FGCU VPO "Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University", Russia


FGCU VPO "Siberian Federal University", Russia


Marginalized concept of consciousness in the contemporary Russian philosophy


Основная цель этой статьи - наряду с устоявшимися и хорошо разработанными учениями о сознании, которые достаточно долгое время развивались усилиями многих выдающихся мыслителей и превратились, в куновском смысле слова, в парадигмы, выделить группу т.н. маргинальных концепций, дать краткое описание их специфики, значения и роли для философии сознания.

Keywords: marginality; signs of scientific marginality; alternative science; pseudoscience; "lzenauka"; marginal and rational way of thinking; consciousness.

 In the philosophy of diversity training exercises of consciousness is within three main areas: the dualistic, materialist and idealist line, which in turn are determined by the nature of the decisions in question are on the interaction of mind and matter. Therefore, the most appropriate classification of conceptions of consciousness has always been their distribution on the materialistic, dualist and idealistic theories and, in this framework, various “materializmov” (dialectical, metaphysical, vulgar, sociological), “idealizmov” (objective, subjective), “dualizmov” (substancional′nyj, èpifenomenal′nyj, etc.). These concepts keep its value in contemporary philosophy and culture. However, a more detailed classification of well-established concepts of consciousness has always been difficult, if not impossible, because of their complexity and diversity, it is difficult to find a more general authority for their Division and streamlining. Recently, however, with the increasing role and importance of a marginal science great development have marginalized the concept of consciousness. And, in this regard, it seems appropriate to separate them in a special group and describe its characteristics, together with well established and well-developed teachings about consciousness. This task is all the more interesting that attempts at solutions in modern philosophical science are virtually non-existent.

In order to accomplish the above objectives, we consider it necessary to decide, first of all, install signs scientific Marginalia; identify the positive and negative aspects; open public appointment and functions of the marginal science; Show historical examples of scientific marginalia’s; determine the ratio of fringe theories with the dominant science and pseudoscience (or pseudoscience); determine the ratio of official publication to scientific marginalia’s; uncover the causes of growth zones of marginality in the studies of the phenomenon of consciousness; a brief overview of a number of domestic marginal concepts of consciousness; determine the attitude of official academic science.

Science is based on the fundamental principles and standards of the scientific style of thinking is an holistic education. In its overall traffic will inevitably stand out some marginal border zone. These edge "Science zone" border are, first, its geographical periphery, so to speak "off the edge" of the dominant scientific centers, and manifested in different variations in local schools. Secondly, it peripherals, which not only "off the edge" of movement science, but also inside it in the form of micro trends, unusual areas of individual and group specific scientific search significantly deviant from the dominant Orthodox theories and concepts and fosters scientific Marginalia in the form of non-standard scientific concepts, models, open, schools, groups and individuals. It is in this latter aspect, we are here talking about scientific marginalize.

Thus, the phenomenon of science, which is characterized by marginal status in society is inevitable. I must say that today is a fairly common interpretation of the term "marginal", which are widely applied to extremely heterogeneous phenomena of social life, including the advancement of science. However, strict criteria for inclusion of a scientific direction to marginal currently does not yet exist. Today there are only attempts to describe the most common and obvious signs of marginalization, which are often not in a position to reveal the profound contradictory nature of marginal scientific product. The signs of a marginal nature of scientific concepts are often contradictory and mutually exclusive. This is due to the fact that science marginality has both aspects negative and positive, and performs certain social functions.

These common signs of a marginal scientific specifics, in our view, include the following:

· Pograničnost′, peripherality, okrainnost′ this particular theory, concept, or the discipline. This will inevitably exist in the overall development of the science, there is little controlled peripheral space and current scientific thought. Marginality is always borderline education, representing a marginal, neighbouring zone or transitional trend of peripheral structures to the dominant;

· Fringe science as established regional scientific process can have signs of the provincial backwardness.

· Quite often a marginal concept demonstrates the parasitic on this dominant, built on its denial or exploitation. This explains the often inherent from mediocrity, non-constructive, deformed, some form of scientific inquiry.

