N.Sabanbaev., A.Dandybaeva., K.Muskunov


Karaganda State University named after E. A. Buketov, the city of Karaganda

Karaganda University “Bolashak”


Nowadays, do we want it or not, it is hard to imagine a child without MP-3, MP-4, i-POD and mobile phone. Even at school some subjects’ tasks cannot be done without a computer, because as specialists say “Some additional information is found from internet, and home works can be done very well”. As you noticed, we start our first words about computer and internet is begun from their advantage.

It goes deep widely into our life so, that a child plays with a computer, not with toys, and he asserts his self – knowledge through internet. Most parents are very busy with their work and they cannot control their children’s’ life, because of that they sit in front of a monitor too much their health begin to make worse.

It is good to say not only about good sites of internet, and also about its bad.  “My music is you agent, and my fashion is also you agent” such phrase is taken its power and begun to a problem every day. Not only we, but also other people worry about it. We can give some examples: in 2002 on March 21 – year old Shon Willie loosed in virtual Ever Quest and counted his suicide. Young among 17-18 years don’t go out for months.  Even some of them tried to take disability saying that they ill with agoraphobia in order to play with online games without delay. When man plays on the computer, by researching psychologists, his mental powers and emotions are reduced, just eyesight and reflex are worked well. But, man forgets everything, when he sits in front of blue screen.

If it seems not enough to you, last time children ill with tendonitis.

There are many utterances about fight and shooting by the computer. By a process of playing a football, man’s sight, nerve and state of mind are going to worse. This change cannot be seen to eyesight, even cannot be felt. “That is man cannot do in reality, he tries to prove it on the computer,” – said doctor – specialists.

And now we are going to name the most authority games:

1)                     Bioshock Infinite  takes the first place without saying.

When Bioshock rose in the world of computer games, Ken Levine not losing a time started to create Bioshock Infinite. In 1900 USA scientists created the most ambitious project in Columbia. Just that in this city new game’s motive took place, in this detective Bucker DeWitt is searching disappeared Elizabeth. There is nobody who gives you a power, but there are terrible personages like Handymen and tonics. Say what you want, but the process of the game is interesting and adventure.

2)                     Darksiders 2 is in the second place. We can say more about this game. THQ Company sticks to the subject religion, but they are not interested in banality. This game’s main character is great knight “Death”. It is interesting when “Death Knight” stops the end of the world, which begins early time, and takes part in punishing guilty. But, our character is tender, and gamer should provide him with different and magic guns, before it he should show his wonderful intelligent in combinatorial analysis.

3)                     Far Cry 3 pedestal’s bronze gives to this game.

JubiSoft developers send us from dust Africa to tropics. Far Cry 3 series’ gamers don’t follow to game’s rules, they always have right to choose. For example: take simple silencer gun and sharp knife and kill enemy or with cries “Hurrah” enter to the centre of war?! For all that, gamer has no piece life and easy victory, because terrible Vass stands in front of you.

As you see, these games are cruel and terrible. We don’t boast such games; on the contrary, we want you understand how it will influence to your child. It is general theme for senior and junior. 

But after that event, when  in 2002 on March 21 – year old Shon Willie loosed in virtual Ever Quest and counted his suicide, the world doctors  get to worrying. Nowadays it is easy to enter to internet. Young among 17-18 years don’t go out for months.  Even some of them tried to take disability saying that they ill with agoraphobia in order to play with online games without delay.

When man plays on the computer, by researching psychologists, his mental powers and emotions are reduced, just eyesight and reflex are worked well. Flying in coloring world people cannot behave themselves in reality, because, 3D- image doesn’t look like real life’s picture.

Thereat, just man’s fingers work physically, and fall ill with tendonitis. Every second person ills with this disease. Doctors say, that especially child because of virtual games doesn’t interested to reality and forget about time at all. He forgets to have breakfast, passes time to sleep, and gives little attention to his appearance.

Thereby, fingers shake as presses on keyboard, become more frequent of headache, on time of sleeping dreams change their content, and back also give a sign about itself.

By research of International public health, worldwide internet influences bad to youth physically and psychologically. First of all, child will have bad eyesight, because not improved muscles tired very fast. And, spending much time in front of the computer injures backbone. Sitting immovable, working only with fingers injures nerve and appears disease such osteochondrosis, prostatitis and haemorrhoids.