Kunelbayev M, Nurahmetova G


Calculation of efficiency tubular solar collector


                The Kazakh State Women’s Training Pedagogical University

                     Republic of Kazakhstan, Almaty murat7508rambler.ru



The this work of the basic characteristics of a solar power plant, as well as any power installation, is efficiency which can be calculated by known techniques or it is defined experimentally, on a parity it is useful for made thermal energy and total intensity of sunlight. However the formula of calculation of   efficiency demands check since the developed collector contains new constructive elements. Settlement and experimental daily efficiency have satisfactory convergence within 7 % that testifies to reliability of settlement formulas.


     One of the basic characteristics of a solar power plant, as well as any power installation, is efficiency which can be calculated by known techniques or it is defined experimentally, on a parity it is useful for made thermal energy and total intensity of sunlight. However the formula of calculation of   efficiency demands check since the developed collector contains new constructive elements.

Average for each business hour of efficiency of a collector can be defined from expression:




Where: Å - density of a stream of solar radiation on a collector surface;

            Q - hour value of useful energy;

            Sc - the collector area;

The size of daily is not equal to average value of efficiency and is defined in a kind:




Where Qï - the full useful energy received in a collector for days;

         Qï - the daily sum of density of a stream of solar radiation.

According to the equation of thermal balance for stationary conditions, the quantity of useful energy received in solar collector is defined, how a difference between size of falling solar energy and quantity ýíåðãèé lost in environment:




Where Sê - the absorber area (an absorbing surface);

  Å - density of a stream of total solar radiation in a plane

         The lecturer;

 T1 - Ambient temperature;

 T 2 - average temperature of the absorbing panel of a collector.


  In practice for calculation Qï   the equation of Waller is used



             Where FR - the factor of heat removal equal



The initial data for calculation of factor of thermal losses through ëàâñàíîâîå a covering for a concrete collector are following parameters:





d4, ì




Âò/(ì ×ãðàä)
















Calculation of factor of thermal losses for a tubular collector we will make óïðîùåííî, as for a pipe multilayered èçîëÿöèîííûì the screen under the formula:


Having substituted corresponding values of parameters of a collector in the given formula we make calculations and we define that UL=4,9 Vat/m2.ch.

The initial data for efficiency calculation is:

UL Âò/ì2×ãðàä


d2, ì


( )å

Sê ì2










                F¢ =1/[1+(UL/h)]=0,98.                                               (1.7)                                                 

=0,806.                                                                 (1.8)

Hour change of power consumption of a water tank in experiment it is defined under the formula:


              Qá=c (mâDÒâ +mñDÒñ+míDÒí),                                                  (1.9)                                                             

Where with - the specific thermal capacity of water equal 4,2 êZhou / (kg ×C °);

mâ, mñ, mí - weight of water according to the top, average and bottom zone

the tank, equal 51 kg;

DÒâ, DÒñ,  difference of water temperatures in corresponding zones


At expense G=v × = 0,00128 kg/with results of calculation thermal productivity solar power plants and capacities solar collector are presented according to drawing 1.


         Drawing 1 - Dependence of calculation in hour efficiency solar collector from heating time









        Theoretical calculation of average daily efficiency shows that:


                                           =                                         (1.10)


Daily average EFFICIENCY ÒÊ according to experiment according to drawing 2 it is equal:




Settlement and experimental daily efficiency have satisfactory convergence within 7 % that testifies to reliability of settlement formulas. It speaks the successful constructive decision, application of mirror reflectors and cellular structure of a transparent covering that confirms an initial hypothesis.




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