· There is a specificity of marginal style rationality. It is a complex scientific ideas, thinking patterns, do not always meet the prevailing standards of scientific rationality[1] and social development needs of domestic science. It should be noted that in this case it is not about any marginal concept, and one that flouts the rules and standards of scientific rationality. The marginal way of thinking is the research finding that no hard and fast rules. The process of the abolition of the rules of scientific research on advantage and makes his jump to marginal status.

· Marginal concepts considered highly speculative and weak support from the dominating directions of science development. However, in a broad sense, a marginal science, which is consistent with generally accepted norms, principles and standards of scientific research, and does not call for a revolution in science, is seen most often, although skeptical, but as quite good based on perceptions.

·  That is marginal science, not based on the standards of scientific thinking, in which there is no scientific rigor or plausibility, ultimately results in pseudoscience or "lzenauku". In this case, the term "fringe science" is sometimes used to describe theories that are actually pseudoscience. But the question is widely discussed in connection with the process of transformation of the style of scientific rationality. With the 60-ies of the last century, in the midst of a folding postpozitivizma, in the philosophy of science began revising the concept of rationality. In an effort to create a historical and methodological model of science, philosophers of science have found that rationality is specifically historical character. Close attention to scientific revolutions, which changing criteria of rationality, and accordingly to historical types of rationality, has cast doubt on the universality and the universality of scientific type of rationality. Today is just a process of changing the type of thinking that, in particular, can be seen as one of the reasons for the wide spread nowadays marginal concepts. In this sense, the alternative fringe science can apply for your particular type of rationality does not match generally accepted standards. And so, perhaps, terms such as "pseudoscience", "lzenauka", "deviant science" etc. in relation to marginalized theories and concepts are not always valid. These terms should be strictly to breed.

· However, the boundaries between fringe science and pseudoscience are quite controversial and diffused. Pseudoscience is different from a marginal science lack of scientific method and, accordingly, to reproduce the result. Member of the RUSSIAN ACADEMY of SCIENCES to combat pseudoscience and falsification of research is Valerius Kuvakin gives the following definition of "lzenauka": "Pseudoscience is a theoretical construct, the content of which is set in the independent scientific expertise, does not meet nor standards of scientific knowledge, nor any field of reality, and her subject either does not exist in principle, either significantly gerrymandered"[2].

In modern Russia the causes of prosperity of junk science need to recognize the crisis State of the society as a whole, reducing the status of science, growth pseudo-Institutions Of Higher Education in which there is virtually no process for the preparation of future scientists pupils the skills to formulate a hypothesis, assign tasks, determine the methodological framework. The consequence of this is the low culture of scientific work. Among the reasons also appeared in the information age, new hardware, and oddly enough, opening up opportunities for scientific irresponsibility and compilation.

· Fringe science can be considered as a protoscience, not having even the recognition of the majority of scientists.

· Recognition of marginal theories of scientific community largely depends on the quality of her discoveries.

· Marginal scientific direction may not receive recognition for many reasons, particularly because of the lack of completeness or contradictory evidence.

·  Despite the fact that most scientists considered marginal science as sound, albeit unlikely, nevertheless, marginal theories often serve as scientific material subject to the present, all kinds of harassment and repression by the official academic science. That is expressed in the absence of opportunities for her publications in well-known reputable journals, funding, grants, degrees, etc., that is, in the decoration of the isolated structure radically different, not allowed in academic science. And if today there was no Internet, then perhaps we have not learned ever about its existence. Of course, it has always existed, as much as there is science. But the only Internet enabled to detect it as inevitable, real existing phenomenon.

· Often the marginal trend of science can act as an alternative movement, seeking to escape from being standard and officials.

