy of the system on the whole, methodological services create a favourable environment in which to implement the desired goals; namely the functioning and development of educational institutions. This role of the methodological service can be defined as supportive. For this purpose, the methodological service performs such functions as rendering practical and intellectual aid, the stimulation of innovative activities, the detection and elimination of defects, mending and establishing contacts and connections that exert a positive influence upon the implementation of goals in educational activities.

The creation of a favourable external environment for the development of educational institutions is one of the main areas of the support because, as research shows, educational institutions face numerous obstacles and unfavourable external factors impeding their innovative activities. 

However, it should be remembered that the support rendered by the methodological service is firstly aimed at the activation and not the substitution of self-guided work in educational institutions. In this respect it is important to determine the objects and the volume of support correctly. Its content, forms and methods should stimulate the activity of educational institutions themselves rather than suppress it. 

The methodological service is responsible for the quality of the support rendered with the expectation of getting definite results from it. It may happen that the preparation has been carried out in a qualitative manner but the implementation of the knowledge gained has not been realised. In the case of unsatisfactory results from the support, the reason should be found both in the support itself and in the usage of its means in the educational institution. Therefore, the main outcome from this should be the correspondence of school education to the targets of priority development because it is exactly this that is crucial for both individual success and for long term development. On the basis of this estimation, a national educational initiative, “Our New School”, is presently being implemented. One of the key aspects of this initiative includes the creation of a stimulus system for the best educators, with a constant increase in their level of qualification, and a replenishment with a new generation of teachers. A new school demands new teachers as well. Educators that both possess psychological knowledge and understand the peculiarities of child development, as well as being professionals in other fields and who are able to help children find their way in life and become self-reliant, will be needed. The key feature of the modern school is teachers who are attentive to the interests of pupils and who are open to everything that is new.

In the methodological service of Kazan City, there is sufficient experience in working with pedagogical personnel, the leading principles of which are differentiation, continuity and targeting. Work with educators on increasing their professionalism is notable for its cyclicality, which is the base of consistency. Consequently, its presence leads to a positive result that enables a shift from traditional forms of work to new ones. The methodological centre of the city works on the level of a service department and is in demand in new conditions.

          The content of this support is firstly the organisation of continuous education for pedagogical and administrative personnel. The methodological service of the city conducts an analysis on the increase in the qualifications of personnel, reveals the professional development needs of personnel and undertakes training events by making contacts with institutions of further vocational education. Presently, the City Methodological Centre (CMC) has the possibility to formulate educational programmes, linking them directly to those vital problems that are being solved in the educational system. Such training consists of more motivational intensity and personal orientation for educators and institutional leaders, rather than training of a mass nature. The combination of training along with the adoption of its results into practice brings about the greatest and most useful effect. It is not merely by chance that training events organised today by our centre in the city have become widespread. The educational activities of the CMC are fulfilled through the holding of training seminars, internships, practical training courses, master-classes and short-term courses to increase qualification, with the participation of practical specialists from institutions of higher education and so on. An analysis of results from a survey, along with the comments of participants at the final round-table discussion, concludes that these events in CMC, which are aimed at increasing professional growth of educators, are conducted in an organised manner; they are informative, interesting and orientated to solving the immediate problems of education in modern conditions; the teaching personnel are highly skilled; participants get very good theoretical and practical preparation in the areas of administration, pedagogical planning and information technologies that undoubtedly promotes an increase in the professional expertise of leaders and educators in the educational institutions of Kazan city.

         To expand upon this point, we will focus on internships as a means of increasing the qualification (under the auspices of educational leaders and foreign), that is used actively in the workings of the CMC. This form creates the conditions that allow interns to construct their own varying models of professional activity that they have learned from the studied innovative experience, adapted for the conditions of an exact educational institution. When using this form, the main role is played by leaders who show high results in their activity and who are winners of competitions, fellowships and projects. Undoubtedly, we count on them because their experience in success, and their zest that allows them to achieve the results, are projected into other schools. Moreover, their results give others the motivation to put innovation into practice; they make school staff work more seriously on increasing the quality of educational services, to undertake experimental activities and to constantly search for new technologies.

Currently, in the educational environment of Kazan city, there is a continual process of forming municipal resource centres that are based on the best educational institutions where educators -participants are interning in different areas of activity. These centres are relied upon to both spread progressive experience through practical classes, master-classes, presentations and individual consultations; as well as to perfect the professional excellence of educators. Presently, this form gives us the possibility to effectively and optimally organise methodological support for the activities of educators and institutions of education in Kazan. It is important to note the effective functioning of resource centres in such areas as: 1) The spread of positive pedagogical experiences while preparing pupils for the Unified State Examination (USE) and the State Final Certification (SFC). 2) The implementation of the city project “English for Everyone” devoted to the reception of ‘Universiade – 2013’  in a dignified manner.

As regards to the spread of positive pedagogical experiences, the results from USE in the years 2005-2012, along with other research, define a typology of significant gaps in the knowledge of pupils as well as the difficulties that teachers experience of the didactic and methodological types. This stipulates the necessity of providing a competent methodological activity with the purpose of increasing the quality of education. The results of USE and SFC require deep analysis and an evaluation of the quality in each school and in each subject because we perceive USE not only as a test for the pupil but as a test for the compliance of the school with the demands of the present time. Of course, the results of USE are influenced by the level of readiness in the subject, the testing culture of graduates and the psychological readiness, i.e. demonstrating your knowledge and skills in an unusual environment. Due to this, two important constituents of the activities of the CMC are the motivation and incentivising of the professional development of teachers in applying technologies of testing and their active and constant usage from junior school ages; and the development of new forms and mechanisms for checking the equality of education in schools. In relation to this, for us the leading role of resource centres is the replication and duplication of the most up-to-date pedagogical experience. In the last academic year, thirty nine resource centres were in operation in the city, each of which was performing their activity in accordance with a developed plan of work.

On the topic of the implementation of the project ‘English for Everyone’, its main goals  are also the creation of resource centres as part of specialised schools and gymnasiums for both increasing the quality of English language teaching and also the forming of school children’s skills in intercultural communication and their preparation for volunteering activity. The participants of this project have become leaders and English language teachers in Kazan schools as well as CMC methodologists project supervisors. A self-motivated  group of authors (teachers and methodologists) have developed a teaching aid “Welcome to Kazan” with an electronic supplement, the content of which is thirteen chapters orientated towards practice. Close attention is paid to the practice of oral speech, working with texts, writing different types of messages, and mastering the skills of public presentation. This teaching aid contains information about the history of Kazan, materials about the cultural and sporting life of the capital, interesting facts from the history of the Olympic youth movement, and information about the volunteering movement. Attending the classes that are carried out using all available facilities of the resource centres and exchanging work experience in seminars and scientific research conferences is proof that teachers apply modern pedagogical technologies widely.

On the whole, we can denote that the idea of creating resource centres for implementing internships is justified; the activity of providing methodological support to the work of educators is undertaken and directed at the effective training of school-leavers.

Hereby, it is important to note that internships for educators currently working in our city are carried out using the full support of educational institutions implementing innovative educational programmes and having positive results. Such “teaching by means of action” should become a normalisation in training and in the professional perfection of teachers. Educational programmes for increasing the qualifications of teachers should be built on a modular principle – they should change flexibly depending on the interests of educators that, in turn, are conditioned by the educational requirements of pupils.


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