· Despite the abundance of negative traits and a marginal science may have a powerfully expressed positive content, because it takes the hypothetical space science experiment, which established not hypothetical Marginalia develop knowledge version enters the complex creative dialogue with each other. Because of this, so-called, regional processes of science can be a source of innovation, producing new breakthrough of science and become a stable structure of primary importance. It is well known how significant can be marginal scientific discovery. Often in the marginally are brilliant scientists. The history of science knows that very many examples[3]. You can think of, for example, the geometry of  Lobachevski, who received academic recognition only several decades later after the death of the scientist. Or research K.E. Tsiolkovsky, who at that time were not appreciated either fellow or else foreign scientists. The same can be said about set theory, Cantor's mathematics of German, which was subjected to fierce criticism from his contemporaries. The Cantor were given, inter alia, such public accusations as "scientific charlatan", "apostate" and "youth licentious". In the same row, and special relativity A. Einstein, which is far from being immediately adopted world the academic scientific community. Some of these examples could go on ad infinitum. Thus, the marginal scientific structure is one of the sources of innovation in science, the catalyst for its development. Activating the centrifugal forces of science, bringing her to a critical situation, which implies a fundamental change in the way of her existence, is one of the main purposes and function of the marginal scientific movements, schools and groups. 

What are the causes of the sharp increase in research areas of marginality of the phenomenon of consciousness? Among them, first of all, to provide rapid development and success of the philosophy in the study of consciousness. This success owes in recent decades, a genuine flowering of philosophical Sciences in General. Vladimir Vassiliev, notes that some authors[4] even the map current state of philosophy with Plato and Aristotle at times.

In turn, the impressive development of the philosophy of consciousness owing to deployment at the turn of the 20th-21st centuries. Informational-psychological war of new type, objects and field implementation of the human psyche and consciousness. They have led to the need for a comprehensive study of the phenomenon of consciousness and determined the further progress of science in this area. Among the most important scientific achievements in the first half and middle of the 20th century is the rapid development of the 1 's, the philosophy of mind;   at-2-h, quantum physics and subatomic research, created the quantum mechanical concept of energy-information interaction of consciousness and matter; b-3-x, scientific achievements, unparalleled neurophysiology and Neuropsychology discoveries in the study of the human brain; b-4-h, the development of Informatics, computing, communication and relationships, which led to the development of the information approach to the problem; b-5-x, achievements sociology, psychology and political science in the study of group and individual consciousness and behavior.

The consequences of rapid development of science in the field of consciousness are the rapid growth of peripheral concepts of consciousness.

Another reason for the growth of scientific research consciousness of marginalia’s difficulty and complexity of the process, since despite these achievements the problem the nature of consciousness, subjective feelings, thought, will, and their explanations and today, as in ancient times, remains one of the most complex and controversial. Not surprisingly, since consciousness is the most hard-to-reach for an objective understanding of the phenomenon. It has no dimensions and forms, no color, smell and taste, it cannot touch, feel, open hands, cut with a scalpel.

Solutions require not only the question of control of psychics and human consciousness, but also the definition of consciousness at a modern level of knowledge, the availability of different creatures (such as persons with mental disorders, in particular severe form because of mental retardation, children, animals, especially the lower).  As well as issues related to the knowledge level of matter and determine its specific level of consciousness.

The problem of consciousness is of direct relevance to the religious affairs of the existence of God, life after death, the soul immortality, general consistency of one religion or another. The problem of consciousness is of direct importance to explain issues related to the so-called "mysterious phenomena of the psyche." Solutions require registration status and practical tasks of human consciousness, direct observation of his feelings, thoughts, and volitional acts of another person using the equipment. Of great interest, for example, is detection of dreams and hallucinations, their possible entry, followed by demonstration of the subject or other researchers.

But perhaps the most difficult question of problem "consciousness and matter" - the question of their interaction. Often cited in this connection made in 1950, rude recognition largest physiologist, Nobel Laureate Charles Scott Herrington: "two thousand years ago Aristotle wondered: how consciousness is attached to the body? We're still asking the same question. Thinkers of all times and peoples voiced their concerns on this issue, there is a lot of scientific and near the scientific (marginal?), philosophical, religious and esoteric works, but still did not clearly provide the mechanisms of thought, consciousness, his ties with the human body (brain) and the inner world. Today, humanity is still on the approaches to resolving this problem, although purely practically almost perfectly learned to influence change and even suppress people's consciousness.

In fact, the brain is now deeply studied. A huge number of clinics and research centers studying it for more than 100 years developed expensive scientific equipment, there are thousands of studies and experiments, many millions spent billions of dollars of financial resources. For a long time and well researched chemical composition and divisions of the brain, their relationship with the functions of the human brain organization perception, attention, memory, speech, the functional blocks of the brain. But in any textbook, monograph, Journal of neurophysiology, philosophy or Neuropsychology we don't meet specific of scientific data on the brain with consciousness and mechanism of thought in it. 

Nothing surprising in this. Just no scientist has ever discovered the brain with our mind and identification centre - ourselves. Modern scientific methods of centers of thought and memory, as well as specific functions which implement the structure formation of thinking and memory in the cortex are not detected. Even today, many of the facts, on the other hand, indicate that there is not a consequence of thinking of physical brain substance. A growing number of scientists finds that mental phenomena cannot be born directly in the matter of the brain, may not be in it. Convincingly argues that the processes of thinking and decision-making are probably outside of our brain, outside of our physical body and our brain handles only its result-the result. So the human brain is a system for the management of the physical body and physical communication channel with the consciousness of the human body.

Of course, the efforts of scientists to study the brain were not in vain. Thanks it was a link to the forebrain physiological processes; much has been done to understand the neurophysiologic processes. But the most important thing is to find in the brain where you are born, live and spiders crawling thought, which is the center of our "me" could not be found. Failed to make even serious assumptions about how the brain can be associated with our thoughts and consciousness.

This leads to the conclusion that the dominant research areas on thinking about the phenomenon of consciousness have exhausted themselves, and this is no good, you need to fold new orientations and horizon research, which may yet and ripen in the peripheral zone.  But what cannot explain the dominant science begins to explain the marginal, which, as we have already pointed out, is it a niche. Marginal area today as developed in studies of the phenomenon of consciousness, prepares exactly this outcome. Because of this, and is abandoning to the common Center and actualization of peripheral areas in the study of the problem of consciousness. Topical becomes a new scientific paradigm, part of skeleton key ideas about the world.

Number of very innovative ideas about the most fundamental properties of consciousness is growing rapidly in recent years. To date, there are many experimental evidence hypotheses about the energy-fielders’ nature of thought and of consciousness. Many researchers conclude that perhaps this field structures responsible for the processes of interaction, thinking and consciousness. It is becoming increasingly apparent that human thought is a powerful source of information programmers, which are included in the energy-fielders’structure of the organism to adjust the programmer of his life. Energy-informational structures of the individual interacting with external energy-informative structures are one of the sources of changes of the surrounding world.

Today, many scientists[5]  come to the conclusion that the human brain can be likened to the radiating handover the transmitting antenna, that neuron only transmitting device. Handle, store information it cannot. The work C. Kurenkov notes: human brain  is not a "receptacle mind", receptacle of thoughts, but just antenna-Switchgears of reception and transmission of information in Wheaton[6]  form received by the physical body, the delicate contours of the Wheaton body. The neuron is the cell receiving-emitting antenna array, any way, in fact, is the cortex. It is able to translate informational radiation neuron Wheaton -fields in the Wheaton -electronic signal to the nervous system. It is a "plug" transition "radiation-current" antenna-a switching device is the cortex, and not something else[7].

Experiments to create a mental image held by domestic scholars, for example, A.F. Ohatrinym, A.V. Černetskim. They have led them to the conclusion that this is some kind of energy thought forms – clots at the field level by thoughts or emotional surges, emissions trading. Full member of the ACADEMY of NATURAL SCIENCES, Ph. d., A.F. Ohatrin formulated a hypothesis[8] about their micro-lepton nature. Micro-lepton, A.F. Ohatrina's submissions – is ultra light elementary particles that possess characteristics similar to torsion, axons, and spinners fields. According to this hypothesis, as not without-tight thought and thought forms, they are quite mundane, saturated certain moods and emotions that fill the space of our world, they can be embedded in people and to influence them.

Thus, in recent years, a number of researchers are increasingly considering consciousness outside of the anatomical structures of the brain, and bring it to the planetary, cosmic processes. According to these views, the brain perceives information from realms of consciousness and forms it into a sequence of effects on nerve centers, and they're on the muscles of a body of the physical body. What we today call INSTINCT - this is the core set of functions in the human brain.  Sphere of consciousness is all intellectual and emotional processes in human beings. Thinking and decision-making processes are out of our brain, outside of our physical body, they take place in another dimension - in the field of consciousness, and our brain is only a consequence of thinking - its result. So the human brain is a system for the management of the physical body and physical communication channel with the consciousness of the human body.

Scientific work appeared to justify the possibility of consciousness beyond the boundaries of the human person. In 1974, in his book "philosophical analysis Antinomies in science" Soviet philosopher A. K. Maneev [9], quoting Heraclitus  "Power of thinking is outside the body", said hypothesis: a structure that generates an idea is the biological field, field formation of Bio-systems. Accordingly all experience human situations that he endured, all the words he heard, and they were all said to be his biological field is recorded and stored in the form of original holograms, "which may indicate, in particular, the phenomenon of memory is highly organized beings". In other words, the "field-structure" – store our minds, thinking - it turns out as a generator would be the bearer of human individuality, our selves. "The brain, - says scientist - should be viewed as a block read information stored in the biological field system". 

I agree with this approach, the famous scientist PhD M. Mamardashvilli. "On the daily habit, he says, we tend to write acts of consciousness within the boundaries of anatomical shape. But maybe, somehow, the primary way consciousness is outside of the individual as a kind of space-like or field education "[10].

As part of the notion of quantum consciousness today there are several actively discussed theories. Researchers distinguish two main groups of their theories and hypotheses, none of which could yet prove firmly right of absoluteness and the truth.

The first development of the theory of interaction of consciousness to the outside world from the positions of the known fundamental interactions (gravitational, electromagnetic, weak and strong nuclear). The interaction of these theories appears as the energy-information exchange between consciousness and the surrounding world.

Second, the development of fundamentally new theories by introducing virtual (ephemeral) particles, fields, etc. 

The first group of the theories in the scientific literature extensively discusses quantum mechanical concept of energy-informational interaction. They are characterized by the use and further development of attitudes formed in quantum physics and the Micro-World. These include: the concept of quantum-mechanical non-locality. the theory of spinners (torsion) fields (the torsion of consciousness); model of physical vacuum; unified theory of all interactions.

The concept of quantum-mechanical non locality is based on the nature of the so-called non-local linkages between systems. In contrast to the well-known local field links, nonlocal connection does not depend on separate systems, perturbations are instantly, are escaped by the spread and strength of ties does not depend on the distance. Non locality is seen as the basis of a number of unusual "mysterious" phenomena of the psyche, and the phenomena of consciousness. An example of non-local links could serve as an instant effect long range quantum particles, called the Einstein Podolsk - Rosen, vividly illustrated-famous experience By (1949).

With the annihilation of an electron with a positron born two photons that were around in different directions. As soon as one of the photons reach the measuring instrument that registers its polarization vector, instantly was in the same situation of polarization vector of another photon. The "related" photons "distant" feel each other without exchanging the energy. A. Einstein explained this phenomenon as a kind of "telepathy" between quantum objects.

All such effects are not reduced to classical mechanisms of interaction, show that there is a special kind of interactions, Those are "the principle of the integrity of the universe", or as "General information" fields.

Novo-fashion theory spinners (torsion) fields also draws on forward-looking principles. In relation to the phenomenology of consciousness, L.М. Leskov explains, she presupposes the existence of " far from acting " (spinners) fields such as the electromagnetic and gravitational. Aware that the charges and masses interact via the electromagnetic and gravitational fields. Likewise, systems with spin, interact with each other by means of torsion fields. Torsion bar (torsion, torsion) strength, interaction is a consequence of the spin space. Torsion paradigm A.E. Asimov and G.I. Shipov is criticized by the Commission of the Presidium of the ACADEMY of SCIENCES to combat pseudoscience. However, it is hoped that the potential of the concept, despite the opposition of the Russian Committee for the fight against pseudoscience, but rather positive than negative.

V.C. Barašenkov developed exotic theory, which deals with time properties (MDX). The author proposes a neo-cosmos paradigm, in which the fundamental properties mèona, material objects and consciousness are considered common methodological positions. Information, meaning-contains a space Masha does not fit into the rigid three-dimensional geometry of our Universe. From the point of view of the mèones model of the Universe can be likened to a Möbius strip, which, as is well known, is a one-way surface, although formed from a sheet with two sides. And mèones the Universe includes our usual Euclidean space, with related material objects, and informational space mèona.

Close to this hypothesis is the idea of N.I. Kobozeva [11], that suggested that neural network of the brain filled with gas- psychoses, ultra light particles Atomic-molecular structures absorbed the brain. Psychos have half-integer spin, and their weight for four or seven orders of magnitude less than the mass of the electron. They have a very low density. You could say that these are truly vacuum particles. The neural network of the brain seems to absorb the ψ-particles of the cloud.

Thus, today, to solve the problem of explaining consciousness has many enthusiasts. There are a lot of very innovative approaches and perceptions about the most fundamental properties of the Universe. However, many of them far from completed rigorous theory, and not everyone enjoyed the favor of the scientific community.

[1] Note: Scientific rationality is seen in modern philosophy of science as an historically changing style of thinking, which is normative in nature, containing certain regulatory principles and participates in the creation of generalized image of reality, ensuring the integrity of the knowledge and preservation of traditions of scientific activity. 

[2] Кувакин В.А. Интернет пресс-конференция члена Комиссии РАН по борьбе с лженаукой и фальсификацией научных исследований //, 4.05.2010.

[3] См., например, Hansson S. O. Science and Pseudo-Science // Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 2008.

[4] См.: Armstrong D.M. Mind-Body’s Problem. Oxford, 1999. P. 81, 101-109. Цитируется по ист.: Мозг и сознание: выходы из лабиринта. В.Васильев. community/staff/vasiliev/consc.htm

[5] См., например, Бабиков Ю.А. Мировоззрение или Возвращение Прометея - Рязань: Издатель Ю.А. Бабиков., 2002. - 480; Гаряев П.П. Волновая генетика: перспективы. (Электронная библиотека Донецкого духовно-культурного центра «Орифламма»: http://dolmen.; Куренков С.Человек - разумный? Книга 4-я. Практическое применение принципа недопустимости заболеваний. 2006; Юдин В. В поисках Души. - Екатеринбург: Издательство «СВ-96», 2001., - 440.

[6] Note: Wheaton (from Latin vita-living) is a fundamental elementary particle-based biological energy fields and the biological life on the planet. The species name Babikovym J.A. in Chapter 8. «"Transurany" Periodic law" that he has the following characteristics: the mass of an electron vitona-0.62 m electron. Charge - 0 (zero). Shape of orbit - ellipse, in one of the tricks is an electron, i.e. Wheaton on kernel-companion of the second order and revolves around an electron around which can be up to 8 Wheaton. Coefficient Energy-saturation of Wheaton relative to the electron - 6. VITON is subject to all laws of wave theory for elementary particles. The speed of propagation of Wheaton field relative to the speed of light - 4S (4 speed of light in vacuum). The density of information field Wheaton relative to electron - 105 (instead of 1 byte of information "for an electron", can provide the same amount of 100 kilobytes of information).

[7] Куренков С.Человек - разумный? Книга 4-я. Практическое применение принципа недопустимости заболеваний. 2006. -С. 34-35.

[8] См.: Акимов А.Е., Охатрин А.Ф., Финогеев В.П. и др. Визуализация, обработка и анализ торсионной информации на носителях космических изображений // Горизонты науки и технологий XXI века: труды. Т.1 / Международный институт теор. и прикл. физики РАЕН. - М.: ФОЛИУМ, 2000. - С.101-128; Документальный фильм "Капли мира на злые сердца"Файл:Okhatrin_snapsh

[9] Манеев А. К. Философский анализ антиномий науки. Минск, 1974.

[10] Мамардашвили М.К. Сознание - это парадоксальность, к которой невозможно привыкнуть

[11] Кобозев Н.И. «О физико-химическом моделировании процессов информации и мышления» // Физическая химия, 1966, № 2; «Исследование в области термодинамики процессов информации и мышления». М.: МГУ, 1971.